Chapter 30 - Katakuri, Tsurus Plan

One day later...

Sora woke up relatively early to continue his own fun scaring people on other ships with Sea Kings. The people who would have been scared by him were lucky, though, this was the day Katakuri arrived at Big Berry. As Sora was about to dive into the ocean, he saw a pretty big personal ship coming towards him.

Different from the one he remembered Ace having in the anime, this one had two sails. The Big Mom Pirates' jolly roger was on the front sail while the other simply said 'Big Mom Pirates.' On the boat stood an extremely tall man. Sora knew already his height was 16 feet 8 inches. This was Katakuri.

'Holy shit. I thought Akainu was already a giant at 10 feet but this dude's massive! I can barely imagine how big characters like Jack, Queen, King and Kaido are. Wait! Since he's already that big how massive is Big Mom? She makes him look small! And Smoothie's like 15 feet tall, right? At least I can use size manipulation.' He thought to himself.

Thinking this, he prepared to greet Katakuri and ask for some of the food on this island. He had to make a good impression on Katakuri, so he could marry a few of his sisters, after all.

———Meanwhile, On The Way To MarineFord——

Tsuru: "Sengoku, have Ain, Gion, Isuka and Tashigi gather for when I return. I have an idea to give Sora a headache in his journey as a pirate."

Sengoku: "You don't plan on giving him more wives do you? He's simply unstoppable for them. It would just be delivering a bunch of women to his door step."

Tsuru: "Well, if they become his wives thats up to them... Anyway, just have them gather! I have a way to cause Sora some trouble! I did allow him to be a pirate, but I never said I liked it!!"

Sengoku: "Okay, Tsuru-chan, I'll have them gather. This better be a good plan, I also want him to suffer a bit! I've gotten a lot of extra work because the world government wants him gone! They don't want another Ace and Sabo."


Tsuru hung up quickly after hearing him agree then she began to prepare to enter Soras world with the girls. She would use them as a way to help convince some of Soras women to join the marines in this special unit to annoy Sora. In the end, she was able to convince Belle-mere, Sandersonia and Marigold. Not as many as she hoped, but enough. They all needed something to do while they weren't adventuring with Sora, so she thought she could get more. Never would she have thought they took a liking to something new she learned were called 'video games.' Apparently Sora had simply brought them out one day since he realized they were bored inside not doing anything.

After trying one herself, she had to admit, they were entertaining. Shaking her head the left with those that had agreed to help her make some trouble for Sora. She knew it would only annoy him a little, but that was her goal.

——————-Back To Big Berry Island——————

It was now nearly night time and Katakuri had mostly finished dealing with the matter of Big Berry. He had already noticed the Lightning Wing Pirates' ship when he arrived, and worked as fast as he could to talk to their Captain, Sora.

Now, after finishing all his work, he finally had the opportunity. He headed toward the ship and stood in front of it when he arrived to show he came in peace. Soon, Sora came out with who Katakuri remembered was the presumed Vice-Captain, Monet.

Katakuri: "Greetings, "Reckless Lightning" Voi D. Sora. I am Katakuri if the Big Mom Pirates. My mother wishes to form ties with you."

Sora: "Yeah, so which of your sisters are marrying me? I don't just want one. Of course, I'll go over and woo them myself if I have to. Oh and I won't join your pirate crew afterward either!"

Katakuri got annoyed hearing Sora was asking for more than one of his sisters. Moreover he wanted them without joining the Big Mom Pirates! If he wasn't so strong, Katakuri would have already killed him! He wasn't afraid of Sora, he just didn't want to get in any unnecessary fights. At this moment Money spoke up.

Monet: "Sorry, my Captain is a very greedy man. You should have heard of Ace and Sabo? Those are my Captains older brothers. They also happen to be weaker than Sora. There is no way he would join a crew who's strongest person is weaker than the weakest of us. Go back and tell Big Mom he wishes to take a few of your sisters as brides, and he will prove his strength once he arrives at the New World. It should be an honor for your sisters to join Sora's harem."

After finishing her statement, Monet took Soras arm and left. Tonight was her night, so she was very annoyed Katakuri had come to pester them. Meanwhile, Katakuri stood in shock registering everything Monet had just said. If it was all true, then he had to rush back and tell his mother personally. Fire King Ace and Dark King Sabo had a younger brother! And that brother was stronger than them! This information could put then ahead of most of the other Four Emperors! Whitebeard was excluded because Ace was good friends with him.

After gathering his thoughts Katakuri quickly headed for his personal ship and left as fast as he could. He had already dealt with any important matters, leaving the food behind wouldn't be so bad with the valuable information he got.