Valina is dissapointed, Akatsuki has another long term objective.

Drako and Valina were walking the streets of Kuoh. They were looking for the bearer of Boosted Gear, Hyoudou Issei.

They were looking for a boy of about 13 or 14 with brown hair, but that was too vague a description for Valina. Basically, they were looking for a young version of the main character in DxD.

Time passed as Valina pointed to children who fit the description Drako had given her, but none of them were the boy they were looking for. In case Issei was a girl, as had been the case with Valina, Drako was also paying attention to girls with the same characteristics.

"Hey, Drako, are you sure the Red Dragon Emperor is in this town?"

Valina looked at Drako warily. She was beginning to doubt him.

"Hey, you think it's that easy to find someone? We're talking about a normal guy, so he's probably at home right now."

"I understand that, but... what makes you so sure the Red Dragon Emperor is in this town?"

Drako answered Valina's question with a mysterious smile.

"Moo... don't be like that. Tell me, tell me."

Valina clutched Drako's shirt as she asked him for answers with a puppy face. Drako could only sigh helplessly and stroke Valina's head.

To the outside world, Drako and Valina seemed like a sweet pair of brothers. From their western faces, they looked like westerners who had lived in Japan for quite some time.

In the end, Drako and Valina got tired of walking around senselessly. They decided to go into an ice-cream parlour to rest for a while.

A young waitress came to serve Drako and Valina.

"I want a chocolate ice cream, and she wants..."

Drako looked at Valina, asking her what flavour of ice cream she wanted.

"I want vanilla ice cream!" Valina jumped up, almost demanding the taste.

"Of course, vanilla ice cream for the lady and chocolate ice cream for the handsome man."

The waitress directed a flirtatious smile at Drako, to which he responded with a modest "thank you". Drako could hear the grunts that Valina was letting out underneath.

"Why did you choose vanilla?" Drako asked to shift Valina's attention.

"White represents me."

Valina's answer was sincere. Since she was the White Dragon Emperor, Valina was naturally drawn to that colour. By that logic, she should detest the colour red, but Valina was simply indifferent to it.

The Dragon Emperor Red was not someone she had to hate, but someone she had to confront.

The waitress returned with the ice creams, and she left them on the table with a smile. She did not leave without giving Drako another flirtatious smile, to which he responded with another polite smile.

Drako began to eat the ice cream but stopped when he felt a piercing glance.


Valina turned her head when Drako looked at her. It was evident that she had been the one who had directed that piercing gaze.

Valina and Drako ate the ice cream in silence. It was not an uncomfortable silence but a refreshing one. Both were enjoying their ice cream in silence, not worrying about anything else.

Drako finished eating his ice cream and looked at Valina to see if the girl had done so as well. Strangely, she had stopped eating ice cream and was distracted looking in another direction.

Drako followed Valina's gaze and noticed that she was staring at a particular table.

At this table, which was a few feet away from them, there were three people enjoying ice cream. A little girl, about five or six years old, was enjoying her ice cream while a couple, her parents, were watching her.

It was a family that, like many others, had taken advantage of the afternoon to spend a good time together.

Valina looked at the scene with envy and... longing. Before Drako knew it, she had already started talking.

"My father is the grandson of the first Lucifer, which makes me the great-granddaughter of the original Maou. However, my mother was a mere human. If there is one thing in common with 90% of the Old Devils, it is that they despise humans, and hate half the devils like me. Fortunately for me, the descendants of the Maou lost the war, so the descendants of Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeus had to hide in the depths of the underworld. For that reason, my existence is unknown to the vast majority of devils."

Valina kept looking at the family as she spoke.

"My first five years were no different than any other child in the underworld. Because we were isolated from everyone, I never had a friend my age. But, I didn't care, I had a father and mother who loved me."

As Valina looked at that family, she probably remembered those moments from her childhood.

"Everything changed when my Sacred Gear woke up. My father, Razevan Lucifer, couldn't stand a Half-Devil like me having more potential and power than him. I didn't understand it at the time because I was so young, but he was not only jealous, he was also afraid of me."

A little sigh came from Valina's lips.

"He didn't know what to do, so he turned to my grandfather. Rizevim Livan Lucifer, Lucifer's son, had nothing better to do than tell him to abuse me to feel superior or something. And that's what my father did."

Drako could tell there was a difference when Valina had named her grandfather and when she had named her father.

To Razevan, she seemed to have a slight hatred, but indifference prevailed. Valina, however, exuded immense hatred and intent to kill every time she named Rizevim.

"That person... made my mother and me suffer a lot. Razevan... his mind was played out and destroyed by Rizevim, he went insane. But... maybe a trace of sanity returned to his mind, or maybe it was because the guilt he felt consumed him. Whatever the reason, he decided to abandon me at the edge of fallen angel territory, giving me a chance to escape from his endless torture. There, it was Azazel who picked me up when I was about to starve to death."

As she finished her story, Valina looked away from the family and back into Drako's eyes. In those eyes, there was no longer sadness or longing, only anger and determination.

"I want to save my father and free him from that painful life, and I want to kill Rizevim. My mother, my father and me have suffered because of that scum."

Although Valina hated her father for everything he had done to her and her mother, she understood that it was all due to Rizevim's influence on him. This did not absolve him of his sins, but it did diminish Valina's hatred for him and increase her hatred for Rizevim.

In the end, Valina wanted to save Razevan by giving him a quick death, and she wanted Rizevim to suffer before he died.

