Part 10

Part 10

After 15 minutes.

Horikita finished cooking and preparing everything. That's better than I expected. This is similar

to what I usually see on TV. After that, Horikita sat in front of me.

If this was seen by Sudou, he might be very angry at me.

Even if I say it's just a misunderstanding, it won't work.

Instead, I hope that Sudou has already experienced something like this.

No, even so, I guess that will still make Sudou jealous.

"Come eat."

Urged by her, I immediately took the chopsticks. We faced each other at the table.

I feel a strong deja vu of this scene.

I remember when I just registered at school, when she invited me to the cafeteria.

"Are you suspicious of me?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"If someone becomes suspicious of another person's good intentions, then it's a matter of

proving himself as a human."

"Is this what you have to say?"

"This is special."


If a dish was made carefully by someone else, it is rude not to eat it.

However, I continued to have suspicions, also human instincts. No, it's just that from my

experience so far, I have to doubt it. But now this situation was hard to fight against.

When I entered Horikita's room, the results were already determined.

So I decided to start eating the soup for now.

The taste of soup stimulates the nose. The ingredients used are all healthy for the body, with

turnips as the main ingredient.

"Using wheat to improve taste."

After taking a sip of the soup, the sweetness is very strong in the mouth, which is a

characteristic of this increased flavor.

"You really tasted it. Do you like the taste of miso from this kyushu. I don't know if it suits you?"

"Your cooking skills are really good."

I honestly praised Horikita, but she wasn't very happy.

"In this day and age, cooking skills are useless, so you don't need to compliment me. If you

want to cook the food you want to eat, just go to the supermarket or department store to buy

ingredients, then find the recipe online, it's simple."

Just making food might be simple, but through the arrangement of dishes, cutting vegetables,

etc., however, will be reflected in the taste of the cooking. This is not something that can be

learned in a short time.

"Have you ever cooked for Sudou?"

After I asked that, Horikita looked at me a little annoyed.

"Why should I cook for him?"

"No ... You often teach him to study."

"Yes. Maybe, it doesn't matter if I cheer him up with dinner. "

I think I'm just asking questions casually. However, Horikita did not hold back.

"If I am in a position to ask for advice from him, I can understand why you are asking this. After

all, it is in return for his hard work. But now I am teaching him, however much trouble to do

something for him."

It's something I can't deny, but ...

"I don't know if you're smart or stupid?"

This is what I wanted to say. Sudou has a good impression on Horikita. From this point, I

thought that Horikita would have already served food for Sudou. However, it seems that Horikita

doesn't really understand the feelings Sudou has for him. This is actually because Horikita

hasn't thought about the problem of love in her heart. She is not yet an adult to realize these


"Okay. Then, can I say something?"

After finishing, she took out a notebook and handed it to me.

I don't need to ask anymore, I know that this is what Horikita had done recently.

"I am thinking about the best combat plan for Class C. I want to ask for your opinion."

Then she added the sentence.

"You already ate, my cooking didn't you?"

This method was dirty. She lied to me before I received the gift, and then told me that request, of

course, I could not refuse. I immediately took the notebook and opened it. Its contents, filled

about the upcoming special exam. There is also content related to the 10 events from Class A,

but since it has just been announced today, the content has only just begun to be written.

By the way, the events chosen by Class C were 'English Written Examination', 'Basketball',

Archery ', ' Swimming ', ' Tennis ', ' Table Tennis ', ' Typing Ability ', ' Soccer ', ' Piano ', and '


It seems that the last event was included as a strange strategy when breaking through


Each event has a good reputation with a high chance of victory. Horikita also wrote conclusions

from this analysis.

Everything needed for this special exam was summarized in this notebook.

I read calmly, without letting go of any details. Seeing me like this, she was very surprised.

"Putting aside the talk about the food, but you didn't think I'd take it seriously, did you?"

"Oh, um. I've already prepared alternatives if you refused ..."

"In this special exam, the data that you have analyzed continuously will be very beneficial.

Without seeing this data, I cannot fully utilize the power of the Commander."

After comparing this data with the information I got from Kei. I found no difference at all.

"This is a database that records all information in our class."

"I've been troubled all this week. I would have been very inconvenient, if this wasn't accurate."

With this, to the extreme, anyone can qualify as a Commander's position.

"I will continue to improve on this basis. The final version will cover everything, including 10

events from Class A. And you can challenge Class A based on this information. I think so."

"Sudou, Akito, they should be able to become a big power even if they don't attend one vs. one

events. And in the case of Onodera, the winner will be determined if she ends up competing

with boys. So, think of the 3rd and 4th candidates for at this time, it will be better. "

Horikita nodded lightly. It is unfortunate that students who will shine in various events can be

easily played at an event. Perfecting this data to the point where they should be, and as much

as possible not making mistakes, that's very good.

"I have no comments about the content. But can I make a request?"

"What is that?"

"Isn't Chess one of the events proposed by Class A?"

Because there are no students in the class who can play Chess. This section was still empty.

"Yes. For the time being, I haven't thought of this event, because I haven't tried it myself. Only

you understand the rules in class. I only listened to your opinion when explaining the program."

"I wanted to tell you. I hope you participate in Chess."

"... Me? Of course, there must be someone practicing for this event but ... Why should I?"

Horikita thought that she would not be strong enough in Chess or could win against Class A.

"I think if I want to teach someone to play Chess, then you are the most suitable person."

"What you mean is, if you teach me Chess, you don't need to build new relationships with

people. Is that more accurate?"

"I don't deny there is also a reason for that too."

"I don't think I can accept this request ... But there should be some students in the class who will

listen to you? And even though this sounds a bit arrogant, I can do a better job at other events


Horikita is basically an all-around student.

She can get good results in both academics and sports exams. She has no doubt about this


"Chess requires pure ability. There is a time limit in the Commander's intervention rules set by

the opposing side. No matter how good Sakayanagi is at Chess, that is not necessarily enough.

So I don't think she will interfere from the start. In this way, the key to winning is in the initial

stages of the match. "

If it is already in a difficult at an early stage, it will be problematic for me to turn things around.

"You are specifically targeting this event not just because you understand the rules, right? Do

you predict that Class A will be choosing this event from one of the five?"

"It's almost guaranteed. It's exactly that. In this event, the Commander holds a great amount of

authority. Isn't that interesting?"

"Really, I'm interested as well ... Well, I'll listen to you."

I'm grateful that Horikita agreed with my request. Then I continued to eat.

"So how should I practice?"

"I was thinking we could practice online in the middle of the night, but it may be difficult for you."

"Indeed, in this way, other people won't know about it. And no details we be leaked out."

Not overlapping with other training times is also an advantage.