First encouter leaving the coccoon

The first skill I'd like to test out just to make sure I had somewhat of a clue about how to exactly use skills was bone manipulation. Seeing as the description of the skill told me nothing about how to use the skills. After a few hours of trying this, I came to the conclusion that this was the right choice seeing as I'm having trouble using bone manipulation. I've been focusing on the bone in my arm but its only moving just a little, I was trying to extend the bone out of the palm of my hand, but it took forever. After hours upon hours of this, it finally exited out of my palm.

The size of it wasn't very impressive it looked to be only good for puncture attacks, but I knew I had just learned it. this little experiment of mine forced me to postpone my departure from the cocoon I resided in and instead to focus on improving this skill. I need it to leave my body in a matter of seconds and for it to be able to exit different parts of my body.

"System do I gain level if I just use the skill repeatedly?"

[yes, host but using such a method would take an extremely long time. Skills are meant to be leveled up through combat use and not just repeated use.]

Damn what a bummer it'd be perfect if I could level up bone manipulation to a greater extent… wait?

"system can I gain proficiency in skill without leveling it up through system?"

[yes, host doing so is not as effective as using the system and does not gain the same level up benefits of the system, but the host can do that."

Haha alright, then it seems ill spend just a few more hours in here to improve my bone manipulation. Damn, but it also seems I don't have much time seeing as my tail and wings are growing so fast that they'll outgrow this cocoon soon. Well, I spend as much time as I can becoming accustomed to bone manipulation…. wait should I just level up my skills by killing my fellow Intecqus hahaha ill keep it in mind if I ever become despite.


Its been about three hours now and I've finally managed to become adequate with bone manipulation. It's my second time doing this reaching out and touching the thin walls of my cocoon. As I touched it this time I felt a burst of happiness, "this is the best way to be born" I said parting my seemingly sealed lips. Honestly coming into the world of your own free will is beyond exciting. As I pressed against the cocoon-like wall it broke just as easily as I expected but when it did.

I found myself in another strange liquid, though this one was thick and felt as though it healed and fed me. My arms felt as though they'd been pumped full of adrenaline and my bones became denser. It felt like I was falling slowly, the thick liquid guiding me down towards the ground. as I was reaching the end, I felt the thick liquid become thinner and thinner until my hand that I was extending outward finally felt the humidity of the air, the temperature was perfect. As my body left, he liquid I stood up and used eco location to find out what surrounded me.

It appears I'm in a gigantic cave, the walls are plan rock but there seem to be vents pumping in the air, "that must be responsible for the humidity of the room." I thought while turning to focus on the place I recently left. It looked from what I could tell from eco location to be a big mass of goo connected to the furthest back wall of this cave. Inside the goo is what I counted to be 25-30 thousand cocoons like structures each connected to a cord-like thing coming down from the ceiling, as a huge thick tree that split into many different branches reaching every cocoon.

The only cocoons not tied to this cord but instead to another were the cocoons for the king and royal guards. Though from what I could tell a just about 1 third of them have already died and the number is only increasing. Just as I was going to turn to walk towards the large door, at the completes opposite side. My wings started to lose the numb feeling that cloaked them before and I could now feel them, as though on instincts I fluttered my wings.

The sheer size of them was not much to talk home about but they felt strong and sturdy. I took flight for a few minutes simply choosing to go just about 10 feet into the air and try out the feeling of flying. Everything seemed to check out, but my wings did feel as though in their current state flying would be a strain on my body. So, I decided that it had enough and landed back on the ground.

When I did so I noticed my feet only had four toes as on each foot.

Walking was weird but after stumbling for a while I managed to walk down the stairs that stood before me. After getting down the steps I started touching parts of my body, I confirmed I don't have lips, but my nose was quite human, not that I cared much but also my head felt odd. I didn't have hair, which was a bummer, but it seems as though I had a thick helmet type thing on, it encapsulated my head serving as a second skull and it felt harder than any other part of me.

My eyes are still forced close and I get an intense pain in my head whenever I try opening them. So I decided to not attempt to open them anymore. When I got to the door it looked to be made to facilitate giants, but I oddly felt no fear and simply knocked on it and waited for a response seeing as I was too weak to open it. I could hear the heartbeat of two people standing guard outside so I knew they would open it for me.

Just as I expected the two guards after composing themselves hurried to open the door. One of them said "is the king awake" the other responded, "no way it's still too early, he's scheduled to awake in a year at the latest." The other one then added "then who's the person who just knocked?" both of them were getting on my nerves. So, I proceeded to knock again banging as hard as I could this time. They quickly rushed to go get someone. It appeared to me that they were not authorized to open the door.

I waited for them to return but during this time I decided to practice using my tail. It appeared so menacing that it scared even me just a little the way it moved was honestly terrifying. Quick wouldn't be able to describe its movement, id says this tail of mine moved at lighting speed, destroying everything in its path. After cutting up the walls a little too much I decided to stop and patiently wait for those two idiots to return. During this time, I practiced bone manipulation.


After a just under an hour four people returned and I proceeded to use my tail to bang against the door. I could tell that the people outside were terrified one even whispered "how dare you to keep the king waiting, he's going to kill us all" another quickly shouted "enough its fine seeing as they don't have the authorization to enter the birthing chamber" the door started to open and I figure at least 1 meter taller than me was standing in front of me, though only for a second as he and everyone else quickly dropped to there knees and shouted

"We greet the Intecqus King." After some time he added "Here blood for you, your highness."

I stared at them for some time, the only thought that passed through my mind was "oh does this mean the king will also be similar to me? I didn't notice anyone else with fangs that would be required to absorb blood." I starred for a few more seconds before telling them to get up and that I wasn't their king. Though I would soon be, seeing as I had no plan of being ruled over by anyone. As they shot up and stared at me, they appeared terrified as though looking at a being beyond their wildest imagination.

"What do you mean you are not the king? If not, then how could you have been born first?"

"I don't know but if you would simply look, you'd see that the king and his royal guards have not been born yet."

I turned and looked up at the goo holding all the Intecqus inside of it including the king and his royal guards. They followed where I was looking and saw that the king was still there.