Part 3

Part 3

"This has gone too far!"

Ibuki tried to be patient, even though the time was already 8 p.m.

Even the word late is not appropriate to describe this, she was annoyed with what they have put

up to until now.

"After all, haven't we already sung 10 songs?"

"Ibuki-san must be patient."

"I can't hold back my patience!"

"So let's try to exceed our patience."

"Horrible joke!"

"How can you be angry all the time ... Don't you get tired?"

"Just looking at your face makes me a million times more tired!"

Ibuki shook Ishizaki's arm who tried to stop her from leaving.

When Ibuki's hand had just reached the door knob, the door opened.

"Did you really think that I will come here just to keep you waiting?"

The man smiled as he walked - it was Ryuuen. Unknowingly Ishizaki and Ibuki's froze.

Because they all thought he wouldn't come.

"You're late, Ryuuen-kun"

"Looks like you guys are having fun."

"Yes. This is my first time coming to karaoke, it is very fun."

"Then I'll be back. Have fun guys."

Ryuuen smiled and spoke,

"Does that bother you?"

While he closed the door, he was stopped by Ibuki.

"If you let me fall into karaoke hell, I will kill you."

"Nails. Awful."

Ryuuen who was urged by Ibuki, then ordered soft drinks through Ishizaki.

After sitting and bowing, he played with his cellphone without saying a word.

"... then?"

Ibuki urged him to speak.

"Then? What do you mean?"

"We waited for you until now, aren't you going to say anything?"

"I just came to see if you guys were still waiting for me but it seems like you still haven't left."

He immediately drank the soda Ishizaki gave him.

"There is nothing else besides that."

"I have been waiting for you for a few hours with Hiyori. It's very annoying. "

"That's none of my business."

"Oh really! "

Ibuki hit the table hard and looked at Ryuuen.

"Hey, calm down Ibuki. There's nothing good out of getting mad at Ryuuen-san."

"You too, when were you so attached to him?"

"When did you say? ... I had already decided to follow Ryuuen-san."

"Just be honest. Initially very reluctant. "

"Th-that, don't say anything else!"

Apart from the two being noisy, Hiyori chose her first song.

"This fool has listened to your opinion, and chosen Class B to fight."

"It seems."

Hearing that Ishizaki shrugged her shoulders. If he accepts the class' opinions, he should have

chose Class C.

That was the only opposing class they could defeat.

Even though Ishizaki forcibly changed the opposing class, they didn't know how to win.

"Ishizaki really believes in you. That means you have to be responsible for talking."

"Kuku, I can't possibly say anything stupid to him."

Ryuuen said that while smiling.

"Do you remember when I first entered this school, didn't I arrange things to attack Class B?"

"... Is it when you tried to make them guilty?"

Under Ryuuen's direction, there was a dispute with Class B, and tried to provoke the opponent's


To confirm the potential of each class, Ryuuen had caused a stir.

This was one of the events in the period where Ishizaki fought with Sudou and Ryuuen secretly

contacted Katsuragi.

"Then how did it go?"

"That has no effect. Class B was very integrated at first."

"Yes. They are much more united and cohesive than any class."

"So, in an exam that relies on a whole of this kind, shouldn't we avoid Class B as an opponent?"

"I think so too. Ichinose is a leader who is admired by many people and is very difficult to deal


Ibuki and Ishizaki's comments are also the rest of Class D's opinions.

"Hiyori, how do you analyze class B?"

"Yes ... As they both said, Class B is very strong. Their abilities are above average. Especially

their close relationship that makes everyone envious, but ... It can only be said that they are

such a class. They are no special threat, only a class with good relationships. "

"Her attitude is very gentle and her analysis is also very good."

After listening to their opinions, Ryuuen stated his own evaluation of Class B.

"The biggest weakness of Class B is Ichinose ... No, that is their absence of a proper leader."

"W-wait a minute.What do you mean? Isn't Ichinose their leader?"

"Ichinose and Kanzaki are not suitable to be leaders. They are the type of people who should be

supporting the leader. If we treat him as a strategist in the class, Suzune and Katsuragi are

better at making strategies. For this reason, although Class D is lacking, there is still the chance

of winning. "

"But right now, we are worse than Class B. Isn't this situation unchanged? The average student

in Class D right now is very low, meaning that Class B is the least desirable opponent for us."

"No matter how we fight, our chances of victory will always be very small."

"Is the gap between us really that wide?"

There was no change in the evaluations of Ishizaki, Ryuuen, and Hiyori.


Ryuuen took the empty glass and placed it in front of him.

"As long as you make the effort, a chance of victory less than 10% can approach 50%, and can

increase even more depending on the situation."

Ryuuen handed Hiyori a piece of paper.

It contained the names of the 10 events written on it and the marked ones were the official 5


Ibuki and Ishizaki peeked from both sides.

"Use this on the special exam day."

"Wait a minute, all of this—"

"Yes. All of these events are based on martial arts events."

The 10 types of programs proposed are based on high physical abilities such as Karate, Judo,

Taekwondo, Kendo, and Wrestling which were very physically demanding.

"Please wait. Indeed, there are some people in our class who are good in physical abilities. Me,

Albert, Komiya, Kondou, and Ibuki ... But the others not so good?"

Ishizaki said, even if one or two of the events are chosen from the lottery, they did not know

what would happen with the other events.

