Barakiel invites to a meal.

It's been several days since Kuroka and I arrived in Grigori. The routine we follow is the same every day, so the situation has not changed much since we left the forest.

The only thing that has changed is the people we interact with.

Barakiel and Raynare are the people we spend the most time with, as they accompany us to training every day.

Barakiel lets us train in peace, and comes over from time to time to take a look at us and ask how we are doing. Otherwise, he just teaches Raynare.

Raynare... she's a hopeless case.

After learning my identity as a dragon and observing our training, she treats us with great respect. She no longer looks like that arrogant bitch who thinks she's superior to everyone else, but a young, educated, refined girl. Raynare could fool me if she didn't know what her real personality is like, no wonder Issei was so easily fooled.

Although I think it's stupid to accept the confession of a stranger, no matter how pretty that girl is. We're not all guys who shit gold, we're not all going to end up with a redheaded bitch with tits the size of melons who's only after your dick.

Let's go back to Raynare.

Does anyone remember that she couldn't recognize that I was a dragon? That's because of my [Stealth] skill, that being at level 3, I can hide my dragon aura from beings that have a High-Class devil level or lower. That's why Raynare, being a single-winged fallen angel, could not feel my dragon aura.

The first day of training, she spent running, screaming and crying. In the end, she finished the training thanks to the insistence of Barakiel, who forced her to run for hours and hours.

Raynare's training continued over the next few days in the same way. She kept running without stopping, and Barakiel sent her a lightning bolt every time she stopped running.

On the third day, she stopped screaming and crying. Which is to be welcomed, because it was very annoying to hear her sobbing while I tried to concentrate. She only screamed when she got a lightning bolt from Barakiel.

On the fifth day, it stopped screaming when she was struck by lightning by Barakiel. She just clenched her teeth and kept running, which is quite surprising of her.

On the sixth day, Barakiel changed Raynare's training regimen.

She continued running in the morning, but in the afternoon, Barakiel began teaching her how to use her skills as a Fallen Angel.

And here where Raynare showed her true talent.

From what Barakiel has told us, and from the knowledge I have about fallen angels, most of them can only create a single spear of light, including himself. Raynare, on the other hand, is capable of creating multiple spears of light. If she can enhance her power, her light lances would be much more powerful.

I don't know why I just pictured a certain blond king throwing numerous weapons out of thin air.

We don't always meet Valina at home when we come back from training, there are days when we don't see her when we get up either. She seems to be following her own training regimen, which is very strict.

I make dinner every day, and I always cook a third portion for her. I didn't know if she would eat it or if she would come back for ramen, but I did anyway. She seems to have heard our words since she stopped eating ramen and always left the dish I prepared empty.

Right now it's the morning of the seventh day since we arrived in Grigori. I'm training my [Touki]. This was the skill I was looking for when training [Senjutsu], and I made a good decision by learning it.

[Touki: Lv3]

For every level that the skill increases, I get a 10% increase in my strength. Now that I have the skill at level 3, my strength increases by 30%.

These are the statistics that change when using [Touki].


Strength: 150 + 45= 195

Defense: 120 + 36= 156

Magic: 147 + 44= 191

Agility: 96 + 29= 125


My strength goes up to almost ten levels when I use [Touki], that's no joke. Having 30% more power is amazing, no matter how you look at it.

I can't wait to take this skill up a few more levels. But it looks like I won't be able to do it until I evolve once more.

Damn physical limits...

Is this what humans in this world feel when they reach their limit?

Well, they have their Sacred Gears to compensate for the balance of power.

If I had something similar...

Wait, I have something even better. A Noble Phantasm of rank [A], [Agni Gandiva], and another of rank [B], [Phoebus Catastrophe]. I think having that is much better than most Sacred Gears, even better than some Longinus.

Is [Gandiva] better than [Boosted Gear]? I wouldn't know. The ability to double your power every ten seconds is too broken, not to mention the Balance Breaker or Juggernaut Drive.

I'm not gonna name the rest of Issei's evolutions, because they don't make sense.


Our morning training regimen, and Raynare's, begins at nine o'clock in the morning and ends at two o'clock in the afternoon. Then, we take a two-hour break and return to training at four o'clock in the afternoon, and finish the afternoon training at nine o'clock at night.

We have already finished the morning training. We now have a two-hour lunch break before we return to training.

"I can finally rest! I thought I was going to die 20 times this morning."

The first thing Raynare does when she hears it's 2:00 in the afternoon is lie down on the floor. She's sweating a lot, which is making her sports uniform stick to her body and highlighting her seductive curves.

She's hot, there's no need to deny that.

Ignoring Raynare, Barakiel approached us.

"How are you guys doing?"

"Pretty good for today. I haven't made any apparent improvement, but I'm slowly getting better."

"That's good."

This is the typical conversation I have with Barakiel every time we finish training.

Barakiel is staying close to us longer than usual, and the atmosphere is getting uncomfortable.

"Do you need anything?"

In the end, I have to ask him, since it looks like he's not going to say anything on his own.

"Well, you see... I've told my wife and daughter about you at home, and they seem to want to meet you, especially my daughter. Akeno keeps repeating that he wants to meet the cat-girl and the dragon. I hadn't told you anything before because I didn't want to bother you, but I can't stand it anymore. That's why I invite you to eat at my house today."