Himejima Clan, the chosen one by the goddess

I had final exams last week, so I was unable to post anything. I'm going to try to post daily chapter again since I finished school.


At a specific place, the main sanctuary of the Himejima Clan, family members gathered in the outer sanctuary. With equally severe expressions, all members present at that time were aware of the truth behind the events that had occurred. The base of the "Utsusemi Agency" was more or less under control. Although several fugitives had escaped, the remains of one of the masterminds, those of Himejima Hanezu, had been recovered. Because of that, by now at least everything had been solved.

In the complete and utter silence, a sombre-faced old man squatting before the inner sanctum whispered.

"It would be good if our ties to Grigori's fate were severed."

With that phrase, the outer sanctum erupted with noise. All the members of the Clan began to speak their minds simultaneously.

"Suzerain, right? We've seen that one case... the negotiations about Akeno and Shuri have already reached a conclusion, but..."

The old man... the "Suzerain" of the Himejima family, let out a single sigh as if he wasn't interested.

"That was resolved through a secret agreement we made with Azazel. From now on, Grigori will not be able to act freely throughout Japan, and they are forbidden to enter areas where the five clans gobern unless they have permission from us. The problem we have now is that dragon, since we underestimated its strength. We have information that that dragon is residing in Japan. If a monster like that creates any more conflict in this country, it's our duty as the Himejima clan to exterminate it."

These were not at all hesitant words. A strong, unwavering will permeated the minds and bodies of all present...

The members of the Clan successively expressed their opinions about the information.

"We must take this opportunity to bridge the gap with the other families. Their side also has unexpected users of supernatural powers, and after all the Sacred Gear holders were taken by the Grigori..."

"Shinra's side too, I've heard they have a daughter who possessed a sacred treasure mirror that had the power to contact demons. It is clear that it is not at all a coincidence that such calamities have occurred at the same time in the Five Main Families".

"The association of wizards... "Grauzauberer, have they asked us to form a cooperative relationship in this matter?"

Hearing these few words, the gentleman took out only one paper. It was a document written in magic characters. It seemed to be a call for cooperation from the magicians' association known as 'Grauzauberer'.

Remaining inexpressive, the Lord formed a phenomenon of fire in his hand, and, in an instant, he turned the paper on which the call had been written into ashes.

"There is no need to collude with foreign practitioners. We must show a separation between Mephisto Pheles, who leads Grauzauberer, and us. The same for that Azazel, since he's nothing but a swindler."

In fact, that was all that needed to be said.

For the people of the Clan, it was unanimous after all.

"As far as that band of black wings is concerned, the Vatican could also move."

"It's okay if it's mutual non-intervention. If there is a conflict, it's enough if we censure them at that time."

The Lord gave a strict answer.

As for the clan members, their mouths continued to speak.

"However, there is the matter of 'Oz'.....the picture book world."

"...Grigori, Oz, and those who rebelled against the Five Major Clans continue to appear one after another...."

The clan members who could not hide their discomfort were not insignificant. It was natural. Although they were already aware of the group of fallen angels and the association of wizards, not to mention the betrayal of the "Utsusemi Agency", it was truly unexpected that "Oz" should be involved in these events. Until now, among those who were part of the Five Major Clans, none of them had believed that such a place existed. Even among those who had gathered here, some still had doubts about it.

Even within this, the Suzerain Himejima Suou came to a clear decision.

"Whatever happens, if such a demon Rasetsu sets foot in Japan bringing disaster, it is our assigned role to eradicate him completely."

Everyone silently nodded their heads in agreement to this.

-But, letting out a sigh, Himejima Suou said this.

"Truly, the 'dog' produced from the genealogy of my older sister, who was exiled from the family... The matter of the 'holy lightning' was enough, what kind of strange thing has this family possessed?"

"However, it cannot be helped that such a thing has occurred from the Himejima bloodline. -Suzaku."

At the Suzerain's call, the form of a single individual appeared.


It was a young woman with beautiful long black hair. Her black hair had a sheen as if it were wet. She possessed a frigid atmosphere, one that was tidy without a hint of hesitation.

As for the young woman's age... Himejima Suzaku was seventeen years old as of this year. Her appearance was appropriate since she was one of the granddaughters of Himejima Suou's other elder sister. Until this year, she had been the only talented woman of all her relatives who had inherited the sacred beast 'Suzaku' that was ruled by Himejima. No, in recent years, the one who had inherited the sacred beasts from each of the respective five major clans was remarkably young. Based on this, the efforts the families had undertaken to bring in good blood seemed to have borne fruit.

Beyond that, however, there was something else that Suou, who was the master, harboured toward this daughter. It was that she was very much like the first one he had raised... Shuri, who had since left them to go away with the fallen angels. Suzaku's mother had been Shuri's biological elder sister.

The Suzerain... Suou had thought of that without meaning to. After closing her eyes, she spoke to Suzaku.

"I ask you for the herald who will become the next chief of the Himejima. --starting with 'Red', can you show us the dance of fire?"

She... Suzaku, bowed deeply.

"I would be honoured, Ooji-sama."

Hearing that line from Suzaku, Suou nodded calmly. -But Suou, narrowing his eyes, looked down at the floor.

"However. ...towards the daughter of the 'lightning' who is being hidden by the Fallen Angels. To the 'dog' of darkness who is aligned with the dragon..."

