Part 5

Part 5

Monday morning. Today is the day that the 10 events chosen by our opponents will be


In the end, what kind of events and rules will Class A create? And how will the Commander's

intervention be carried out?

Coincidentally, I met Horikita's brother and Tachibana on the way to school.

There was no sign of them waiting for me. Apparently, it was just a coincidence.

Tachibana said nothing, and quietly backed away.

That's because she didn't want to disturb our conversation.

She was the one who had constantly supported Horikita's older brother so that he could respond

quickly and attentively.

"Did the special exam go well?"

As expected of Horikita's older brother. Even without explanation, he understood the situation


"I want to ask you, will you graduate in Class A?"

"This depends on next week's results."

Does he feel worried or not? I couldn't tell from his face.

"Your sister worked very hard. After meeting with you last time, she produced results better than


"I understand. "

It was like touching magical water, and now her whole soul is full of energy.

When Hirata could not stand up, she took the stand to keep the class together.

Now we continue to polish our strategy to win in the 10 events.

"In general, have the 3rd year students already began their vacation?"

"Yes. I was surprised to learn this after I entered school. After all, most high schools have

started vacationing at this time. Also, for work problems, we are also progressing smoothly.

Even though you may not know now, you will eventually understand. "

It seems that in addition to special exams, they are also performing other difficult tasks.

"However, I still don't know whether or not you will graduate as Class A. Are you prepared for


"You will know, sooner or later."

Leaving it at that, Horikita's brother didn't talk much.

That's because there are things that cannot be said to other students.

In other words, if I want to know whether the status of Class A is truly beneficial, I have to wait

until I move up to year 3.

"If you still have questions, don't hesitate. I will answer you within the allowed range."

"This range seems pretty small."

After hearing my complaint, Horikita's brother smiled faintly.

"Maybe like that. I think this is the most for the former student council president."

It seems like it is not easy to tell information about the overall picture of the school.

"Well, after all, this is a rare opportunity. In fact, I also have a question, which I always wanted to

ask you."

I decided to ask the question that I had been holding through this casual meeting.

"This is about Horikita ... your sister. I think she is actually a competent person. Her academic

abilities and physical abilities are very good. Although she is not at the top, she had the ability to

place second or third since the beginning. She may not be as gifted as the student council

president, but I don't think it would be bad for you to try to see it for yourself. "

That is the weirdest thing for me.

"And she's two years younger than you, in other words you haven't seen her growth for two

years. Because of the school system, you need to confirm how much Horikita is growing or even

if she hasn't grown at all, you have to see it. At a glance, you can't go straight to drawing a

conclusion. "

At that time Horikita's older brother was in the 2nd grade of high school, and his sister was still

in middle school, so it was impossible for them to meet.

Even though Horikita's brother saw it when he was newly enrolled in this school, it should not be

an outcome that would make him dissatisfied.

That day, I saw his attitude towards his sister outside the dormitory building, which looked


"So about that incident, huh? After all, you saw the situation that day, don't be surprised if you

would ask."

Horikita's brother remembers what happened at my first meeting with him.

"I'm not disappointed with Suzune. This is not a superficial achievement. This is her inner


"Her inner development?"

"In fact, Suzune has changed a lot. Before, she used to be a child who smiled often."

Is she the one who always smiles? ... No, I can't imagine it.

"That means, after being influenced by you, she plays a cold image?"

"Because she imitates me no matter what. This bad habit started to form when she rose to the

upper classes in elementary school. But now I think I made a mistake for ignoring her. Back then

I wanted her to get rid of this habit, so I tried to treat her with indifference, but in the end it was

only counterproductive. "

As a result, Horikita continued to follow the shadow of her brother and became a character like


"It seems like you do have flaws, your failure to communicate with your sister."

"Nobody is perfect. Am I right?"


At this point, I deliberately did not deny that.

"In general, you met again at school. Did you reach a conclusion, after talking to her?"

