Thalia Grace

After two months of not moving up a level, Drako was quite happy to receive the familiar notification.

By killing this boy, he had received 500 experience points. Although his Sacred Gear could be considered high level, the boy's skill was not as good, so he had received the equivalent of a Tier 2 experience.

Upon seeing the boy's dead body, there were several reactions from the people present.

Sae, Tobio, Natsume, and Shigune all paled, but more or less accepted the situation. This guy was the enemy and had to be killed, or they would be the ones to suffer.

Valina, Lavinia and Kouki had no particular reaction. They accepted the kill without any problem.

"Good job, Master!"

Mordred was smiling. It was the first time she had ever seen Drako killing, and it was always good to confirm that he had the skills to be her Master.

Drako had warned Mordred not to make a move if she didn't have to. If possible, Drako would like to kill as many of the enemies as possible on his own.

With the battle over, everyone took a deep breath. Shigune then told everyone as if she had just remembered.

"Koga-kun! Toga-kun... is fighting in the village over there!"

Shigune's expression was urgent as he pointed at the village.

"Yes, let's get Koga." Drako nodded and headed for the limo.


Drako turned and gave Mordred a strange look.

She summoned her sword [Clarent], and looked vigilantly up into the trees.

"Come out!"

Mordred began to get impatient when she saw that this person was not coming out, though not that she had much patience from the start. Crimson lightning was being violently deployed around Clarent, showing thas Mordred was ready to attack at any moment.

Drako was also on guard, as he could not sense this person. This meant that either it was very good at hiding, or it was more than 200 yards away.

But, Drako did not need to use his Senjutsu to feel the presence of that person.

"Hey, are there any people around here?" Drako asked mentally.

"Yes, there's a girl up on top of one of us. She's pointing with a silver bow at you."

So she was the reason why Mordred was so tense. Well, it's not like Drako was too comfortable knowing a girl was aiming a bow without him knowing.

"You must be Artemis' hunter, right?"

If that girl was really one of Artemis' slayers, then it was best that Mordred didn't attack her. He didn't know if the goddess was stronger than Mordred or not, so he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

Clarent's lightning stopped, a sign that the girl had stopped aiming her bow at them.

Like a flash of lightning, it seemed that the girl had jumped from the top of that tree before falling in front of Drako.

The girl in front of Drako had short black hair, tidy in a small ponytail, electric blue eyes, and freckles on her nose. She was wearing a silver polar coat and camouflage pants.

She didn't look a day over 17-18 years old, although she could have been many years older. She was a beautiful western girl. If Drako were to say where the girl was born, it would be in the US.

What struck him most were her electric eyes, a real lightning bolt seemed to pass through them, and a silver bracelet on her right wrist, to which Drako felt a strange connection.

On her back was a silver bow, but she had no arrows. Perhaps, like Drako, the slayers of Artemis could make their own arrows.

[Status Inspection]


[Thalia Grace]

Race: Demigod(des)/Huntress

HP: 2304/2394

MP: 1894

Strength: 1549

Defense: 943

Magic: 1753

Agility: 2543




[Animal Communication]

[Huntress Immortality]



So this is a mugwort hunter, huh. She's... powerful.

Drako didn't know what to say, since she was faster than Mordred, and outperformed Kuroka in everything except Magic.

"I am Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus and the youngest huntress of Artemis. Pleased to meet you. You must be Drako, right? I'm going to be in charge of your supervision."

She introduced herself, and her presentation was not at all discreet.

Virtually everyone, including Valina and Drako, was surprised to hear Thalia's presentation. This is normal, considering that it is not every day that one meets the daughter of Zeus himself.

In a sense, you could say that Artemis and Thalia were blood sisters.


After that, they all got back into the car. However, this time the seats had changed.

Actually, Valina had offered herself for the copilot seat, and Drako accepted. He was now sitting between Natsume and Lavinia, and in front of him was his new guest.

"Are you really Zeus' daughter?" Natsume asked.

She still could not believe that the daughter of a god was in front of them. Although it was not surprising either, since they had already spoken to one of Zeus' daughters before, and she was much more impressive than Thalia.

"Yes, I was born of the union of Zeus and a mortal 18 years ago," Thalia answered Natsume's question with a smile.

"Thalia-san, when did you join the Artemis hunters?"

This time, it was Sae's turn to ask.

"Not long ago, a few months ago. I really didn't expect Lady Artemis to give me this opportunity." She responded again with sincerity.

"Is it true that you slayers have to keep your virginity intact?"

The one who asked this time was... Kouki.

