Has Valina challenged Mordred?

Drako and Raynare's training continued for the next few hours. Actually, more than training, one could consider that Drako was beating Raynare's brains out. And, although the training was supposed to last about four hours, Raynare lost consciousness before he reached two hours.

Once she fell unconscious, Raynare had the same nightmare again. Every time she entered the dream world, the same evil voice came back to haunt her. Raynare didn't know what this person looked like, but it sounded like a woman because of her voice. Still, Raynare couldn't turn around and look at this person.

No, Raynare knew she could do it. She knew she could escape those nightmares. But... she was afraid.

"Come on, Raynare. Say my name, call me..."

Raynare woke up shaken. Cold sweat ran down her entire body, causing her discomfort.

"You finally woke up."

Raynare didn't need to look to know it was Drako who had spoken.

"How long have I been sleeping?" Raynare asked as she got up.

As she performed this action, she realized she felt different somehow. Like something had changed, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"A little over two hours."

Raynare stood and finally looked up at Drako, who was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. She noticed an abnormality again, and that was that her body did not hurt at all. After the brutal beating she had taken from Drako, she felt as if her body was a new one.


"You want to know why your body doesn't hurt, don't you?"

Raynare nodded her head.

"You should know since this is not the first time I've applied this treatment on you."

"You're talking about the Azazel cream, right? But... wasn't it just a simple massage cream?"

"That's right, it's the cream created by Azazel. Did you really think that a cream created from the most expensive and legendary materials in each mythology served only as a simple massage cream?"


Now that Raynare thought about it, it was a real waste to use such a precious cream in massages. Still, she couldn't say that out loud since the cream belonged to Drako. Since he signed the contract with Azazel, all of this guy's cream that Grigori created ended up in Drako's hands, so he was free to do whatever he wanted with it.

And even though it was such a valuable cream, Drako was willing to spend it to heal her wounds...

Wait, how did he apply the cream if she had her clothes on?


Raynare felt her cheeks warm at the thought of Drako stripping her naked to apply the cream. It was normal for her to feel something was out of place. Had Drako taken advantage of her while she was unconscious?

"I have to go home and prepare for the girls' lunch. Why don't you come with me?"

"Won't I be a nuisance?"

"No, your presence is always welcome."

Hearing that, Raynare nodded shyly and decided to follow Drako into the human world.

Before returning to the human world, they passed by the place where Baraqiel was teaching. Apparently, the training had ended long ago, and the Cadre was teaching Natsume and Akeno the knowledge of the supernatural world.

"Sacred Gears, also known as God's Artifacts, which are items that have powerful abilities bestowed upon humans by the God from the Bible. The God of the Bible created the Sacred Gears as a part of his system to enact miracles on Earth and appeared in other factions around the Human World.

Influential figures from the past and present are carriers of Sacred Gears, although the vast majority of them do not have Sacred Gears for combat.

Within the Sacred Gears, there are 13 who are considered superior and who has the power to kill Maous and Gods. These are called Longinus.

The Sacred Gears of Tobio, Lavinia and Valina, are Longinus."

Baraqiel was teaching Natsume and Akeno a lesson about Sacred Gears. This information was more intended for Natsume than for Akeno since for the latter, it was just a review of what his parents had already taught her.

"Sacred Gears can have various effects and abilities, such as Canis Lykaon, which can manifest a small black dog that can summon blades from itself. Sacred Gears can also adapt and evolve based around their wielder's thoughts, needs, and feelings, gaining abilities or qualities as time pass first seen by Jin who had become able to grow distorted blades from shadows.

To make the lesson better understood, Baraqiel was giving an example that Natsume knew personally.

"Sacred Gears has an ultimate state of activation referred to as the Balance Breaker and Forbidden Move, which is the most powerful manifestation of the Sacred Gear. Once reached, the Balance Breaker can be entered again far more easily than the first time.

Balance Breaker is a "bug" in the system created by the God of the Bible, which can alter the balance of the world, and that is why it is called Balance Breaker.