At that time, their talk was not too short, but they hadn't interacted for a long time.

"Needless to say. I already knew after I called her. After the past two years, nothing has


Is it something that only he can understand as her brother. Horikita's older brother continued.

"She always responds positively to what I say. It seems like she just wants to study harder and

wants to exercise more. Don't do this, don't do that. But she began to imitate my favorite foods,of all things, even the colors that I like, my style of clothing. No matter what aspect, she showed

excessive dependence on me. "

If she had progressed to that point, it would feel a little scary.

However, seeing Horikita's attitude since entering school, there were indeed a number of things

to be acknowledged.

"After meeting your sister in this school, do you feel that her dependence on you is still the


It would be very difficult to have material to find out about within two years.

"Yes. Anyone who knew Suzune since her childhood can see it. She ..."

Horikita's brother stopped himself.

"... No, even if you judge it first. I intend to use it as a benchmark to confirm whether Suzune

has really changed."

"In other words, you think that your sister hasn't changed completely."

Horikita's brother nodded. His sister has shown dramatic progress compared to before, but in

his opinion, it seems that it is still not enough.

"Suzune, has tried to break free from the shackles of the past, but it's still in the middle of its


I really don't think Horikita can reach this standard before he graduates.

After all there are just a few more days before the graduation ceremony.

"But if -"

Horikita's brother paused and looked at me.

I don't know why I looked sucked in by this strong appearance and stopped myself.

"If Suzune no longer pursues my shadow, she will no longer rely on me, and she can face

herself ..."

At that moment, the spring breeze blew.

"She will surpass me and become a presence that even you cannot ignore."

It seems like this wasn't just a high evaluation given by an older brother.

He also often admired the strong potential of his sister in certain areas.

Why? Is it because of what Horikita's brother said?

Suddenly, a thought appeared in my mind. Yes, that's what I should do in this school.

No, that's what I want to do. I suddenly felt like I found it.

"But however, it depends on whether she really wants to change."

"She definitely has changed."

I say this.

"No, the meaning is a little different."

I corrected my statement.

"I'll try to change her. There's nothing so far as it is intentional or not, but I will be serious about


"... Well. I didn't expect you to say something like that."

Meeting Horikita's brother, I felt it would leave a big impact on me.

Whether my hunch will come true or not, I'll find out later.

"Hey. Before you graduate, can I ask you another question? This is entirely a personal


After this, I don't know if there will be a chance to talk again like this.


"Are you dating Tachibana behind you?"

I also know that this is a very boring question, but I am still trying to ask.

Even though they have retired from the student council, the two still always act together.

"No, nothing like that."

Horikita's older brother denied it. It wasn't a lie to hide facts.

It's just that, after looking at Tachibana's face, she had a rather complicated look.

At least I can confirm that Tachibana really likes Horikita's brother.

"In the past 3 years. Whether it was a good or bad thing, all I have thought about is this school."

"I understand."

"But thinking speaking of such a topic. Are you a normal high school student?"

Is that so? I might have been influenced by Hoshinomiya-sensei.

"I thought I was a picture of an ordinary high school student."

"Yes, then. As an ordinary high school student, have you gotten one? "

Even though this was the first topic I raised, I didn't expect that he would ask me back in return.

"No. But if there is a match, I would be interested."

"If it's you, I can leave Suzune to you, but this kind of thing might seem impossible."

"Of course, impossible."

It's impossible.

"No, you can't say that. Horikita-kun will always support you fully."

Tachibana, who was watching calmly, suddenly entered in panic.


Horikita's brother heard his comment and asked. Then Tachibana immediately began to explain.

"It's just that. It is a rule that tends to develop in the opposite of the expected result. It feels like

... two people who initially thought they were never compatible came together, and it eventually

worked out. This is a typical example. So, ..."

I didn't understand Tachibana's explanation.

"No, nothing,"

Realising we didn't understand it at all, Tachibana stopped explaining.