Chapter 40 - Justice Path

Hina was seated behind a desk waiting for people to enter her own path. She was currently dressed in a black office suit, acting the part of a teacher which she had seen in anime. On the desk in front of her, there were several stacks if paper. These papers were tests she would administer as her own trial. Her conditions for passing where a grade of 90% correct or above in 50 question. This meant to pass they were required to get 45 questions correct at the very least. The punishment was to be chained up until everyone taking the current round if tests finished. Then they would take it again.

Akainu stormed in with his crew and immediately started to attack. "Great Eruption!!" He yelled. Hina simply used her chains to bind him. Then she tried explaining her trial, but was interrupted by several of the marines attacking her. Being around Akainu so long, they were naturally affected by his thinking. Most of them, thought like him and only sought to eliminate any and all pirates. They wouldn't listen to her because she's a pirate!

Eventually Hina got irritated and chained all of them up. She also sealed their mouths so they couldn't yell and interrupt her.

Hina: "As Hina was saying, Hina has prepared a test for all of you. Hina made sure it was a simple test that anyone can pass. You only need to get 45 out of 50 questions correct to pass Hina's test. Hina will hand out the test and writing utensils. Nobody is allowed to speak during the test. If you finish early, immediately turn your test in to Hina. Hina has mastery over Observation Haki, so you can't fool Hina. Once you pass you can continue down the path and Hina will not get in your way."

Akainu who was closest to desk, saw the stack of papers and immediately shot a glob of magma at them. Hina was not expecting this, so she had no preparation to block it. Like this, Akainu melted all the papers. In his mind, they would get past her if there were no tests to begin with. Hina glared at Akainu and tightened the chains holding everyone. She had put a lot if effort into making those test on the new laptop Sora had gifted her. Now, she had to get and print more!

Hina: "Hina will be back soon with your tests, everyone gets minus 10% for that, so to pass the first round, it is required to get every question right."

Saying that she turned and left to get tests. Once she returned she let one person go and handed them a test. Since Akainu had already burned them once, and they obviously weren't going to try unless they were forced, she decided to maks everyone test one at a time. This was extra punishment for them.

Eventually, the first marine finished his test and threw it back at Hina. Hina didn't mind the attitude and simply looked over the test. The marine had simply written "ELIMINATE ALL EVIL" on every page and ignored the questions. She marked it with a zero and chained him up again.

This happened several times until eventually someone actually answered the questions. The frustrated Hina was satisfied to finally have someone answer the questions even though he only got about half right. She marked it with a 50 and chained him back up. Like this her trial continued with most marines completely failing in the same way, while few would try.

Finally, she ended up on Akainu. Surprisingly, he answered all the questions. He received a 90 in the end, but was unable to move on due to his previous action. Once again, she began to test them one by one. Nobody passed again. Most of those that had previously tried got the same score again with only one having a lower score. Eventually, she got back to Akainu, and this time he was able to get 100% and move on. The reason he had decided to take the test was due to his goal to capture Sora. He knew the others probably had different trials, and his was already extremely time consuming. He didn't want to waste anymore time on this.