It is currently considered a forbidden power by the Three Bible Factions. It is known as the final activation state of a Sacred Gear.

Balance Breaker is often activated by high emotions combined with a change in the heart or spirit of the wearer.

Balance Breakers can be divided into three categories. Most Balance Breakers, including the subspecies, could be placed under the Crest Side. The Crest Side is classified under strengthening, evolving to the point of transformation. By pursuing the arrogance of themselves and Sacred Gear, the Balance Breaker can further evolve by creating a state of fusion with their Sacred Gear to produce the Abyss Side. The third type, Ex Side, consists of the Balance Breaker that could not be classified in the two previous categories due to its sudden variation. It is considered an exception among the exceptions. "

"In your case, Natsume, your Sacred Gear is an Independent Avatar type. The Independent Avatar Sacred Gear are Sacred Gears that create an avatar, in the form of an animal most of the time. They can act independently while protecting their owner or joining them in combat."

With this, Baraqiel's lecture ended, and Natsume and Akeno left the class. On their way out, they met Drako and Raynare. They were waiting for them to leave so they could go home.

"What a surprise, Drako-kun! I didn't expect to see you here." Natsume said.

"Drako always picks us up after training, so I'm used to it." Akeno added.

It seemed that Natsume and Akeno were getting along quite well. Suddenly, something flew in the direction of the group. It speed was impressive! At least it speed was at the level of a High-Class Devil. The object slowed down and landed on Natsume's shoulders. It was none other than Hawk-chan, Natsume's Sacred Gear!

"Good boy, Hawk-chan!"

Natsume stroked the soft fur of the falcon with her cheek.

"By the way, where is Valina?" Drako asked.

"Oh, she left when we finished our physical training. Since she couldn't train with Azazel, she said she was going to find Mordred to have a little sparring with her."

Baraqiel left the classroom and locked the door while answering Drako's question.

"Has she gone to fight Mordred? Shit, this is bad."

"Something wrong with that, Drako? It doesn't look like Mordred's a bad person. She's got a bit of a childish attitude, and that surprised me. Since she's named after King Arthur's incestuous son with his sister Morgan, I thought she'd be evil or something."

"She is the daughter of King Arthur," Drako muttered when he heard Natsume.

"Did you say something?"

"Forget it, I didn't say anything. I just hope Mordred didn't inadvertently kill Valina. She's not the best person to control her strength, so I wouldn't be surprised if she got overexcited and ended up causing a disaster."

Perfect, one more problem for Drako. At least he knew that Mordred hadn't killed Valina since he hadn't received any experience points.

It was the first time Drako was relieved of not receiving any experience points.

The girls and Drako said goodbye to Baraqiel, as they had to return to the human world and would not see him again until the next day.

"It must be nice to be able to eat Drako's food every day. I'm jealous of you, Akeno. His food is definitely one of the best I've tasted in over 2,000 years of my life."

Baraqiel spoke as he stroked his daughter's head.

"You shouldn't say such things, Otou-san. Okaa-san will be angry if she hears you say that, and I'm sure she'll punish you."

"Shit, it's true."

Baraqiel looked like he was going to suffer a lot, but he was probably going to enjoy it. After all, the red dye on his cheeks betrayed him.


Once they arrived at Drako's house, they found Valina lying on the couch. Her body was covered in bruises that she had earned by defying Mordred.

Before the girls could do anything, Drako ordered them to go take a shower. They had been working out for much of the morning, so the smell they gave off was not the most pleasant.

"How are you?"

Drako approached Valina.

"I'm a wreck. That monster has shown me no mercy, and I have been unable to do anything about it. Even using [Divide] I couldn't stand up to her, she just crushed me with brute force."

"That's Mordred's style. Although she excels in the use of the sword, she will not hesitate the moment she has to abandon her sword to achieve victory."

"Ugh... she hasn't even used her sword against me."

For Drako, it was no surprise that Valina was defeated by Mordred. It was no exaggeration to say that there were very few in Grigori who could fight Mordred, let alone none at all. Perhaps Azazel using his Balance Breaker, and Baraqiel with his Holy Lighting could do something against Mordred. Drako also understood that Shemhazai was of a similar level to Azazel, but did not know to what extent.

