CHAPTER 6 The Tears of a Man


The Tears of a Man

Although we obtained information from Katsuragi, it does not mean that Class C is in a favorable


Horikita is certainly aware of this and tries to eliminate the worrying elements one by one.

"Please wait a moment, Hirata-kun."

Horikita called Hirata, he was the first to leave the class after school.

This is the first time Horikita talked to Hirata after the class vote.

Hirata stopped without looking back.

"I understand you don't want to talk to me, but please allow me to confirm one thing. You might

not have the chance to play in the Class C event you want. We don't expect to rely on you on exam day. But the situation has changed. Sakayanagi-san who knows your current situation, is

likely to choose several events that require lots of people. "

Even though students in Class C are still worried about Hirata, there is a possibility that all 38

people in the class will participate.

"When that situation occurs, what will you do? Will you only watch without care, or will you

participate at the minimum? You just have to answer me."

But Hirata said nothing. Only silence filled the classroom.

What broke the silence was only Hirata's footsteps that walked away.

"You don't want to answer me."

Horikita, who was uncomfortable with Hirata's response, averted her eyes as if she had given


"... Hey, we ... we can't possibly win ... If Hirata-kun is like this."

The girls are worried.

However, the boy who once led the class is gone.

This fact is once again a heavy pressure for class C.

"You said that we would get results with the efforts of those around him. But, he hasn't changed

at all."

"Is that so?"


Horikita who was feeling unsure turned her gaze elsewhere.

"Hirata-kun, please wait!"

Mii-chan is the one who shouted that. I don't know how many times this has happened. She

hurriedly grabbed her bag to catch up.

"Mii-chan doesn't seem to have given up yet."

"I really don't understand her motives."

"You also have something to do about it Horikita. You need to unite Class C to increase your

chances of winning."

Now, this is the only thing Horikita can do in class.

I will chase after Mii-chan.

I saw two people who were face to face on the way to the dorm. It was not like a scene from a


This is a challenge for Mii-chan as his classmate, to help Hirata recover.

"Please, Hirata-kun, we need your strength ... So-"

"Mii-chan, please stop. Can you not do this again?"

Hirata complained. He seemed to say, 'You should have understood after a few tries.'

These words were like a sharp knife that struck her heart.

But the desire that radiated in her eyes did not disappear.

Mii-chan will keep trying no matter how many times she is pressured by Hirata.

"H-how can I ... I can't ignore you when you are like this."

"So what should I do to make you stop. Tell me!"

"If Hirata-kun returns to how he used to be ..."

"Back to the way it used to be? Impossible."

Those cold words repeatedly pierced Mii-chan's heart.

"No. I-I believe that Hirata-kun will return to how he used to be."

"I said that's impossible. It's a problem if you trust me this much."

"Even so, I still believe in Hirata-kun!"

Hirata made a fist. He might of felt like hitting someone.

"Then can you bring Yamauchi-kun back to this school?"

"That ...?"

"To go back to the way it used to be, isn't that what it should be?"

It was impossible to return the expelled Yamauchi to Class C.

This means that Hirata is unlikely to return to his original state.

Hirata conveyed this fact to Mii-chan.

"That ..."

"I hope you can understand this fact before saying anything."

Hirata turned away from Mii-chan and wanted to take a step to leave. But Mii-chan who didn't

want to let him go, extended her right arm.

She grabbed Hirata's arm, trying to stop him.

If Hirata returned to the dormitory, he would never again speak to her.

"Can you let go?"

"No, please don't go!"

Even though Hirata refused, Mii-chan persisted until the end.

She was sure that if she held him back, she could convey her thoughts to Hirata.

I kept a small distance between the two and watched the situation closely.

I considered that if I got too close, it would stop Mii-chan.

However, Hirata sighed heavily.

Then he pulled his right arm away firmly to try to release it from Mii-chan.


This rude act is not like Hirata's style.

Mii-chan was surprised, and fell to the floor.

"... don't mind me anymore. Otherwise, I will ..."

Mii-chan, who fell to the floor, looked at Hirata.

Seeing Hirata's anger, it hurt her.

"I don't care about anything anymore. If you keep trapping me like this ..."

Until the last moment.

Hirata gave a warning to Mii-chan that she couldn't fight it like this. These words were like a

punch to Mii-chan.

Suddenly, a man walked beside me.

The man's hair waved in the wind, and the scent of perfume on his body spread around him.

"Oh, you still haven't improved today. Let me see your ugly side."

Koenji said such spicy words to shake Hirata. He is also a person who goes straight back to the

dorm after school.

"Ah, please don't mind me, continue what you were just doing. Let me see it."

Hirata is not stupid to continue.

Or rather he began to antagonize Koenji.

"You too ... What do you want from me ..."

"Want? I want nothing from you. After all, I already have everything."

After Koenji answered this, he walked past Hirata, but ...

"However, however I must say something to you ..."

For Koenji, this is just the path back to the dorm.

No other.

He did not care about Hirata's mood at all.

"You're very unsightly, so can you keep out of my sight? If this isn't the ideal school for you, then

you just get away quickly. "

This is really Koenji's style. Rather than making Hirata feeling regretful, he advised that it's

better for him to leave school immediately.

