Oz/ Seiryuu and Suzaku

We have reached another goal (70 patrons) so I'm going to post another 3 chapters on P@treon!

You can read up to chapter 188 there!


Lavinia wasn't the only one who had bought a new dress, as Valina had also done so.

She had ended up buying a white jacket, a girl's jacket, and a black skirt. She was still wearing her scarf, and there was no way to take it back.

"You look beautiful too, Valina."

It was surprising to see that Valina had agreed to wear a skirt, so Drako spared no effort in complementing her. She was a pretty girl, although she was still small, you could see she had a lot of potential.

Sae, Natsume, and Akeno had all ended up buying nothing. Typical of girls, to spend a lot of time looking at clothes and then not buy anything.

After a few minor adjustments to Lavinia's attire, they all headed for lunch at a ramen shop where Valina wanted to eat. The silver-haired girl started to give lectures about ramen, but that was something they were already used to.

They kept visiting shops which were not for clothes. On the way, some boys tried to approach the girls, but one look from Drako was enough to make them pee themselves.

In the end, Lavinia and Natsume had ended up scolding Drako for over-intimidating all those boys. Still, the smiles on their faces betrayed them. There wasn't a girl who didn't feel happy when her boy got angry with other boys because of them.

After they finished, they all went to a park in the centre of town at Drako's request, and in the square, they ended up playing with Jin and Griffon.

Tobio's big dog had been hiding in the shadows most of the time, while Griffon followed them from the air. Byakusa, on the other hand, did not leave Kouki's shoulder.

"Jin-chan! Go!"

Sae threw a toy puck that they had just bought when they were shopping, and Jin chased after him, catching the puck with a high jump.

"Yeah, you too, Griffon!"

This time, Natsume threw a series of balls into the air. Griffon caught them with his claws.

Sae seemed to be very good with animals, as everyone around her. Even Byakusa had separated from Kouki to stand at Sae's feet.

Kouki was lying on one of the park benches taking a nap. He looked exhausted from the shopping. Meanwhile, Tobio was sitting on a bench next to Kouki's, watching Sae play with Jin and the others.

Drako and Lavinia were sitting on a different bench, a bit away from the rest. Lavinia leaned her body slightly against Drako's.

Lavinia had a package in her hand. She opened it and took out a small ice-cream.

"Do you want some?"

"Of course."

Drako took the ice cream with a smile.

From the size of the box, Lavinia seemed to have bought ice cream for everyone.

"How I didn't know what flavour Dra-kun likes, I brought vanilla. "

"You could have asked me, you know?"

Drako stroked Lavinia's head with his free hand.

"I wanted it to be a surprise..." Lavinia pouted.

Seeing Lavinia's expression, Drako felt a burst of moe damage inside him.

Although in reality, Drako's favourite flavour was nougat. But he wasn't going to complain about a "surprise" Lavinia had given him.

But... the vanilla ice cream... tasted like strawberry...

Drako decided to keep that last detail to himself.

"Vaa-chan and Ake-chan are having trouble at the ice cream shop. Well, Vaa-chan has them, and Ake-chan is trying to help her."

Well, something like this was to be expected from the silver-haired girl. Even if she didn't care much for food, she was especially fussy about these things.

Drako and Lavinia spent their time huddled together. Actually, this situation was quite pleasant for both of them.

"Dra-kun, you wanted to know how I relate to the Wizard we met at the Utsusemi Agency's hideout?"

"If you don't mind, of course I'd like to know."

Perhaps because it was a very personal issue for Lavinia, she hadn't told Drako about it. She seemed to have enough confidence in him now to talk to him about it.

"To begin with, one more time I'll tell you the story of the people I'm chasing."

Lavinia parted from Drako and looked at him with serious eyes. She had gone into business mode.

"Between the human world and the realms of other fantasy factions, there is the Dimensional Gap, and one of those realms is called the land of Oz. It's a country of wizards where magical research is everything, it's the most important thing above anything else. The people who live there are..."

"The Wizards of Oz"

Lavinia nodded at Drako's words. She went on to explain more.

"In this Oz, there are castles to the north, south, east and west, all around the Emerald City where the chief wizard resides, and in those castles is where the most powerful wizards reside."

This country of Oz was related to the children's story 'The Wizard of Oz'.

Lavinia says with a frightening expression.

"The witch we found at the Utsusemi Agency hideout was the Wicked Witch of East Oz. To be precise, she's the second-generation Witch of the East. The Witch of the East: Augusta of the Purple Flame. That is the true identity of that old woman."

