Swarm of caterpillars (Edited)



[Baby Dragon]: Rank D-

[Little Dragon]: Rank D+



[Dragon Egg]: Rank F




What's this.

[Baby Dragon], [Little Dragon], do I have to choose the one that I like the most?

Being given a choice is quite refreshing. But isn't there a plus sign attached to one?, Wouldn't Little dragon be the better option?

[ [Little Dragon: Rank D+] ]

[A small type dragon, Is called little because of his size, it's as big as a bear.]

[Its fire breath attack is feared by humans.]

Ohh, it gave me an explanation.

This day you have been really gentle, are you a tsundere or what?

Fumu... [Little Dragon] seems to be good enough, but. Would it be able to compete with other monsters? Anyways, show me the other one.

[ [Baby Dragon: Rank D-] ]

[They have tender meat and are incredibly delicious, they also go well with the sauce.]

[They have a low combat ability because of their short fangs and talons, but they have the most potential as they can evolve into different types of dragons.]

[Because of that, they are mostly hunted by other monsters and adventurers.]

That one seems painful.

The first thing it told me is how good of food it was, and then it's potential.

No, not this one.

With Little's ability, I don't think that I would be scared to live tomorrow.

This one seems to be the best evolution to choose, its power ability is guaranteed.

[Become strong.]

Huh? What was that some letters appeared in my head... God's Voice, is that you?

This is strange coming from you.

[Become strong.] [Become strong.] [Become strong.]

[Become strong.] [Become strong.] [Become strong.]

Eh? Eh?

[You should be aiming to be the best] [To the top]

[Like no other] [Like the stone that shines the most]

[You should]

[I have a lot of expectations on you]

Is this really God's Voice?

Why are you...

[ [God's Voice] level increased to 2]

Now? With this timing?

The level rises just as God's Voice stopped.

It's as if it's in a rush. It felt like as if it was a game bug, it was as it was scared.

What to do, does it want me to go with the Baby one?

If not, I feel like God's Voice-chan would get mad, is that right?.

The other monsters seem to be looking this way, which is making me scared.

Aim for the top, huh.

That is really something that I would like to do.

But I suppose that turning into a baby should make me stronger than as I am right now... If that's the case, I think it would be strong enough to protect myself.

More than an unknown enemy is scarier to go against God's Voice. Moreover... if it has some expectations for me, I suppose I should answer them, right?

No, if it's that goddess... I don't know what she can do.

But, the idea of 'being the strongest' also attracts me.

Yosh, I have decided, I'll choose Baby Dragon.

Let's do this, this is my last decision. Do it before I regret it.

The moment I decided, my shell began to make cracking noises and divide itself. I became considerably light.

[Special Skill [Egg's Shell: Lv--] has been lost]

[Special Skill [Dragon's Scales: Lv1] has been obtained.]

[By the effects of Title Skill [Dragon King's Son: Lv--], the level of every resistance skill under level 5 has been raised.]


Isn't that a pretty good cheat?

[Normal Skill [Baby Breath: Lv1] was obtained.]

[Normal Skill [Sweet Bite: Lv1] was obtained.]

Oioi, my skills also favorably increased.

But this sweet thing, how is it useful?


Race: Baby Dragon

Status: Normal

Lv: 1/25

HP: 5/15

MP: 5/5

Attack: 6

Defense: 5

Magic: 6

Agility: 10

Rank: D-

Special Skills:

[Dragon Scales: Lv1]

[God's Voice: Lv2]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv2] [ Fall Resistance: Lv3] [Hunger Resistance: Lv2]

[Poison Resistance: Lv2]

Normal Skills:

[Roll: Lv2] [Inspect Status: Lv1] [Baby Breath: Lv1] [Sweet Bite: Lv1]

Title Skills:

[Dragon King's Son: Lv--] [Walking Egg: Lv--]


This is the type of evolution that becomes powerful once it matures, isn't it?

It seems that it returned me to Lv 1.

Well, it was a miracle that I was able to fight as an egg.

Let's go to the nearby lake, I want to see how my appearance looks like.

Yellow body, round eyes, tiny baby-looking wings that grow from my back.

So cute, isn't it?

But I don't seem to be able to fly yet, I don't have a particular skill that tells me so.

Trying my best, I begin to try to move my wings, but they only shake a little.

After that, my hopes died.

Aim for the top, huh.

Fine, I'll aim for it with all of my power.


Puhaa, delicious!

It was so difficult to drink water when I was an egg! I needed to frantically try to pour the water on the egg's hole! I feel as if I just have been born! Well, until now, I was an egg!

I start to hear some unpleasant sounds behind me as I drink the water of the lake.

I turn my head to try and see what's the origin of that sound, and from the insides of the forest, I see multiple shadows.

[Shaaa!] [Shaaa!] [Kishaaa!]

[Shashasha!] [Shashaaa!]

Oioi isn't that a swarm of Dark Worms!?

And it seems that they are all coming here.

I see at least 20 of them. Quite the spectacle.

Ah, they are possibly coming for me!

If I remember correctly, after I beat the other Dark Worm, he suddenly stood up and made one last cry.

Now that I think about it, he had a skilled called [Group Call: Lv2]

That last cry must have been him using the skill.

Oioi, but what is with this amount. How many hardships have I been thrown so far... If I think about it, it's a miracle that my heart hasn't jumped out. Even if it's bad, I'm no longer an egg now.

As the Dark Worms encircle me, I start to breathe out a warm air towards their direction.

That was the [Baby Breath] skill.

The Dark Worms that are in that direction seem to fall.

It's working! It's working!

As I seem to have overturned the Dark Worm's assault and I step on one of them with all of my strength.


I keep stepping on him, and then I grab him from the back.

Oraora, come!

Even if it bites me, it doesn't hurt at all. I'm no longer the same as before.

The Dark Worms start to attack me from all directions.

I twist my body and jump in the direction of one of the Dark Worms and land on his abdomen, making him fall. And then I use another [Baby Breath]!

The weakened Dark Worm dies.

4 down, and 16 remainings.

I need to keep this up!


Author Note: More changes in this chapter. I deleted a lot of skills that the original Mc had, such a fool and clutz.