Spending three [Fate Points]

Drako woke up the next morning when the sun came up. Or rather, Drako finally went to bed when the sun came up. On his chest rested Kuroka, who was exhausted after a busy night.

"Drako-nyaa... that was... incredible-nyaa..."

Kuroka spoke between yawns.

Drako was speechless.

To think that Kuroka still had the strength to speak after so many hours of hard exercise. What was she? A succubus?

"I think you're going to get little sleep today, Kuroka."

"Why? I want to sleep-nya!"

Drako laughed slightly at Kuroka's response. What a lazy cat.

"Don't you remember? Today's the day Shirone and Mordred arrive in Japan, we have to go pick them up."

"It's true! I'm finally going to get to see my dear, cute imouto. Hehehehe..."

A silly smile settled on Kuroka's face.

"You're very fond of Shirone, huh."

"Of course, she's my only blood-relative. Plus, she's irresistibly cute, don't you think?"

She asked the question cheerfully, but there was a twinkle hidden in Kuroka's eyes.

"Yes, she is," Drako replied.

And he regretted it the next moment as he felt a terrible chill.

"Nyaa! I knew it, I knew you had your eyes on Shirone-nyaa!"

Drako did not know where he had drawn the forces of Kuroka to set upon him once more. She made an attempt to strangle Drako, squeezing both hands around his neck.

"Don't even try it, Kuroka. Your physical strength is insufficient to damage my skin."

What Drako said was true. Thanks to his new [Noble Phantasm] [Aigis], attacks with physical strength inferior to his defense were unable to penetrate his skin, or his scales if he's in dragon form.

"I'm just kidding-nya." Kuroka said as she stuck out her tongue.

Of course, Drako knew Kuroka didn't mean it. He had felt no ill will coming from the Nekoshou.

"There are still a few hours before we pick up the two girls, and our smell is quite peculiar, why don't we take a shower?"

"No! I want to make it clear that tonight I've become Drako's wife! I'm not taking a shower for a year!"

"Don't be silly, you think I don't know you just don't want to shower?"


Drako had hit the target. Kuroka, like most cats, had a degree of repulsion toward showers. It was not that she did not bathe, but that she did not like to do so.

"Okay... Let's go."

Reluctantly, Kuroka followed Drako into the bathroom.

They did not need to undress, as they had been doing so for quite some time. Once inside the bath, both began to wash.

"Hey... Kuroka."

"Tell me."

"Remember what I told you before we started fucking like animals? About getting stronger."

Kuroka's body shook slightly at the last part.


"I have the ability to give you that power, that strength. But... in return, you'll be tied to me for life. And I mean that literally, your fate will be tied to mine. If I die, you will die too. We will have to face powerful enemies, so death is certainly possible. Gods, no, even more powerful than the gods themselves, that will be the level of our opponents. Are you up for that? If you are, then I will give you that strength."

Drako looked into Kuroka's eyes, trying to find out what she thought of what he had just said.

And her eyes...

Her eyes had never changed. They were still as determined and full of love as ever.

"I, Kuroka, am willing to follow you to death. If you die, I will kill myself, so there is no difference in dying at the same time as you. That way, I'll live with you and never be separated from you. Because I... love you. I love you more than anything in this world, even more than my little sister. For you would fight the gods, for you, I would fight beings more powerful than the gods themselves. I would fight Ouroboros himself and the dream dragon god if I had to!"

Kuroka's words were all Drako needed. He brought her into his embrace and gave her a passionate kiss.

"Then become my Servant."

[You're going to spend a [Fate Point] to turn [Kuroka] into a [Servant]. Are you sure?]

"Yes," Drako replies mentally.

[Checking approval of [Kuroka]]


[It takes a [Servant Class] to continue]

[[Servant Class] available]

Str End Agi Man Luk

Saber A B B C D

Archer C C C E E

Lancer B C A D E

Rider D D B C E

Caster E E C A B

Berserker C D D E E

Assassin D D B E B

A board appeared in front of Drako, showing the parameters of each of the available classes.

"Give me more details about each of the classes. "



Class Skills: High [Magic Resistance] and [Riding]


Class Skills: [Independent Action] and [Magic Resistance]


Class Skills: [Magic Resistance]


Class Skills: High [Riding] and [Magic Resistance]


Class Skills: [Item Construction] and [Territory Creation]


Class Skills: [Mad Enhancement]


Class Skills: [Presence Concealment]


Those are the seven classes with their class skills.

Drako wanted more information about the classes, but he was already clear on which one Kuroka fit best.

Without a doubt, the best class for Kuroka was [Caster]. This is the only practical class since its [Mana] parameter is [A].

"[Sage], I confirm that Kuroka's class is Caster."

[Roger that!]

"What's this-nyaa?"

An extraordinary phenomenon happened at that time. A bright light enveloped Kuroka, and her body began to change.

She... grew up.

And not just in height.

Her body began to mature and didn't stop until she reached her adult appearance.

Yeah, the look she has at HighSchool DxD.

School Kuroka had evolved into Mature Kuroka.