"... Annoying... You don't understand my situation."

"I don't care and I'm not interested in your situation. But I can find out. You think that if you drop

out of school, you will cause problems for your classmates, so you don't do it. It's ridiculous to

make such a decision."

"P-please stop it, Kouenji-kun! Hirata-kun isn't wrong!"

To prevent Koenji's verbal attack on Hirata, Mii-chan took action.

"Oh. Looks like you don't like what I'm saying. That is really rude."

Even though Koenji said this while smiling, he still expressed his respect for Mii-chan.

"But you should forget about Hirata-boy immediately. He is no longer a good person."

In critical condition, Hirata pursed his eyes and approached Koenji.

"D-Don't, Hirata-kun!"

Mii-chan who noticed the unusual atmosphere of Hirata, tried to block the two, but was knocked

down by Hirata with greater strength than before. Without looking at Mii-chan in the slightest

reached out to Koenji.

He intended to grab Koenji's collar with his right hand, but instead was quickly stopped by

Koenji's left hand.


"I will not show mercy to anyone who shows hostility to me? After all, I don't want to leave any

scars on my beautiful face. "

Hirata showed an expression of pain and annoyance, perhaps because of Koenji's grip. He was

holding his wrist with force.

"You're really annoying, Koenji ...!

"What I choose to do is my choice, but I don't want to be told by someone who makes a girl cry."

Koenji turned his eyes to Mii-chan who was lying on the floor.

After releasing Hirata's wrist he told him:

"You made her fall, can you lend out your hand?"

"... That has nothing to do with me."

"Nothing to do? Now that is cruel."

Mii-chan who couldn't face Hirata directly, looked away.

"No problem. This is also Hirata-boy's freedom."

"Hmm, uh !?"

Koenji gently picked up Mii-chan who had fell on the floor.

"Because you are unwilling to, let me help."

Koenji who was originally a person who is difficult to understand. His behavior suddenly made

Mii-chan and Hirata stunned.


"He not only hurt you mentally, but also physically. Let me help you."

"I-I! I'm not hurt at all!"

"Don't worry. Don't look at me like that, I'm a good man."

This is just a guess. The wound mentioned by Koenji is one on her heart rather than physical


Maybe he's referring to the sadness of Mii-chan.

Koenji walked away from Hirata.

"Please, please leave me be!"

"Ha, ha, ha! This won't stop me enough. You have accepted my courtesy."


Hirata glared at Koenji's back.

Koenji might have noticed Hirata's line of sight and stopped.

"Are you not satisfied with me?"

To be honest, I really hope that Koenji ignored Hirata here.

"You're always annoying. No matter where or when."

"Is that true? Even though I hurt the people around me. At least I won't ignore a good girl."

Koenji walked again. When he walked, he did so without care of the complaining Mii-chan.

Hirata realized that Koenji was also moving towards the dormitory, so he did not want to go with

him in the same direction.

I was suddenly confused about who I was supposed to be chasing, but I decided to go after


Mii-chan's school bag is still lying on the floor. I took her bag and chased after him.

At the entrance of the dorm, Koenji gently placed down Mii-chan.

"Ayanokouji-kun and Kouenji-kun. Why are you guys ..."

"Fuffuffu, what do you think?"

Koenji laughed without answering Mii-chan's question.

"In short, you shouldn't approach Hirata-boy anymore."

I handed over the bag that I was holding to Mii-chan.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun ... you were there as well."

Actually I was hiding. But I will not say it.

"I'll see you off here before you take the elevator."

"... I understand."

Even though he was going to Hirata, he did not know where Hirata was now.

Mii-chan could only give up temporarily, and entered the elevator, away from Koenji.

I also watched Mii-chan's figure leave, and then saw Koenji sitting on the lobby couch.

"Then Ayanokouji-boy ... What are you looking for?"

"Koenji, why are you talking to Hirata? Was it an action that would increase his anger or are you

acting for class? "

"Looks like you still don't understand me,"

Koenji clicks his index finger several times.

"I have never acted for class. I only did what I wanted to do. Whether or not the results will leave

a positive or negative impact on the class, it is only a side effect of my actions."

So, it was only a side effect. Is Koenji only going to do what he wants to do. Perhaps the only

exception is that he will act when he is at the risk of expulsion.

"His existence is like an annoying fly, it really makes me feel uncomfortable."

So that's why he talked with Hirata.

"What you want to do is your freedom, but you have to think about it, if there are other special

tests like voting in class, there is nobody else in a more dangerous than you."

"Fuffuffu. With my strength, that is a small matter."

After Koenji confirmed that the elevator with Mii-chan had went up, he stood up

"Right. I remember you are the Commander for this special exam."


"I have no motivation for this exam, you don't need to choose me to participate."

"Sorry, the person who makes the decision is Horikita. I have no right to decide."

"You say the opposite. As a Commander you have the right to decide, not her."

That's true if according to the rules ... but no matter how I say it to Koenji, it's useless.

"In short, I ask for an answer based on that case."

After leaving this, Koenji entered the elevator and returned to his room.