He, speaking in a whisper.

"For the time being, we should designate him as 'The Fallen Dog God'."


Having been honoured by the Suzerain order at the main shrine, Himejima Suzaku was walking the grounds.


Raising a cry, there was a boy with glasses who looked about the same age as her. Possessing long, thin limbs, he was a handsome boy. The strange aura surrounding his body was equivalent to that of Suzaku, or perhaps even...

"What brings you here, Seiryuu-chan of the Kushihashi family?"

Suzaku asked as such. The boy... Kushihashi Seiryuu shrugged.

"Asking if it will become a three-way fight with the band of fallen angels and the magicians from the picture book."

Suzaku walked again as he spoke.

"Well, I guess it's pretty crowded around here. Not that you're not gonna work hard too."

As he followed her, Seiryuu responded.

"Since that would be the family's decision, too, although we'll have no choice but to comply as well. Apart from that, I had to fly here when I heard that Himejima had produced the 'Dog God'. Isn't it amazing that he's one of the Longinus?"

Suzaku stopped walking and spoke without turning around.

"Isn't it ironic? That such a dark leaf should be born from the Himejima that governs Shinto?"

Sensing the atmosphere of Suzaku, Seiryuu put on a bitter smile.

"Frighteningly scary."

Seiryuu changed the subject as she continued.

"Are you even aware of that, Suzaku? That the dog's mere presence would bring the Four Fiends together?"

"The matter of the 'Four Fiends' and the 'Dog God'. For the old-sama of Himejima, however, it has aroused more than his fury."

"The Himejima are interesting, eh. Coming from here, there is a high frequency of irregularities. From the misconduct of the fallen angel, the dragon that destroys his plans, to the birth of the dog god. And only you are their salvation, eh?"

"No, even I was originally from the dark side. It's just that I could only be forgiven for those days. Seiryuu, though it is a sin, I would like you to prepare a meeting place for the other members of the Four Divine Beasts and the Ouryou-dono."

At these words from Suzaku, Seiryuu smiled brightly.

"That is your movement, eh? This should be fun. However, aside from Genbu-chan and that troublemaker Byakko, are you really going to go so far as to summon Ouryuu? That person is a lot harder to please than you might guess."

Suzaku gathered all her long hair on her back, forming a ponytail.

"To make sure, I have to see this personally. Not only the Four Friends, Ikuse Tobio... For me, eventually, even that Tobio boy, even that 'lightning' business, will be recognized as part of this family. --I will accept even the darkness of the family."

"Well, I'm only interested in that dragon. Which will be stronger, me, who carries the spirit of the Azure Dragon, or a real dragon?"

Suzaku gave Seiryuu a glance from the side and let out a slight sigh.

The next head of the Kushihashi family left after talking to Suzaku a bit, leaving her alone.

Suzaku did not return immediately, she spent some time thinking.

That dragon Seiryuu spoke of...

Suzaku did not know what kind of person he was, but she was very grateful to that man/dragon. He had saved the lives of two of the most important people to Suzaku, so she felt she owed a debt of gratitude to the dragon.

The failure to kill Shuri and Akeno had been a severe blow to the Himejima clan, a blow that Suzaku could not afford to miss. Many events involving the Five Clans had come to Amaterasu's attention, and the patron goddess was greatly displeased with them.

Amaterasu had already contacted Suzaku before she even took that name, and had given her the goddess blessing.

Indeed, Suzaku had not only received the sacred beast that shared her name, but had the blessing of the head goddess of Japan as well. You could say that Suzaku was the chosen one.

As such, the mission of Suzaku was to change the Five Clans from within. Because Amaterasu could not intervene due to the policies of the gods in her pantheon, Suzaku had to do all this work alone. To do so, the young woman needed the support of the other four descendants who had inherited the Sacred Beasts.

"Young beauty, with black hair and red eyes. You must be Suzaku Himejima."

An ethereal voice surprised Suzaku. Her body went up in flames, ready for any surprise attack. The power that belongs to her Sacred Beast, Suzaku, enveloped her body.

"You do not have to be on alert, I am not an enemy. Amaterasu has told me that you can help me."

A beautiful young woman appeared in front of Suzaku.

Suzaku relaxed as she heard that the woman had been sent by Amaterasu. If her goddess said she had to help someone, Suzaku would gladly do so.

"Who are you? How can I help you?" Suzaku asked as she dismissed the flames.

"My name is Artemis, goddess of the hunt, among other things. I need you to help me find a person.



We are already halfway between the end of the Utsusemi Agency volume and the start of the next volume. As you have already seen, Artemis and Suzaku are going to be important in this volume. I also intend to give more importance to Shirone and Mordred, without forgetting our friends from SlashDog.

Kuroka and Drako's relationship has finally taken a step forward, and Kuroka has become Drako's second Servant. Now, Drako's strength has been increased so that he can face the next Holy Grail Wars.

One of the people I want to focus on is Raynare. Drako has to help her unlock her powers, as well as her Sacred Gear that we don't know about yet.

On the other hand, Drako's gonna make a move on Issei. What's he gonna do with the Red Dragon Emperor?

The events happening in SlashDog 2 will be covered in this volume. Although there's another SlashDog volume, I don't intend to cover it at the moment.