Had Mordred reached the level of the gods thanks to the old man's system? Drako wasn't sure. What level was she compared to Fate's Servants?

The Servants of the Holy Grail War and the Servants of the system took on strength in different ways.

They both start from the same base. That is, at level one, they are the same. But their way of gaining strength is different from that of the system.

The Servants of the Drako system gain strength from Drako's experience. The more experience he gets, the stronger they are. Unlike the Servants of the Holy Grail War, they are not dependent on the magical energy of their Master, Drako.

The Servants of the Holy Grail War are based on three factors in which their strength is either increased or decreased.

The first one is the Cultural Sphere. The [Land] and the [Recognition] they receive there are factors that play a role in their strength. The closer they are to the stage of their legend, a geographical boost, and the more that they are known makes them "stronger", bringing them closer to the strength they had in their legend and providing them with more of their equipment displayed in their legend. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible it can bless them with additional Noble Phantasms. The boost from recognition alone is not that large in making a difference in power as when Rin Tohsaka is speculating on Gilgamesh's ability to overwhelm other Servants. Land plays a greater factor with Cú Chulainn, Heracles, and King Arthur being three heroes around the same level of strength when summoned in Europe. Each would be strengthened in Europe and benefit most greatly in battle in their home country, though Heracles' fame would allow him to display excellent power throughout all of western Europe. Cú Chulainn, gaining zero influence from not being known as well in Japan, does not fully display his "shining existence" on par with them while in Fuyuki, but would anywhere else in the world.

The second one is the Magical Energy of the Master. The more powerful the magical energy of the Master, the greater the Servant will be able to reach the strength they displayed in their legend. If they cannot provide proper energy or if the Servant lacks a Master for a time, their parameters lower in proportion. If it is a lack of energy, unknown factors will lower parameters and Skills with some Servants, while the Master's way of life may affect others. King Arthur, serving under several different Masters, displays a number of different sets of parameters due to fluctuating levels of energy. Under Shirou Emiya, she receives no energy because his Magical Paths are obstructed and cannot display her full strength. Kiritsugu Emiya is able to supply energy to have her be stronger than when under Shirou, but her luck is affected by his personality due to still not providing enough energy. Rin Tohsaka is an excellent magus that allows her to unleash her full abilities without being affected. Two Servants who would be balanced differently under other circumstances may find the balance tipped when one has better Master support.

The last one are the Container Parameters. Unmodified by the strengths and weaknesses of specific Heroic Spirits, the containers of the seven standard Servant classes of the Fuyuki Grail War possess known base parameters. The parameters of the containers have not been shown to affect summoned Servants, allowing for parameters higher and lower than those of the containers. If the hero should be utterly weak to the point of defenselessness like Stheno and Euryale, the containers can increase their strength far beyond their regular selves.


Author Note!!!

I've been reflecting these last days, and I've also reread the latest DxD novels. As you know, in those novels the DxD group fights against many gods.

Notably, the battle of Apollon, Vidar and Typhon against Issei's team caught my attention. Mainly because it was the first time that Ddraig was actively involved in a battle.

But what made me think was Apollon's fight against the group made up of Ouryuu Nakiri, Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou.

That group of three, formed by two exorcists who had just had their first menstruation five years earlier and a boy who still didn't have hair on his balls, had fought against the Chief God of Greek mythology at that time since Zeus was on the barrier fighting against the Trihexa.

This is a little spoiler, so I'm sorry.

They were obviously defeated, but not before giving the God a hard fight.

Now, what I'm wondering is this.

If those three can stand up to a God just by having a pair of Holy Swords and a dragon spirit, couldn't a first-class Servant like Karna or Heracles stand up to him too?

Personally, I doubt very much that the weapons these guys use that are the main source of their power are more powerful than many of the Noble Phantasm.

Well, that's my personal opinion, and it's not going to change anything about this Fanfic. I just wanted to share it with you.

Greetings and thank you very much for your support.