"Yes. Besides that, in Class B there are also many students with good motor nerves. If

everything is a 1 vs 1 fight, then that is a problem, but shouldn't the number of participants

needed not be different?"

Even if we only depend on the lottery to fight, we cannot guarantee that we will get all the

desired events.

"Then what should we do?"


"Don't be too specific about the number of participants. That sort of thing doesn't matter."

Even though Ishizaki didn't understand his intentions, Hiyori quickly understood the point.

"So, you mean ... No matter how many people fight, everything is determined by the rules. If you

use the rules of a knockout system, we can do it."

"That's right. Even in Judo despite using up to 10 participants, Albert alone is enough."

"But ... Will the school allow a knockout like this?"

"If it were a Written Examination or Football, it's not possible to use a knockout system.

However, using a knockout system for events such as Karate and Judo is common. It also

cannot be categorized as a complicated rule. They cannot refuse this event. The reason is

because it isn't too dangerous, so there is no problem with the rules of karate etc. Even if 1 or 2

events are rejected because they are too dangerous, that is enough to leave only 5 events. "

"That's right! With this we can win, Ryuuen-san!"

Ishizaki, who paid attention to this fact, saw a glimmer of hope.

"In this case, it is true that all the programs proposed by Class D can bring victory ... But what if

luck is not on our side? What if there are more of Class B's events selected?"

"Our chances are already 50% to win, are you not satisfied?"

"... If you are helping, you will surely bring us victory."

"Nail. Of course I have a plan. "

Now, it is impossible for Class D to win in the events proposed by Class B.

The point of Ryuuen is that it is necessary to narrow the gap outside of this.

"—What do you mean, is there something we can do?"

Ibuki finally began to understand the situation.

"We will make use of dirty tricks to win."

Ryuuen responded while laughing.

"From now until the day before the exam, you must constantly stalk people in Class B every

single day. You only need to spy on them from the start. Soon after that, they themselves will

realize that they are being watched."

"What is this strategy? Is it necessary to put pressure on the opponent?"

"The people in Class B will laugh at this childish behavior. If no damage is done, they will let it

pass. People like Ichinose will not realize my true motives."

" ... True motives? "

"The first week will simply end like this. Then, we have to take action after 10 events have been

published. All trivial things will be done. Seize seats, threaten others, and saying harsh things.

No matter what happens, don't overdo it."

They will think that the person who is planning these attacks is Ishizaki.

"Then ... it may be possible that the situation could turn against us?"

"Until the end, it is only to strengthen our contact. At this stage, never overdo it when

threatening them. Fighting to defend yourself is a last resort."

The point is that everything must be done intentionally and abstractly, Ryuuen explained.

If it leaves a negative effect on the opposing party, it is difficult to guarantee that the school will

not intervene.

"One of the main objectives is information. In the countless searches, we must steal information

from Class B students. We must find out the 5 selected programs on the exam day as early as

possible. In the classroom, where the 5 events will be selected.

"There is a possibility that they will be discussing the 5 official events through text messages. In

fact we are doing the same thing, right?"

"Well, umm. We will find time to discuss the 10 events to be proposed and choose which of

them are the best."

"I see. Even though their mouths are closed, the information is on a cellphone. Obviously, they

don't want that information to be shown to anyone. Maybe I can find out who will participate in 5


"It's simple ... But will it go smoothly?"

"Don't count on luck, we need to consider it from the very beginning. Starting tomorrow, I will go

looking for opportunities. Besides looking for information, we must take other steps. For

example, using this ..."

"Isn't that ... a laxative?"

"This is a slow-acting laxative. It goes into effect after 48 hours. If you let several people drink

this, one or two people might have problems that day."

"Hey! That's breaking the rules. What happens if we get caught"!

"So what ?


"Do you think I'm someone who cares about this kind of thing?"

"Huh - truly, you are a man who will do anything to win."

"If there is a problem, I will take full responsibility. It's easy."

No matter what punishment Ryuuen gets from the school, he doesn't care.

However, if the class is broken, it will be a defeat.

"This strategy can only be used if you are not afraid of dropping out of school ..."

"You just said fighting in self-defense is the worst choice, isn't what you are doing worse?"

"Yeah. Turning trivial into strife is a common practice for those little devils. Allowing people

scheduled at 5 main events to fight against incompetents. This development is also good. So

the day of the exam can also be taken advantage of right? "

Since the decision was already made, Ryuuen would never let it go.

"Next I will come to replace the Commander on the exam day. This is very important to break

Ichinose's calm."

"You really are a devil ..."

"We can brag about this. We have to show them the unique strategies of Class D. How about


"Ah ... yes!"

"Do you have a problem?"

Ibuki thought that this was natural, and she sighed.

However, Ibuki did not understand why she did not hate him, and she could only hate herself.

"But ... Ryuuen-kun, why did you accept this? It's not because of sympathy, right?"

"Why, huh?"

Ryuuen leaned back on the sofa while closing his eyes. He has no close connections with this

school. At first this was true, but after arriving, his mood began to change.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. His dissatisfaction with leaving this school was because Ryuuen lost

against that man. By becoming the Commander, it was also to confirm whether or not he still

has the desire to fight again. If he doesn't feel anything, he can also choose to deliberately lose

the exam.

But ... if he really wanted to fight him again, he would find a way to survive. Ryuuen wants to

find out how he really feels.