Thalia seemed to have caught the boy's interest. Although the interest was... just interest. It had only been a few hours since he had confessed his problems with the girls, so that wasn't going to be solved so quickly.

But it seemed Thalia didn't share that interest. And it was obvious from her shaking eyebrow.

Drako had noticed that Thalia didn't like being the centre of attention very much, even though she was hiding it very well. And he had also noticed that Mordred was watching her carefully.

If Drako's most powerful Servant could detect that this girl was dangerous, then it was best to tread carefully.

"This... thanks for saving me earlier." said the newest addition to the group, Shigune Nanadaru.

And it was not directed at Drako, or the group. She had thanked Thalia.

"Don't thank me, I was just leading you to them."

Apparently, Thalia had been helping Shigune escape. No one knew the reason, perhaps she just wanted to help the poor girl.

The bad thing about being inside the car was that Drako could not communicate with the tree spirits, so they had to move cautiously. He had his senses expanded to the max, looking for any sign of enemies in the area.

Soon they reached the entrance to the village, and it was there that Drako found many presences inside the houses. They probably belonged to the people who lived in the village, but it never hurt to investigate.

They all got out of the limousine, as they could not continue on the road any longer.

"Valina, take care of it."

Drako relied on Valina's speed and ability to escape in case something happened. Besides, Drako doubted she'd find anything dangerous.

They entered the village as well, although Valina was far ahead.

The newcomers tensed up, feeling the tension of such a quiet environment in such a dark place.

"What an unpleasant atmosphere..." Natsume muttered as she hugged herself.

Tobio and Sae agreed with her, while Drako and Lavinia remained calm. An atmosphere like this was nothing to Mordred and Thalia.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound.


Natsume let out a pathetic cry.

Tobio and the others raised their guards, but what emerged was a raccoon. He moved his nose a little and quickly left.

"What the hell, a raccoon?"

Kouki lowered his arms and took a deep breath.

Drako was enjoying the moment, as Natsume was holding him tightly.

A few seconds later, she was still holding Drako. Though it was fine at first, Drako was not going to continue with her hugging him the whole time.

"Give me your hand."

Natsume nodded weakly and took Drako's hand.

It was then that Valina returned from investigating the private homes.

"In each house, the inhabitants are sleeping. However, they are not sleeping just because it is night. It would be correct to say that someone forced them to sleep."

That's what Valina informed them.

"So that's why no one helped us when we asked them for help..."

It seemed that Shigune had asked this village for help.

"I see, if they anticipated a possible battle, they might have used a technique to put people to sleep. It will be so that they won't cause any unnecessary trouble."

Though if Drako were in his place, thinking like a villain, he would have killed all the villagers.

"However, if the situation gets complicated, the whole village may be wiped out," Drako warned of the possible consequences.

At that moment, Drako felt a powerful aura at the time that he was not familiar with. It was a very powerful aura, and at least it was on the same level as Baraqiel or Azazel.

"It is the aura of Satanael. Hey, so he came here directly himself."

Valina, who had known the Cadre personally, recognized him instantly.

The big fish had shown up.

This had become quite complicated in a single moment, though it was not as if Drako was not prepared for this.

"Mordred, it's your time to shine. Take care of Satanael, and don't use your Noble Phantasm unless you have to."

"I understand," Mordred responded and disappeared.

No, she didn't disappear. She moved at extremely high speeds, but the cracks in the ground where she used to be meant that she had taken on a powerful impulse.

Drako had his reasons for not letting Mordred use her Noble Phantasm.

She would likely be able to cause severe injury to Satanael, or even kill him if he was not careful. But that would mean that all the random enemies around the map would retreat in fear, and that was not what Drako wanted.

Perhaps even the best thing that could happen for Drako, in terms of experience, was to let Satanael escape so that he could gather more random enemies and gain more levels.

"Shigune." Drako called her.


She responded, surprised.

"Take us to where Koga Hyousuke is."

It wasn't a request, but an order. It was not the most pleasant thing to do, but, as she embraced her Sacred Gear tightly, she nodded.

"While Mordred fights Satanael, we will go after the last Shi Akuma. By the way, Shigune, do not use that Sacred Gear unless I tell you otherwise. That creature can destroy the entire area if you're not careful."

Upon hearing this statement, Tobio and the other Ryoukou students were surprised. The demon that Shigune held... was a very powerful Sacred Gear, the strongest of the Shi Akuma.

However, Shigune found those words very wrong.

"I don't think Poh-kun is such a despicable boy to do that..."