"What's going on-nyaa? I feel a tingling in my body, and... strange. I can't find words to describe this-nyaa!"

That your body began to glow is an event for which you must be on your guard, but Kuroka was not on her guard at all. In fact, she seemed to be enjoying the situation.

The light soon faded, and Drako felt a special connection to Kuroka. It was very similar to the connection he had with Mordred, his first [Servant], but he could tell the difference between the two connections.

What did this mean?

Kuroka had officially become his second [Servant]

"How do you feel right now?" Drako asked Kuroka.

"Hmm... let me think about how to explain it to you... I think... I'm stronger? I feel a connection with you, I'm sure of it."

It seemed that Kuroka could feel the connection too.

[Status Inspection]


-Class: Caster

-True Name: Kuroka

-Class Skills:

Territory Creation (A+)

Item Construction (B)

-Personal skills:


-Noble Phantasm:



Strength: E

Endurance: E

Agility: C

Mana: A

Luck: B

Noble Phantasm: None


"No, no. Show me the other one.

[Status Inspection]



Race: Nekomata/Servant (Nekoshou)

Status: Normal

Lv: 29/100

HP: 5927/5927

Strength: 711

Defense: 711

Magic: 3559

Agility: 2137


"Wait, wait, wait. I think there's something wrong here. How can these be Kuroka's stats? Even if it is a [Servant], aren't these too much?"


Stop for a moment! GreatSage is here!!!

Before anyone is alarmed, I'm going to explain a couple of things right now.

Some of you may wonder how I get my statistics out, and some of you may think I'm just making them up. For those who think the latter, let me say no, I don't make them up.

The system I am using for the Servant levels is none other than FGO itself. The statistics that Kuroka should have at level one are as follows.

At level one, her HP should be 2091 and his Magic Attack 1294.

Why are her stats so high if she's only level 29?

You have to keep in mind that Servants don't evolve. That is to say, their maximum level is 100. That is why with each level, they increase many stats points.

In Kuroka's case, she goes up 81 Stat points per level and 137 HP points per level.

How did I calculate the rest of the parameters?

If the parameter Mana/Magic Attack is of range (A) and this one is 1294, a rule of three is made taking this value into account.

It would be like this.

Mana (A)=(1294)------------------------------50

Strength (E)=(x)-------------------------------10


Physical Attack=258

Lvl 29= 258+[(81X10/50)*28]= 2526

In the end, at level 100, Kuroka would have statistics of 9366 Magical Attack and 15810 HP. That is, she would have a Magic Power of 4 Max levels Satans or 2 gods, or 1 battle god. She would be almost as strong as a Chief God without the use of her Noble Phantasm.

Of course, this is all balanced. In order for the Servants to reach level 29, Drako had to acquire a total of 40600 experience points. To reach level 30, Drako would need 5000 more experience points.

And that sum is slowly increasing.

In the end, to reach level 100, Drako would need to gain 2,031,140 experience points. That's fast, especially considering that it's only just over 40,000, or 1.9% of the total.

In the end, a [Servant] will have a strength similar to the heads of the mythologies and the most powerful ones like Mordred will have a level that will bring him face to face with the 10 most powerful ones.

But that's still a long way off. It is true that it may seem that I'm making the Servants OP, but that is precisely what I want. I want Servant OPs to accompany Drako.

Some people might not like it, especially since by my standards Kuroka is stronger in some ways than Azazel. Of course, that's without taking into account his Artificial Sacred Gear.

You can give your opinion on this, but I honestly don't give a shit about it. I'm not going to change this now or in the future.

Back to the chapter.


Kuroka's statistics were too incredible for Drako. How had she gone from having a magic power of 600 to having one of 3500?

"Isn't she stronger than Mordred?"

Yes, the last time Drako had looked at Mordred's statistics, they weren't that high.

[You should look at Mordred's statistics before saying that]

"Can you show me her stats even if she's not here?"




Race: Human/Servant (Homunculus)

Status: Normal

Lv: 29/100

HP: 6073/6073

Strength: 4891

Defense: 3064

Magic: 2446

Agility: 2446



"I take back my words, Kuroka is no stronger than Mordred."

[Of course not. Mordred's attacking power is among the five most powerful of the Saber class within the Throne of Heroes, it is very difficult to find a Servant that will surpass her. The rest of her parameters are also very well balanced, which cannot be said of a Servant of the Caster class who is only good with magic].


Information about Mordred Attack is also official. She is the number 5 on the list.

5-Mordred 12833 Attack

4- Musashi 13176 Attack

3- Okita Souji 13220

2- Altera 13511

1- Sigurd/Arthur Pendragon (Male) 13645

However, by using the Noble Phantasm the list would be as follows.

6-Mordred 115497

5-Altera 175831

4-Okita 198150

3-Musashi 205545

2-Arthur 214908

1-Sigurd 248760

So, Mordred at max level and using her NP would bring a Attack value of 115497...

Just kidding.

This is only in-game values that I'm not going to take in count. Only the first list counts for this novel.


"I see..."

