Part 2

Part 2

After finishing lunch and greeting them, Haruka exclaimed.

"Ichinose-san is always so cute. Especially her last smile. What do you guys think ?

"I don't ..."

"Ah, Yukimu is blushing from remembering."

"Am not. "

"Honestly, I admit it. Besides, even though I'm a girl, I feel that she's very cute. Boys don't even

have to say it."

Airi thought like that, and continued to remember.

"Miyatchi and Kiyopon, what do you think?"

We didn't want to end up with the same fate as Keisei, because Haruka is trying to tease and

deceive us.

"If I'm not mistaken ... was Ichinose using perfume?"

"Oh, that. I also noticed, she was using orange perfume, right?"

"Yes. This was probably the most surprising thing for me. I wonder if she had a change in


"Seeing that now, what do the three of you think?"

Asking for this opinion of the boys, we might not understand.

"Is it about wearing perfume? Even though she wears it, maybe it's just today's interest."

When Haruka heard this answer from Keisei, she sighed.

"Men really ... can't see small changes at all. Don't they?"

"... Putting that aside. Looks like it's not just us, but battles in other classes also look very


In order to change the subject, Akito said this.

"Even Class D, too, to win against the upper classes, they are not fighting honestly. If it

continues like this, maybe their actions towards Class B, could get more serious."

To avoid Haruka's banter, Keisei continued Akito's conversation. His predictions might not be


Even though there have only been 3 victims so far, it's not surprising if the victims will increase


"After all they are fighting without Ryuuen now. If they don't use dirty trick, then they have no

chance of winning."

"Even so. I feel that the methods being used are all similar to Ryuuen-kun's strategies. What are

they trying to do?"

Indeed, the strategy of putting pressure on the opponent was what Ryuuen used to use.

"But it's in vain. This trick isn't enough to destroy the unity of Class B. After chatting with them

today, I think it's better to fight Class A than to fight with Class B like that."

"Hmm, why does Yukimu think that?"

"They have a strong unity and will not blindly act in their own hands. They are always being

sincere. These two points, is not something you find in any class. As a result, they can perform

solidly at any event with good results. I don't think we can win against an opponent like that. "

Class B can constantly achieve above average results, something that Keisei seems to be afraid


"But, even though they can reach average levels at various events. That doesn't mean they

won't lose, right?"

Even though they can score 80 points or 90 points from all 7 events, if their opponent gets 100

points, they will lose.

"With 7 unpredictable events on that day, are they guaranteed to win? For Class C and Class D,

we might be able to win at some of the events that we specifically proposed, but on the other

hand, for unknown events, we might be defeated, and maybe we will be the class that falls

down. "

"Well ... um ... that's possible."

Airi understood the reason Keisei said, and nodded repeatedly to express her agreement.

"Hey, hey, wait."

When we had just turned around in the corner of the corridor, Haruka suddenly pulled back

Keisei who was walking in front.


Haruka immediately covered Keisei's mouth and pointed forward.

It was Ike and Shinohara. They happened to be not far from us.

"Hey, Shinohara."

"What? "

"That's ... Just ... Yes ..."

"I can't hear you. What do you want to say?"

We can hear their conversation, even though their voices are very quiet.

"... Sunday ... In general, do you have time?"

"Sunday? I have no plans ... Hey! What's this about?"

"How do I say it, I want to invite you to go out. Are you available?"

It was an exchange between the two of them, although it was quiet, but it was still audible.

Haruka and Airi looked at one another excitedly, while on the other hand Keisei and Akito

expressed different reactions.

"I remember, Sunday is White day, right? Has Shinohara-san given chocolate to Ike-kun


"It seems like it."

At first, Shinohara was surprised at the invitation from Ike. But she slowly began to understand

the situation.

"Oh, that, because you gave me chocolate before ... I intend to return the favor."

"It was actually just a coincidence. You really ... Wait, do you when have money?"

"There's still a little ... Of course, if you don't want to, that's fine."

"... I didn't say no."

"Th-that means ..."

"You, don't misunderstand! It's because we're about to take a special exam soon, this Sunday is

the last chance to relax. And because you said you wanted to invite me, it wasn't a bad thing."

Somehow, I recalled what Hoshinomiya-sensei said in the morning.

In places that I don't know about, maybe various seeds are starting to appear.

"Let's go."

"Oh, wait a minute. I am seeing something amazing."

"Don't disturb someone's romance."

Akito pulled Haruka and went in the opposite direction.

"Can't you let me see it for a moment! My heart is beating fast."

"I don't feel it."

"That's because you're a man who isn't interested in love ... Right Airi?"

"... um. Looks like I'm also a little excited. But, if they see us, they will definitely be


"That's true, but people who come by will also see it. That is his own fault."

If we are found by them, it is very possible that the seeds that grow will not produce fruit due to

our sudden appearance.