Part 3

Part 3

With, Class C who won twice in a row.

So far, the strategies, ideas, and luck Horikita has achieved was very good.

There are still 8 events left. If the lottery continues to choose the event proposed by class C ...

'English Language Test' The number of participants required is 8 people. Test time is 50


Rules, based on year 1 learning material. Both classes compete in total points.

The Commander can answer one question for one participant.

The third program is a written test that will be chosen sooner or later.

The key to this special exam is how to choose members to win the event.

If we can win this event, then we can make the situation more favorable.

I want to arrange some students who are proficient in English into a team led by Mii-chan to take

the exam. Even so, people like Horikita and Keisei cannot be used yet, this makes it difficult.

Because my opponent has 3 written exams such as' English, Mathematics, and Modern Texts, it

is difficult for me to decide who to assign and use for the best results.

If we encounter two written exam programs, there are two strategies that have been recorded in

Horikita notebooks.

To achieve victory we need to evenly divide students into events, or deliberately sacrifice one

event, and focus on using them on other events to decide on the outcome.

Sakayanagi quickly chose 8 people, but I took some time to think about it.

"You are very doubtful for the first time. It seems like there is more than one instruction given by


There is no guarantee that the math exam will be chosen next, on the other hand, there is also

no guarantee that Class A will win this event.

But the troublesome thing is that most students in Class C tend to be bad in English.

In other words I have to choose between 'balance the battle' or 'sacrifice the battle' here.

"Do you want to sacrifice the English Language Test? Or ... use all your fighting strength to

decide the outcome of this event?"

Sakayanagi who could not contain her excitement, posed such a question.

Even though I was not worried about losing here ...

"I know what Ayanokouji-kun is thinking. You anticipate whether I will save the power of Class A

or not, right? Because if Class A doesn't use all the power to fight with Class C on this event,

there is little hope of winning for you, so you have difficulty deciding whether or not to sacrifice

this event. "

After thinking about it a bit, I decided to give up on the English exam here.

"According to global trends, girls are better in various subjects than boys, and they seem to tend

to get higher grades. English is one of them. Of course, this is only a trend. Please if you want to

refer to this as a reference. "

Sakayanagi said that when I was going to decide on the members.

She planted additional information on me and continued pressuring me.

However, Class A does not want to lose the English Test. She will definitely choose people who

are very strong.

After we finished choosing, the names appear on the big screen.

In Class C, the 8 participants I chose were: 'Okiya Kiyousuke', 'Minami Hakuo', 'Karuizawa Kei',

'Satou Maya', 'Shinohara Satsuki', 'Inogashira Kokoro', 'Sonoda Chiyo', 'Ichihashi Ruri'. I will

eliminate students who don't seem to have an opportunity to participate in the upcoming events.

Class A, 8 participants selected were: 'Satonaka Satoru' 'Sugio Hiroshi' 'Tsukaji Shihori'

'Tanihara Mao' 'Motodoi Chikako' 'Fukuyama Shinobu' 'Rokkaku Momoe' 'Nakajima Riko'.

Although they were not the best participants, but the team is quite solid. 6 of them were girls,

this is the tendency that she just mentioned before.

"Looks like you're careful about the next program and chose to give up the English Language

Test. That is the correct choice to make."

Sure enough, I had thought that the opponent already knew the academic level of Class C.

Even though I can interfere right now, I chose to wait for a while and see through the match.

It seems that the screen display can be changed to any student's answer sheet.

I use interventions to answer questions from participants that most of them can't answer.

But this had no significant impact. There is no doubt that it can only increase a few points.

I started to change the volume immediately, and the test results did not take long.

The results of 8 participants will be added up in this match

"Class C got a total score of 443 points and Class A got a total score of 651 points. Therefore,

Class A won."

Sure enough, the score difference was very large.

"Our average score is almost 81 points. If you gather all the power of Class C, you might be

able to win this match."

Even though Sakayanagi said that we have a chance to win, it's not as simple as it seems.

It's better not to hold on to the idea that I might miss this match.

Sakayanagi is not afraid of the risk of losing three consecutive matches, and has saved the

strength of several students in his class.

Even though Class A won the first win, it's too early to relax. The selection of the fourth event

starts immediately.

'Mathematics Exams' Required 7 participants. Time limit is 50 minutes.

Rules, based on first class learning material. Both classes compete in total points.

The Commander can answer one question from one participant.

After facing the English Test, we face another Written Exam.

"It seems that saving your strength proved to be beneficial. You have to use all your fighting

strength to fight us. Or ... Do you want to save your strength to fight in the Modern Text Exams?"

In this situation, I don't need to worry about the Modern Text Exams, I have to include all

students with the best academic skills in Class C.

"I just said that girls have a tendency to score higher on exams. But math is the opposite. Boys

usually get higher scores here than girls. Isn't this interesting?"

No matter what she tries to implant in me, I will only choose these students.

The seven participants I chose were: 'Hirata Yousuke', 'Yukimura Teruhiko', 'Ishikura Kayoko',

'Wang Mei Yu', 'Azuma Sana', 'Kushida Kikyo' and 'Nishimura Ryuuko'. This is the strongest

lineup that can be played by Class C. On the other hand, Class A all consist of men like:

'Matoba Shinji', 'Shimasaki Ikkei', 'Morishige Takurou', 'Tsukasaki Taiga', 'Ishida Yuusuke',

'Yamamura Miki' and 'Nishikawa Ryouko'. They are students who are equal or better than

students in previous exams. Even though we included a large fighting power, I didn't include

Horikita and Koenji.

It doesn't take long for the Math Test to begin. This test is different from the English Test which

was desperate loss. With Yukimura Teruhiko, or, Keisei who basically never made mistakes in

his answers.

Although I let Nishimura, who had the lowest score among the participants to wear earphones,

the Commander could only answer one question, and of course, I did not expect this to change

the results of the exam. Because Sakayanagi will answer the question correctly, it can be said

that the correct answer to that question is a basic condition.

After the Mathematics Exams were finished, the teachers immediately started checking them.

If we can win in the Mathematics Examination submitted by Class A, we will have a great


We can take the momentum at the same time to fight in the fifth event.

"Furthermore, the results of the Mathematics Examination will be published. Class C - 631


Each student has an average score of 90, which is quite impressive.

However, if the exam questions are not difficult, it can also be worrying.

"Class A's score ... 655 points. With this, Class A wins."

I heard the total score that Sakagami-Sensei said, and we lost the game by a slim 24 points.

"This is really dangerous. It seems like everyone in Class C is also studying hard. If you

previously chose students like Horikita-san or Kouenji-kun, maybe you could have won?"

"... It may be so."

It is unfortunate that we failed to win this Mathematics Exam event. If we choose Horikita and

Koenji, there is a chance of winning. However, that is not a guarantee.

But, the reality is if the Modern Text Exams are selected next time, we will be defeated


At that time, we didn't have students who were strong enough to exceed the Class A's total


This has resulted in 2 wins and 2 losses. We are no longer leading and now at a balance.