Chapter 46 - Moving on

Luffy: "Now it's my turn! Gomu gomu no Gatlin!!"

As Luffy began his attack two little boys appeared next to him. They resembled Luffy himself except one had blonde hair and the other red. They proceeded to follow Luffy and use the same move to attack the three Admirals. He assumed they were his gloves, however, Sora was confused as to how they were using Luffys rubber powers.

Luna: {I have no idea. Protagonist always pull some bs out of their asses!}

Sora:'True, at least he doesn't have any other powers. That's whack as hell.'

Although the trio of Admirals tried to fight back, they were one sidedly beat up by Luffy and the two kids. When they knocked them out, the boys threw them on top of each other before standing on them like they just came out victorious against some formidable enemy. Luffy was high-fiving them while praising them. Everyone watching only felt bad for the marines. Here was Luffy practically mocking their attempts at fending off children!

Later, Sora found out Luffy had named the children Blondie and Redie. Not exactly the best names at all, but it was Luffy-like to be bad at naming things. Thankfully, those weren't their actual names because Clemmy and Zoro stepped in to stop such a cruel thing. They were actually named Torou and Loby.

Once the Admirals recovered, they were reunited with their crews and Sora decided he should leave soon. Now that everything was done, Tsuru would also make her way through the maze soon, and he didn't want to be around when she did. He gathered everyone together to throw another quick party before departing.

While everyone was having fun, Sora was actually listening in to CP9. They were in a secluded building at the moment discussing what their next move should be. After reporting to the World Government about the death of 4 CP0 agents, their chief, Spandam, had laid all the blame on them. This caused them to be fired from the World Government, and in the future they would be wanted men. They actually planned to find Sabo quickly, due to their own knowledge that they were currently too weak. If not for Sora having a bigger target on his head, they would most definitely be targeted to die before reaching the New World.

Fortunately for them, the Gorosei and Im were too obsessed with ending Sora, and did not put much importance to them. This resulted in them having a chance to make it to Sabo before they died. They didn't plan to help him if he really attempted to do anything evil, however. Since they had seen the way Sora acted they thought his brother must be similar and then they would happily join his crew. They didn't know that Sora actually planned to eliminate the World Government once he reached Sabaody.

In order to give the people of the world a chance to prepare for the coming change, he would do so slowly by hunting Celestial Dragons. He assumed they wouldn't think too much of it at first, but once it was known he was actively hunting them, people would begin to think about how the 'rulers' of the world were going to be eliminated.

This was also part of his plan to meet Belo Betty. The revolutionary army would surely take notice of his actions from the moment his first kill was known, thus prompting them to contact him. And who better to contact him then a woman? He was always seen around women, and barely interacted with men unless he found them interesting, after all. With some luck, he could even attract other powers to him, such as the Vinsmokes. When he is able, he wanted to revive Sanji's mother too. He wondered if he should add her to his harem too, though. He was already adding Reiju and he felt a little bad for Sanji, taking his mother too. He also thought it would be a little strange due to her name being Sora as well. He would decide when he met her, anyway it wasn't like Sanji wouldn't still be her son after Sora and her hooked up.

As Sora thought about all these things, he made the call to set off for Sabaody. He would deal with whatever happened when he had too. For now, he should focus on whatever needed it. He could easily handle anything with his pure power. After they began to make their way away from Water 7, Sora retreated to his room in his castle to watch anime again. He forgot about wether Luffy would meet Franky or not completely.

As they set off, Monet began to write several forms containing laws and regulation for the world that were fair. She knew what Sora planned and took it upon herself to create a satisfactory new world government. She had also heard about the idea of guilds from Sora and began to write that out too. Of course, in accordance to Sora's wishes she would not have this implemented until he decided it was time to. Anna was helping her, while Kuina was relaying several things to Kalifa, who was doing the same for Sora's own world.

The reason they weren't working together was due to Kalifa having to account for the future having many more powers and abilities due to the nature of the world. She also needed an actual plan for the devil fruits found in Sora's world. It would be fine to allow anyone to get them, but she thought that everyone should be useful in some way after eating a devil fruit. Thus she came up with a power registry, so people would have IDs that included their special abilities and skills, wether it was swordsmanship, shooting or making it rain. She also changed what Devil Fruits would be called to Gift Fruits.

In this way it could be differentiates because Gift fruits had no weaknesses of Devil Fruits. She also formed a few laws based off her speculation of the next world they would be traveling to. Some of those laws included cities having a few public arenas for 'Pokemon' duels or 'Yu-Gi-Oh!' duels. Just based off adjusting for those, she realized how much she needed more help with this. 'Hopefully he would find some more capable women soon' she thought.