Part 5

Part 5

On Thursday morning at school.

Although spring is nearing, The day's air temperature seems lower than in previous years.

"Good morning, good morning. How cold!"

Behind me, a soft voice rang out.

I didn't think they were talking to me, and the voice panicked as I continued walking.

"Hey, wait a minute ~ Ayanokouji-kun?

It seems the owner of the voice once again called for me.

I look back at the homeroom teacher class B, Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"Wait a minute ~."

My arm was caught by her cold hand.

How could a female teacher hold a male student's arm?

"Sorry. I didn't think you were talking to me. What's the matter?"

"So you don't want to talk if there wasn't anything?"

She grabbed my arm and then looked at me.

This is the kind of behavior people find cute.

Maybe because I often watched every movement of Kushida's made, I gradually began to

recognize this behavior.

"That is not what I meant..."

I pulled my arm a little stronger and released it from Hoshinomiya-sensei.

Seeing movements like that from me, she grinned for some reason.

"Hey. Do you do this to your girlfriend?"

"No, I do not have one."

"Oh - Really? Despite being in a very blessed environment."

What does she mean by 'very blessed'?

"Hey ~ you don't understand."

Hoshinomiya-sensei whispered into my ear, it was unnecessary for her to do this.

"Students in this school are in an environment that is easy for love to form."


I asked back, and Hoshinomiya-sensei was a little surprised.

"Do you really not know?"

"Yes, I don't know at all."

After I convinced her, Hoshinomiya-sensei lightly hit my shoulder two to three times.

"I always felt that I needed a big circle to appear to be in a different vector and find

Ayanokouji-kun's cuteness."

I don't know exactly what this person wants to say.

"I'll say it first ... I'm sorry for the current situation. I've thought about this before. I always feel

that it's a problem to let men and women live in the same dormitory."

"Is that so?"

Because the rooms are separate, I feel it's fine. I wanted to escape from this distance from her

where I can even feel her breath. However, Hoshinomiya-sensei once again walked closer.

"This is a story I heard from a friend. There is a company that has a tradition. People who work

must stay in the company dormitory for training for two months. One room contains two people,

of course, separate men and women."

"... Ok."

Every time I attempt to increase my distance from her, she moves closer again, I can only give

up and continue to listen.

"But if two people use the same room, it's easy for problems to surface. There's a boy who

hates Natto. He doesn't just hate its smell, he doesn't even like to see it. So the first thing he

says to his roommate is "Don't eat natto in front of me," but his roommate really likes natto, his

roommate thinks that there is no problem if he doesn't force him to eat, so on the first day of

living with him, he eats it in front of the roommate who hates Natto. As a result, the roommate

who hated Natto rushed out of the room. "

What is this person trying to say? I believe it has nothing to do with living in a dormitory.

"You think I'm talking about a topic that has nothing to do with it, right? But it's very important."

Hoshinomiya-sensei continued.

"This incident was discovered by the company. Eventually the room sharing system was

abolished that year, and new employees the following year received private rooms, as well as

the school's dormitory, and as a result, there were major changes compared to the previous

year. Why do you think that is?"

"Is it due to a problem between men and women?"

"Yes. With the implementation of the room sharing system, only 1 or 2 couples we formed.

However, when it becomes a private room, there are a total of 7 or 8 couples. When you have

friends in your room, even if you have someone you like, but if you invite them to your room,

isn't there still someone blocking it? However, it's easy to spread strange rumors, so everyone

will be on the lookout for each other and the relationship won't develop towards love. But - "

If it's a private room, we don't need to worry about that, because we can meet in secret.

"Therefore, the possibility of developing love will increase."

As a result, when I said I didn't have a girlfriend, it surprised her.

"Then I want to ask, are there many students in relationships this year?"

"There's actually not too many this year ~."

Hey, I don't think you should be saying so many things to me here.

Even if I said this to Hoshinomiya-sensei, it would be useless, so I choose not to say anything.

"Is sensei's theory wrong?"

"It is impossible."

She denied it confidently.

"Students don't understand how good the environment around them is."

I don't know whether the steps are positive or not.

"Maybe you will regret it one day, isn't it better to be in love now?

This person instills such a thing in students, who are supposed to be focusing on studying.

Although I know that there are all types of teachers, in a sense, these are also the most difficult

types of teachers to understand.

"Sorry, may I ask?"

"Hey? Am I going to accept a boy younger than me? No, no, a first year high school student too


"I didn't say that."

"I know. You should laugh out loud now."

I should have laughed just now. Her steps were interrupted because of the incident just now.

"Is there anything you want to ask, let me hear it."

After I opened the topic, I asked again.

"Even if you suggest falling in love, it will be very difficult if you fall in love with students in other



"Because classes compete with each other. This can cause problems."

After I said what I was supposed to think, I saw that her eyes got bright and started to shine.

"Isn't that better ~!"

"... Eh?"

"You should try your best for your class? But if your girlfriend is in a competitor class, there will

be difficulties and attachments and that will cause drama at the same time."

She was very touched by her own words, and it seemed like she repeated that in his head.

"If normal interpersonal relationships become complicated and entangled, isn't competition more


"This ... um, maybe.

If that happens, competition will indeed become fierce. Not surprisingly, there are people who

will betray their class for the sake of a lover.

And in fact, it is impossible to master all these things and manage them well.

"What are you talking about?"

"If a rumor were to form, what will you do."

Rumors? Hoshinomiya-sensei said strange things. It seems that I am completely unaware that

there is someone.

Hoshinomiya-sensei stopped talking and walked away from me.

"We're just chatting, Sae-chan. Why are you showing such a terrible expression?"

"He is my student."

"You seem very worried about Ayanokouji-kun. But, he will soon be revealed in this special

exam if he is truly competent. After all, he will fight with the rumored Sakayanagi-san, the best

student in this high school."

"Then you don't have to be involved here."

"Ah, that's right, Sae-chan."

Hoshinomiya-sensei teased Chabashira-sensei and laughed. It seems strange enough she

came to contact me. After Hoshinomiya-sensei left, Chabashira-sensei glanced at me from the


It seems like she is worried about what we were talking about.

"Do you want to know what we were talking about?"

However, I took the initiative to speak to her.

Chabashira-sensei said nothing, seemingly waiting for my next comment.

"The topic, was about roommates."

"Roommates? ... Don't talk about boring things."

Chabashira-sensei seems to know things related to roommates.

In short, I think that the company she mentioned refers to this school.

And that the dorm rooms were originally double rooms instead of single rooms.

If I wanted to confirm this, I could ask. But that doesn't matter to me at all.