For Mordred, who had a B or higher standard in all her statistics, it was normal that she was more powerful than an ordinary Servant. To that, we must add her [Personal Skills] and [Noble Phantasm], which make her a very reliable Servant.

She has a somewhat complicated character, but it was nothing that could not be endured.

"I have become stronger... I have become stronger! All thanks to my dear husband! I love you, Drako-Nyaa!"

Kuroka jumped into Drako's embrace as she felt the surge of power through her body. She did not know how strong she was now, but she did not believe she was inferior to the Mordred she knew.

Of course, the Mordred she knew was only between levels 1-5, she was much stronger now than before.

After turning Kuroka into Servant, Drako still had two Fate Points to spend on whatever he wanted. The idea was to give Kuroka a Noble Phantasm or two, or a Noble Phantasm and a Fate Skill. Of course, this all depended on luck in the lottery, which is the system.

"I want to spend a [Fate Point] to get a [Noble Phantasm]"

1 [Fate Point] used, getting [Noble Phantasm]




[Noble Phantasm: [Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj (A+)] obtained]

A Noble Phantasm of rank (A+)...

A Noble Phantasm at the same level as [Clarent Blood Arthur].

It is said that something that has a level of (A+) is considered to be at the same level as [Magic], also referred to as True Magic and Sorcery.

[Magic] represents the actualization of events that are impossible to reproduce in a given time, either by humans or by the planet, even if given an infinite amount of time and resources.

"Magic" can be differentiated from "Magecraft" in that the consequences of its use are ostensibly "impossible" or "miraculous". The end output of a spell that creates fire is within dictates of the world because something as mundane as lighting a match can yield the same effect. Concepts like time manipulation, teleportation, spatial warping and quarantine, and the resurrection of the dead are miracles thought to be possible only through the application of Magic. The Denial of Nothingness, Operation of Parallel Worlds and Time Travel can all perform resurrections, but the resurrection of the dead through conventional methods is something that not even Magic has granted since the days of old.

Back to the Noble Phantasm.

Drako felt the name was familiar as if he had seen it somewhere. He was quick to remember it.

[Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj] is none other than one of the objects representing the god Vishnu, specifically in his upper right hand.

First [Gandiva] and now [Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj]. Both were divine weapons that belonged to the most powerful pantheon.

"Give me the description of this Noble Phantasm."

[Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj: The Chakra that Stirs Up My Raging Flames, is Ashwatthama's Noble Phantasm.

Unusually, he made a weapon he didn't possess in life, that he couldn't possess, into a Noble Phantasm.

He who has a huge chakram in his hand, at the time of being summoned as a Servant, freely manipulated this weapon, and continued engraving it in his memory as a warrior.

In other words, all of his usage of the chakram is self-taught, an original that wasn't taught by anyone.]

"In other words..."

[The person who receives this Noble Phantasm will have knowledge of how to use it perfectly as if he was born with it. For example, you had to learn how to use a bow when you got your [Gandiva]. That won't happen with this Noble Phantasm]

"That's very convenient..."


Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj (Noble Phantasm)

True name: Sudarshan Chakra Yamaraj: The Chakra that Stirs Up My Raging Flames

Owner: ???

Type: Anti-Army

Rank: A+

Range: --

Maximum number of targets: --


Not only is it an A+ rated Noble Phantasm, but it also falls into the Anit-Army category. Without a doubt, this Noble Phantasm is one of the tops.

If a range parameter (A) can be given a rating of 50 points, one of (A+) has a rating of 100. Technically, this Noble Phantasm has twice the numerical value of [Gandiva].

"Give this Noble Phantasm to Kuroka," Drako told [Sage].

[Are you sure?]


Drako did not hesitate for a moment to give this mighty Noble Phantasm to Kuroka. With this weapon in her hands, Kuroka would have no trouble defending herself.


Kuroka shivered in Drako's embrace.

"What is this-nyaa?"

All information related to the Noble Phantasm was introduced into Kuroka's memory.

Acting on pure instinct and based on the memories newly installed in Kuroka's mind, she summoned what appeared to be a red chakram.

"This is what is known as Noble Phantasm. For your reference, my bow and Mordred's sword are also Noble Phantasm."

Drako explained to Mordred.

"I see. It feels like my Kasha quite a lot!"

"Yes, there is a certain resemblance."

This Noble Phantasm is in some ways an upgrade of Kuroka's Kasha. In its current form, the chakram was similar in size to the Kasha, but this one could be enlarged.

Drako then spoke to [Sage] again.

"Now, I want a [Fate Skill] for Kuroka."

1 [Fate Point] used, getting [Fate Skill]




[ Fate Skill: Pheromone (B) ] obtained

[Give this skill to the Servant known as Kuroka?]


Drako didn't even have to look at the skill description to know what it was. He didn't think he had that skill for himself, so it was better to give it to Kuroka.

"There's still more? Huh... this skill... that skill is very interesting, why don't I try it now?"

Before Drako could do anything, a fragrant smell assailed his nose. His penis was erect in an instant, and it seemed as if he would have to relieve his burden if at all.

"Nyaa... Let's go get a round or two more!"