Two Nekoshou

"S-s-s-scared, you say? Don't make me laugh! How could I be scared of that old hag? I'm not scared at all, zero for zero. Hehe..."

You sound very unconvincing, Mordred.

"Whatever! Because I'm bored and have nothing to do, I've decided I'm going to take that little girl as my pupil."


Mordred wants to train Shirone?

Kuroka gets alert and stands in front of her sister with open arms.

Mordred stands on the branch and...


She travelled the distance from Shirone instantly, she looked like crimson lightning. Shirone panicked and took a step backwards, but recovered almost immediately.

"What do you say, child? Will you accept to be my disciple?"

Mordred is in front of Shirone. She seems to be ignoring everything around her.

"What are you going to teach me?" Shirone answers her in a firm voice.

"Everything I know, and everything you can learn," Mordred answers her.

"Why me? Nee-sama and Drako-nii are stronger than me."

Mordred smirked.

"Teaching your sister would be a futile effort, she's not cut out for my fighting style. As for my Master, he's pursuing a different path."

"So, you've chosen me out of the blue?"

"Haah! I would never choose anyone to rule out. You may call it the King of Knights instinct, but I can feel your body contains immense brute force. That brute force is a perfect match for my fighting style."

King of Knights instinct? I'd call it woman's intuition.

(I know that Shirone's absurd strength in the Canon comes from having received the rook piece from Rias Gremory. This is one of some changes I am going to make to the Canon. Some will affect the story more, and some less).

Shirone closed her eyes and fell silent for a few moments. She is pondering her answer well.

She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Drako-nii, what do you think I should do?"

"Shirone! Why are you asking Drako before your one-chan?"

"Because he's more reliable than you."

You don't know how wrong you are, Shirone.

Since she asked my opinion, I'm going to answer her as honestly as possible.

"I don't think my opinion should matter here, Shirone. This is a decision that only you can make. I would accept without hesitation, but that doesn't have to be your case. Besides, it's not like you have to stop your Senjutsu training by accepting Mordred as your teacher. Right?"

That last question was addressed to my Servant.

"Of course. In fact, I'm curious about this Senjutsu, too."

"Do you want to learn Senjutsu?"

"No, no. I said I was curious, I didn't say I wanted to learn it. Don't think it's necessary for me, and it also seems boring to train. Anyway, we're here waiting for Miss Shirone answer."

Right. What will Shirone's decision be?

"I... I accept." Shirone said with resolution.

I think it was pretty obvious. Considering that Shirone seeks strength, Mordred's offer is very tempting.


"I think it's better if you don't interfere in this, Kuroka."

Kuroka was going to interrupt Shirone, but I stopped her in time.

"Why? I'm her big sister!"

"Is it the big sibling's job to decide what the little one has to do? You're very wrong if you think like that, Kuroka. Shirone has the right to decide her own path, no matter how much you disagree with that path. Your role as a big sister is to live your life in such a way that you set a good example for your little sister. She has to see both your victories and your failures so that she can learn what she has to do in the future. Both of you had to follow your own life, but always support each other."

"The older sibling has to be by his or her younger sibling's side when he or she fails to support him or her. The older sibling must stand by his or her younger sibling when he or she succeeds. But the older sibling never has to decide for the younger sibling; it is the younger sibling who has to have the personality to make his or her own decisions. As much as you think your decisions are better than your sister's, you are only limiting her own potential by denying her right to decide for herself."

"Besides, you don't think training with Mordred is bad for Shirone. You're just afraid."

Kuroka's body trembles. She bends her head, her bangs are covering her eyes.

"You're afraid. Scared your sister will be taken away from you, right?"


Shirone steps forward to her sister.

"It's true, it's true. I... I never want to lose you, Shirone. Since mom and that despicable being who called himself father died in an experiment, I've only been left with you, you're the only one who gave me the strength to go on and survive in that damn mansion. What am I going to do if you leave? What am I going to do without you?"

Tears were streaming down Kuroka's face.

I walked up to Mordred and whispered, "I think we should leave them alone." To which she nodded, and we walked away a bit.


"I don't want to leave Kuroka-neesama either. Kuroka-neesama and Drako-nii are the people I love and care about the most. Tiamat-nee and Mo-san are good people, too. I want to continue growing with Nee-sama. As long as Nee-sama lets me, I'll always be with Nee-sama."

Shirone embraces Kuroka, and the oldest of the Nekoshou returns the hug with strength.

"Besides, we already promised to have many kittens with Drako-nii. We will as long as we are with Drako-nii."

Kuroka smiled at the thought of that dragon that could now take human form. He had already left and given the two sisters a chance to vent. She had been able to open up to her sister because of this opportunity. She had also heard the thoughts of her younger sister because of this opportunity.

"Wait until my body matures enough. I'll be sure to make lots of kittens with you, Drako."

Kuroka unconsciously let out a playful smile.



"Is something wrong, Master?" asked Mordred, curious to see that her Master was suddenly shaking.

"I think someone is planning something against me."

"Where? Are we finally going to fight?"

Mordred summoned [Clarent] and put on her guard.

"Sigh... Put that away. Will you be glad once you delayed my training even further?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Master?"

Drako looked at Mordred for a moment before looking away.

"I'm not talking about anything. By the way, why do you want to train Shirone?"

"Hmm... Isn't it obvious?"

If it was obvious, I wouldn't ask you!

"It's because I'm bored, hehe."