The second-generation...

The first generation of the Wizard of the East must have been crushed to death as a result of Dorothy being transferred to the Land of Oz along with her house... Had the same thing happened in this world as in the story?

It could be, but Drako wasn't sure. The mythologies on this world were slightly altered, Drako still didn't understand how Thor and Vidar were stronger than Odin on this world. But it wasn't easy to put all the mythologies on the same level of power either, so you could pretty much make sense of it all.

"In truth, I am also connected to Oz."

Drako wasn't surprised by Lavinia's words. He expected something like that, since she knew so much about Oz.

"The teacher who taught me magic was a wizard who lived in Oz... Glenda, the witch of the south."

Drako expected something like this.

Glenda was one of the good wizards of Oz. In history, she was known as the "Royal Wizard of Oz". She's the sorceress of all things magical and mysterious, so it wouldn't be surprising if Lavinia was so good at magic if it was Glenda who had taught her.

Actually, Glenda was a very powerful character in the story. She was undoubtedly one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, of the wizards. Although Drako didn't know if he could trust that information right now.

But why was Lavinia chasing the Wicked Witch of the East?

Was it because she was Glenda's disciple?

Lavinia was going to say something else, but something happened at that moment.

A strange figure appeared in Drako's field of vision. The dragon was surprised, as he hadn't noticed it until he showed himself on the spot. The boy was directing his gaze at Sae and the others, but his attention was on Jin, Griffon, and Byakusa.


The boy seemed to be 17 or 18 years old. He was wearing a blue jacket and glasses of the same colour.

Next to Drako, Lavinia also had a stiff face.

The boy approached Sae.

"Hey, that's a pretty cat. Is it yours?"

The boy asked Sae. As Byakusa was pressed to Sae's legs, he seemed to think she was his mistress.

"Who the hell are you? Tch, you're not a normal kid, are you?"

The one who responded was Kouki. He seemed to have sensed the strange atmosphere as he slept, for he had risen and was now heading towards the boy with a keen eye.

Of course, he was not a normal boy. Drako could sense that familiar aura in him. It did not exactly belong to him, but it was within him.

[Status Inspection]


[Seiryuu Kushihashi]

Race: Human

Status: Normal

HP: 100/100

MP: 1356/1356

Strength: 25

Defense: 15

Magic: 1534

Agility: 325


His statistics were... very low. Well, he was a human, so he had physical limitations. But, he was weak even for a trained human, physically speaking.

But... What about that level of absurd magic?

Drako noticed a vital detail.

Seiryuu Kushihashi.

Kushihashi is one of Japan's five major clans. And the sacred beast that protects them is... Seiryuu.

That made more sense. The dragon aura, that absurd, magical power... it was all related to Seiryuu, the Azure Dragon.

"Oh, you could guess that, huh."

Seiryuu confirmed that everyone was in the square, except for Valina and Akeno, before he showed up.

"Nice to meet you, Shi Akuma (Four Fiend) and Inugami-kun. I'm Kushihashi, Seiryuu Kushihashi."

(AN: Why are there so many people with the complex of Bond, James Bond?)

On guard, Natsume asked for confirmation.

"Kushihashi"? You're part of the top five clans, right?"

It was evident that it was, so why ask such an obvious question?

"Yes, I'm practically the next chief of the Kushihashi clan. Although you may not believe me."

"No, we believe you."

Drako got up and walked over to them.

"Oh, this seems to be the dragon-kun I've been told about. Pleased to..."


Drako summoned Gandiva and shot an arrow. He felt strange watching the arrow gain very powerful magical circuits when he created it. Without a doubt, the arrow was now on another level.

The arrow pierced Seiryuu's chest before he could react. He was a human being, so a normal attack could kill him.

"Did you... kill him?"

Sae asked weakly, she was very pale. It is not every day you see a man suddenly killed by a friend.

"Hey, you didn't even know if he was hostile or not!" Tobio complained. He was pale too, and cold sweat was running down his forehead.

The two were not alone, as both Natsume and Kouki did not seem to digest this scene easily. They were just normal kids until two months ago, and I hadn't dealt with any murders yet... that they remembered. Tobio had killed that Himejima, but he barely remembered what happened.

Drako frowned.

"No, he's alive."

He had not received any experience points, so Seiryuu was still alive. The question was: How?

He soon knew his answer. Seiryuu's body disappeared, turning into large petals that scattered everywhere.

Exchange the petals for a tree trunk, and Drako would have doubted if he was in DxD or Naruto.

