[Kasha] vs Holy Fire Spears

But Suriel would never have expected to find another variable in the form of Nekomata.

Not only that, but the Nekomata seemed to be much stronger than that dragon. She had already proven herself a fearsome opponent with that [Kasha] she had used. Suriel feared that she was even more powerful than he was.

Of course, he had an ace up his sleeve. If he didn't, he would have abandoned this mission by now.

But even if he had a secret weapon, he preferred not to have to show it. So he had allowed Kuroka to withdraw and not interfere with his actions.

The Nekoshou had not yet given him an answer, and he had been waiting foolishly for one.

Suriel had not realized this until he saw the lightning.

There was no doubt, the enemy had played with them. Mammon was going to die sooner or later, and the dragon was going to come to the aid of the girls in no time.

Suriel, who believed he had at least a few hours to kill his target since it had been reported that Baraqiel would take quite some time to arrive from the "mission", now had to hurry to finish all this because of the possible threat posed by these two variables.

It was time to go all out, wiping out all the enemies. Revealing all the trump cards he had in his hand.

Raising both hands, two spears of light appeared above them. Unlike the previous spear, these spears were not yellow, but reddish in colour. These spears gave off heat, making it clear that these were no ordinary light spears.

Suriel felt his pride rise as he saw the surprised faces of Kuroka and Shuri, the only two who could understand what was happening.

"Surprised? Though my fire is less than the heavenly fire of my father, Uriel, it is still mighty."

Suriel laughed as he threw both spears of light, one toward Kuroka and the other toward Shuri. Suriel doubted that he could kill the Nekoshou with a single spear of light, but he had to at least keep her at bay while killing his true targets. As long as he killed Baraqiel's wife and daughter, he could leave with his mission accomplished.

He already had a smile on his face, thinking his mission had been accomplished.


Suriel felt that the connection to both spears had been severed. He understood if Kuroka could finish with a single spear of light. Still, he was certain Shuri would not be able to defend against it.


"You think you're the only one who can create more than one weapon? It seems you're dumber than I thought-nya."

Two black wheels floated around Kuroka. These were her [Kasha], she had used them to neutralize Suriel's attack.

Suriel frowned, he had underestimated the Nekoshou again.

"Is that so? I wonder, how many [Kasha] can you create?

Four spears of light appeared behind Suriel's back. He attacked aiming at the four girls.

He didn't know how many [Kasha] Kuroka could create, so he was beginning to test the girl's limits.

He wasn't surprised when he saw two more black wheels. The four [Kasha] finishing off the four spears of light.

Suriel didn't stop his attack, creating eight Light Spears. Kuroka frowned and pulled out the remaining four [Kasha].

This was getting worrying. Could Suriel create more Spears of Light?

Suriel marvelled at the sweat on Kuroka's forehead. It seemed that the Nekoshou could control no more than eight [Kasha] at once. If that was so, then this mission was already over. He decided to go all out this time, without giving Kuroka a chance to defend himself.

A spear.

Two spears.

Four spears.

Eight spears.

Sixteen Spears.

Thirty-two spears of light floated around Suriel. These were moving around the inner courtyard of the shrine, ready to attack their target.

Shuri's face paled, and she covered her daughter instinctively. Kuroka bit her lower lip, this was becoming very difficult.

Kuroka sighed, and all the [Kasha] were gone.

"Do you give up? I am sorry, but I will not give you the chance to escape." Suriel looked at Kuroka with contempt.

A half-smile appeared on Kuroka's face, puzzling Suriel. She raised a hand and drew numerous runes in the air, these were a dark colour.


Shuri recognized what Kuroka was doing, and so did Suriel. He gave the order to attack immediately, praying that the Nekoshou would not have enough time to finish what she was doing.

"Black Prison!"

A black, but at the same time transparent, barrier covered the group of girls before the light lances could enter a range of five meters away. The light lances collided with the barrier and disappeared.

Suriel knew this wasn't very good. He continued to create spears of light and shoot them at the barrier, hoping to destroy it as soon as possible. To his despair, none of the spears could break through the barrier.

He was racking his brain, looking for a possible solution to this desperate situation. He had to finish this mission if or if, or an unimaginable punishment would come to him as a result of failing the task. He might well kill himself before he could report his failed mission.

A light bulb went off in his head when he remembered who was among that group of women. His dear niece would listen to him if he asked you for a favour, wouldn't she?

"Raynare, you have to kill those women. If you do, you can come with your dear uncle to a place where they will accept you with open arms. You'll come back to me, the only family you have left."

Yeah, Raynare could kill the targets. He knew she had a latent power that could take him out in seconds. Now that the Nekoshou was busy maintaining the barrier, there was nothing to stop Raynare from killing Shuri and Akeno.

"Shut up, shut up." Raynare kept talking incoherently.