Tyler Silvers stood on the shores of the island that facilitated the defense force for the planet Solaris. The blue waters of the ocean washed against the cream sandy shores that surrounded the island.
Solaris was a beautiful medium size planet which was comprised of 55% water, 30 % land and 15 % ice. There were many small islands and one large continental island on Solaris. This planet was surrounded by a nearby moon and a few orbiting meteorites.
On Solaris, above this military island, floating in the exosphere was a space station which protected the planet from any external threats that may come from the solar system.
Tyler walked towards hanger one, which facilitated her vanguard team of ten individuals.
As she made her way, the sound of three space fighter jets flew over the island as they increased their boosters and launched into space. They pierced into the clouds and disappeared into the atmosphere.
Making her way towards her mechanic, she approached him, who was working on a part on his desk.
Glancing at the back of the hanger, she saw the mech suits which were suspended by cables. They were the suits of her teammates.
A funny notion, she thought. She referred to them as her teammates even though she was a higher rank to them.
As she neared her mechanic, he stopped working when he saw her and he turned towards her.
Tyler: Dion. The left arm of my suit isn't as responsive as I have told you I want it to be. You said you had fixed it but it isn't feeling fixed. Did you even look at the hydraulics system for the arm.
Dion: I did however I would take a look at it again, he said respectfully.
Tyler: Do that, because if I can't lift my shield arm, then I can't defend myself.
Her watch suddenly went off, reminding her of her memo to go visit her sister. Initiating the location for the city on her watch, she walked to a teleportation pad located nearby on the military base.
As she was heading towards the pad, a group of military personnel were jogging in her direction. When they saw her, they stopped and salute as she walked in front of them.
She ignored them and continued walking towards the pad and stepped onto it. Her 'watch' initiated the location for the pad and she teleport to a building in the city at the ground floor, where a receiving teleportation pad was located.