The first thing Drako said was:

"You don't have the strength to do either."

It was cruel, but it was the cruel truth. Not only that, but Valina could not "save" Razevan, because he had already been killed by Rizevim.

"I know. Rizevim's demonic power is immense, and he has an ability called [Sacred Gear Canceller] that can cancel my [Divine Dividing]. There's no way I can defeat him on my own right now, and probably not in the next 10 years either."

The aura around Valina became depressing.


Drako sighed and stroked Valina's hair tightly, earning a hard look and a pout from the young girl.

"You are the most talented member of all Akatsuki, and at the same time, you are the most troublemaker. What are we going to do with you?"

"Tch, stop playing with me. This is a mission I have to carry out alone."

Valina dodged Drako's gaze. He took Valina's head in one hand and forced her to look at him.


Valina wanted to protest more but fell silent when she saw the gentle look in Drako's eyes.

"You're not alone, Valina. Since you joined Akatsuki, your missions no longer concern only you."

"You mean to say that..."

Valina opened her eyes like plates.

"That's right. Finishing off Rizevim Livan Lucifer is now one of Akatsuki's goals." Drako proclaimed with confidence.

Valina could not believe that Drako could place such a significant burden on the shoulders of the entire organization.

Well, thinking about how monsters like Mordred also belonged to the organization, there was no doubt that the goal could be achieved sooner than Valina had planned.

"But... I want to be personally involved! I want to kill him with my own hands!" Valina demanded.

"Of course."

Valina smiled slightly. This trip may have been to find the Red Dragon Emperor, but the result had been very satisfying even though they had not found the boy.

Then Valina realized that Drako was showing a stunning face as he looked at something behind her.

"And to think we'd find him here of all places. Is this fate?"

Valina turned around to see three boys her age entering the ice cream shop. One of them was bald, and another one had glasses. But the one who caught her eye the most was the third boy, the most common of all. She felt that there was something about that boy that caught her attention.

There was no doubt about it.

"I feel the power of my rival, but it seems he hasn't woken up yet."

Albion's voice came from the white dragon-shaped stuffed animal on Valina's shoulder. It wasn't necessary, but Albion liked to talk through the stuffed dragon. This stuffed dragon had been the first gift Azazel had given Valina.

"So it's a boy."

For some reason, Drako was relieved to know this.

"Hey, Motohama! Now we're going to your house later to have porn videos."

The bald kid didn't care that he was in a public place, and he talked about watching porn videos openly.

The boy with glasses, Motohama, adjusted his glasses and smiled slightly.

"Of course, I secretly bought a new +18 movie. I'm sure you'll like it, Issei, Matsuda."


The whole perverted trio was inside the ice cream shop.

"How could this trio of idiots have sex only in their heads even when they're so young? Well, our work here is done. Let's go, Valina."

Drako got up and left some money on the table to pay for the ice cream. Valina got up and followed him.

Drako's main objective was to confirm if Hyoudou Issei was still in Kuoh and if he had the Boosted Gear. On the other hand, he had also confirmed that Ddraig was still sleeping, as Albion had reported that Ddraig was inactive.

They passed by the group, and Valina stood for a moment in front of Issei. The boy was confused to see a foreign girl standing in front of him.

"You are disappointing," Valina said.

"Huh?" Issei was confused.

"I wonder if I should kill you now, so I can meet another possessor soon. No, you're my age, so you must be my destined rival. Still, you're disappointing."

Issei didn't understand anything that was going on. What did this girl want?

"Wake up quickly, Ddraig. I want you to give me a good fight."

With that, Valina went on her way to Drako, who was waiting for her at the door. Issei followed with a glance at the girl and crossed paths with the other young man's heterochromatic eyes.

Issei's eyes opened wide.

"Issei Hyoudou, we will meet again soon."

After leaving those words behind, Drako left with Valina.

"Hey, Issei."

Issei came out of his stupor when Matsuda called him.

That boy... how did he know Issei's name?

No, that was the least of it.

That boy had horns! Why didn't anyone notice that?

And that girl...

She was cute, but Issei was scared. The intensity she emitted had left him paralyzed. She was definitely dangerous.


"That boy is a normal human, and I can't even feel magic power in his body."

Valina complained while walking with Drako.

"Yeah, that kid is just the opposite of you. If you're the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history, he's the weakest Red Dragon Emperor in history."

"Ugh, this sucks."

Drako knew that Valina had a valid reason to be frustrated. As a rival, there was no doubt that Issei was disappointing.

"At first, you may think so. From the beginning, it is impossible for any being that is human or Half-Human to have a potential close to yours. Your talent is unmatched, so only a person capable of creating a miracle after miracle can be considered your rival." Drako explained to Valina.

"You think that kid who goes around yelling Oppai can do that?"

Not for nothing, but Valina didn't seem to think much of Issei.

Drako shrugged.

"Don't underestimate what an Oppai can do. Who knows, depending on your development, you may even motivate him. Personally, I would consider it a perfect motivation factor."

Valina, listening to Drako's words and following his gaze, lowered her gaze and fixed it on her chest. Her face blushed to her ears, and she began to punch Drako in the chest with small punches.

"Pervert! Lolicon! Hentai! Ecchi!"

"Lolicon? No, no. You're making a mistake. I'd rather spend the night with Kuroka than with a girl like you. It's still a few years before I want to lay a hand on you."

Drako laughed slightly and accelerated to avoid Valina's attack.

"I'll kill you!"