Chapter 43 - World Path

Nami sat on a chair while waiting for her participants. Honestly, she hoped nobody would go to her path. She had more serious matter to attend to, like taking selfies. She was bored waiting for this to end. Sora had taken her phone from her, so she would have to pay attention to this.

Eventually the other two CP0 agents walked in. She sighed. She wasn't a killer, in fact; her training didn't involve any killing whatsoever-just sparing, so she would need to get Sora to do it for her if they failed her trial. She didn't have any first hand experience with Celestial Dragons, nor did she put as much faith in Soras words as Anna. He tended to exaggerate when he was being really emotional.

When he first told them about them he was really angry, so she assumed he exaggerated. As soon as the CP0 agents arrived, they began to yell about enslaving all of the Lightning Wing Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates before executing their Captains in front of them.

Now, Nami usually treated Sora kind of roughly. She was basically one of the wives who kept him in check a lot of the time and didn't just follow along with his antics. But that wasn't to say she really loved and cared for him. Or his other wives, her sisters.

Hearing them say this she immediately threw the idea of asking Sora to kill them for her if they failed out the window. She felt she had to do it by herself, otherwise she wouldn't be ready for the future. She already thought that she was likely to have to kill people in the future, so she thought that she could experience it now. At the very least, it would prepare her for the future, when she was likely to have to do it again.

Nami's trial originally had her quizzing them on various ways to steer a ship in response to weather conditions. However, now, she didn't want to do something they could pass. She instead decided a fight was necessary to show these their place.

Nami moved into action and swung her staff toward the shorter ones head. He barely managed to dodge, thanks entirely to his high quality observation haki. The taller one took this opportunity to lunge at Nami, which she easily dodged. Then she once again swung her staff. This time, she aimed for the knees of the larger one, aiming to incapacitate him.

She succeeded and moved to bash his head in, but held back, allowing him to maintain his life. She would have done the same thing with the smaller one, however, he began to run immediately after the larger one fell; presumably with the idea to warn his leaders of the strength of Soras crew.

Seeing that, Nami threw her bo staff out like a spear. She struck the cp0 agent in the back of the head, knocking him out. That was when Sora appeared to finish off the cp0 agents.

Nami: "I was gonna do it."

Sora: "You really don't have to. Not everyone needs to be a killer. If I wanted an army, I would raise one."

Nami: "Oh."

No longer speaking, Sora shot a boot of lightning into the bodies of each of the cp0 agents. "Let's go back then!" He exclaimed and took them back to the Lightning Blossom. There, the pirate group partied like the Red Hair Pirates over the deaths of the cp0 agents. With the deaths of the World Governments secret weapons, the Lightning Wing Pirates were one step closer to usurping the world!


It's been awhile, had to deal with a bunch of family matters. AKA my older sister doesn't know how be a proper mother and is beyond stupid. She tried calling the cops on me for giving my nephews some chips as a reward for helping me clean the house, something she hasn't helped do in over 15 years. So, I was basically dealing with that, resulting in her finally getting kicked out of the house and basically abandoning her kids here. She finally picked them up today after leaving them for awhile without even calling to ask how they were, and we had to give em to her cos otherwise we could be considered kidnappers. She would definitely try n call the cops for that and I already got a warning, I don't feel like getting arrested. Mother is always right thanks to the law.

Anyways, since I came back n forgot where I was, I read thru this and I came to the conclusion that I'm not satisfied with it. Currently, I'm thinking I'll start over, and basically make it completely different, but better. There's a lot of stuff I've mentioned and not actually had the chance to use, so I think it's best to just start over. The plan for that would be mc (might not be named Sora idk) starts in pokemon then moving to monster pet evolution, then yugioh, hs of the dead. This mc would be op as well, with infinite system points.

In the end, I might not entirely drop this though, since it can still serve as writing practice for me. Lmk your thoughts.