Seiryuu appeared in a place a short distance away. His clothing still had the hole created by the arrow, but he seemed undamaged, though you could see some blood near his mouth.

"It looks like I'm going to take this seriously."

Even though he was so close to death, Seiryuu flashed a bold smile in Drako's direction.

Seiryuu, wiping the blood from his mouth with his hand, began to make a symbol with his hands.

Drako wasted no time in firing another arrow, but a shield appeared in front of Seiryuu, protecting him from the blow. The shield was destroyed instantly, causing Seiryuu to spit out a little more blood.

A blue aura surrounded Seiryuu's body, emitting an impressive dragon pressure. Even Drako felt pressured by this aura, which he was certain came from Seiryuu.

This was Touki, without a doubt.

"In the name of Jupiter, Ki no Seirei/mother spirit, who carries the sun on the winds, carries it east! For three blue and four green, at my cry..."

Drako did not wait for Seiryuu to finish his enchantment. There was no doubt that what he was attempting was dangerous. He shot one arrow after another again. A total of three arrows in the time he was reciting his spell, all blocked by shields.


Lightning struck next to Drako. This person was none other than Akeno, who was ready to help Drako after feeling the fight.

"That's enough!"

Akeno had not hesitated to use her Holy Lighting to intimidate Seiryuu. Although now she only had two more attempts.

"I knew this was no ordinary outing. And to think that you were going to bring me to fight the next chief of one of the five major clans."

Valina also appeared with Akeno.

The Valina-Akeno couple... wasn't exactly the most intimidating of all.

"Baraqiel's daughter and disgrace of the Himejima, Akeno, and the rumoured Vanishing Dragon, huh. This is really something..."

Kushihashi Seiryuu shrugged, but his fighting spirit did not diminish at all. But that voice called out from behind him. Simultaneously, sparks of fire danced across the square.

"Seiryuu, stop this."

Upon hearing that voice, Seiryuu was surprised and the fighting spirit, the blue aura that enveloped his body, was erased.

From behind Seiryuu, a single figure approached while wearing an aura of boiling flame.

Those powerful flames, that face identical to Shuri and Akeno... there was no doubt who that person was.

Akeno shivered slightly before rushing toward this person.


[Inspect Status]


[Suzaku Himejima]

Race: Human

Status: Normal

HP: 117/117

MP: 1456/1456

Strength: 16

Defense: 12

Magic: 1849

Agility: 73


Her magic power was even more terrifying than Seiryuu's...

How was expected of the second strongest of all the five sacred beasts, only inferior to the Ouryuu Nakiri of this generation.

That Ouryuu boy, for what Azazel has told Drako, was a real monster.

"You didn't let me have any fun... Suzaku."

Seiryuu complained to Suzaku. He only wanted to see how strong the Shi Akuma and Canis Lycaon were, and he would never have expected to be so close to death. Each and every one of the barriers Drako had destroyed had caused him great internal damage.

(Shi Akuma sounds better than Four Fiends, so I will keep that name from now on)

Suzaku ignored Seiryuu completely, all her attention on little Akeno. Who would have thought that Akeno of all people would be close to death when she was buried between a pair of huge boobs.

Ironic, isn't it?

"You've grown so much, Akeno..."

"Suzaku-nee-sama... I can't breathe..."

After hugging Akeno a bit more, Suzaku stopped her and went over to Drako. She took his hand with... affection?

"Drako, I am Suzaku Himejima. I'm very grateful for all you've done for my family."

Suzaku's hand was warm, and she was totally sincere.

She let go of Drako's hand, almost reluctantly, and moved closer to Tobio.

"Nice to meet you too Tobio Ikuse. I'm your second-cousin, Himejima Suzaku."

Tobio was too stunned to respond. Not only Akeno, but now another blood relative appeared.

Natsume approached Drako and asked.

"Hey, Drako. What's the adult version of Akeno doing here?"

Drako let out a giggle.

"She is the next leader of the Himejima clan. My goal from the start was to meet her, even though I didn't expect this appetizer."

Drako looked at Seiryuu, he was still thinking about whether or not he should kill that boy. At the very least, he was going to give him a lot of experience points.

"That is right, Seiryuu and I have come to discuss the remaining Shi Akuma with Akatsuki's leader. I had only hoped to meet with Drako, but it was a pleasant surprise to find Tobio and Akeno here. Well, would you be so kind as to join us?"

The first impression Suzaku had made on Drako was... quite positive.