
From a distance, Artemis watched everything that happened in the forest. Everything that happened within it did not escape her senses, and she could see how Drako and Thalia fought Augusta.

At her side was her loyal lieutenant, Zoë.

Thalia was the youngest of the hunters, as well as the most talented of them all. Both the goddess and the lieutenant planned to make her the successor to the latter.

That's why they kept a close eye on everything that happened in the forest since they didn't want anything to happen to Zeus' youngest daughter.

At that moment, something shone from the forest and ascended to the heavens.

"This is...!" Artemis couldn't help but raise her voice.

That's right, this was the same connection she had felt months earlier. However, as she was now much closer to this one, it felt thousand times more powerful. Artemis was naturally drawn to that connection.

Zoë was equally or even more surprised than the goddess, but not for the same reason. She, the daughter of the titan Atlas, could sense the divinity and danger of that attack. It felt like the Holy Lighting of Baraqiel paled in comparison of this attack.

As divine beings, their senses were far better than any human. They could see that what was shooting at the sky were two arrows, which then split into hundreds of these. Artemis recognized the first two arrows, as they were virtually the same as the ones Drako had created earlier.

The multiplied arrows fell, creating a great explosion. Strangely, the forest was not damaged at all. Mind you, every battle that was going on at this point came to a halt.

"Zoë, let's go."

Artemis turned around and proceeded to leave the scene.

Her commander followed her without hesitation, as she had understood what Artemis meant. Every battle in this forest had ended with that last dragon attack.


When Drako killed Augusta, a notice came that made him tremble with excitement.

[7900 experience points have been obtained.]

[Because of the effects of Title Skill [Walking Egg]. Another 7900 experience points were obtained.]

[The level of [Nephalem Dragon King] raised from 1 to 55.]

[Title Skill [Magus Killer: Lv1] acquired.]

[Level of title skill [Magus Killer] was increased from 1 to 2.]

55 levels for killing Augusta? 15,800 experience points?

This was crazy, Drako never would have guessed he'd get such a big score.

Going up 55 levels in one fell swoop was...

There were no words to describe it.

Not only that, but Mordred and Kuroka should have gone up two or three levels as well.

Thalia was watching Drako in shock, feeling his strength rise so high in a single moment.

A message appeared in front of Drako.

[After reaching the level of Dragon King, the system received a slight update.]

This caught Drako's attention. A system update? That should be a good thing, right?




Race - Dragon King

Level - 55/125

HP - 108750/108750

MP - 112500/112500

STR - 775

END - 725

AGI - 675

MAG - 750

Dragon King: END X150 for HP, MAG X150 for MP, END X20 for HP Regen, MAG X20 for MP Regen


This was not the only thing that was shown in the state, but also each and every skill appeared with its description and effects. This was something that Drako appreciated very much.

(I'll upload a separate chapter with all the skills, descriptions and effects)

It was not the time to waste time looking at the state, so Drako picked up the unconscious Lavinia in his arms and went to Thalia, who was holding the unconscious Valina.

"Let's go, the mission is over."

Thalia nodded and followed Drako through the woods.


When they left, someone appeared on the other side of the river. Everyone would recognize her the moment they saw her.

In Gothic-style clothing, Augusta's disciple, Walburga, was approaching the body of her late teacher.

Augusta's body was a mess after receiving Drako's Noble Phantasm, but Walburga didn't seem to mind. She still had that slight smile on her face.

She, without any qualms, reached Augusta insides.

What she got out of there was nothing but a purple fire.

The purple flame, Incinerate Anthem, was burning over the palm of Walburga. Moments later, it entered the girl's interior, recognizing her as her new master.


At the entrance to the forest...

After the battle was over, Suzaku Himejima and Seiryuu Kushihashi watched from afar as Drako and company drove out of the area.

Suzaku says.

"Although it seems Satanael escaped, it seems the problem has been solved one way or another."

Seiryuu sighed.

"It seems the Utsusemi Agency has been sidelined by them. Those from the agency who had been tempted were also helping Oz and Satanael. Still, they've been pushed aside after involving our five houses."

"...Well, then, in terms of the heads of each house, I wonder what kind of orders they'll leave us with from now on."

Suzaku could only pray that they would not commit another foolish act and oppose Drako and company. Not only were they very strong on their own, but it seemed they had now gained the direct support of a goddess.

Seiryuu gave Suzaku some advice.

"However, Suzaku, with the Houses silent so far, I don't know what they will say to us in the future. Are you ready?... is what I should ask myself too, Huh."

As he had said, the moment Drako and that girl hunter could fight Augusta freely and without restriction was because the practitioners of the five major clans were tasked with controlling a large number of people.

Drako knew this, as she had been informed by the trees that numerous fights were going on throughout the forest between people heading towards Augusta and those who were preventing them from doing so. While it was true that all five clans were helping, Drako did not know whether to be grateful or not, as a great deal of EXP had been stolen from him.

As a result of the work of Suzaku and Seiryuu, the fight of Drako, Thalia, and Valina against Augusta had not suffered any interference.

"You explain your part. I... have no choice but to forcefully convince the head of the family against his will." Suzaku said with exasperation.

Then it was time to consider what kind of explanation to give.

"...Well, then, maybe you could tell me a reason that would make me agree."

Along with those words from a third person, they came to perceive a powerful spirit nearby. When Suzaku and Seiryuu turned to face the individual, there was a tall man in military uniform. With a look like that of a twenty-year-old, he was a handsome man with sharp eyes.

It was not a military uniform of the Self-Defense Forces, but rather a special formal attire.

Until he introduced himself, Suzaku had not felt any indication of his presence. For this man to accomplish this was in itself a magnificent feat.

"You have come. The current head of the Nakiri house, Ouryuu Nakagami Nakiri."

In fact, the man in military uniform was the head of the Five Major Clans, the person with the most authority and the current head of the Nakiri house. The person carrying the strongest Holy Beast, Ouryuu. Not only did he have the strongest Sacred Beast, but he was the most powerful carrier in the history of this Sacred Beast. He was a man who would not lose to Vasco Strada, the so called strongest human, in his prime.

"Soon, I would like to interrogate those who participated in the incident related to the Utsusemi Agency, starting with Tobio Ikuse and his leader, in the Inner Sanctuary, and I intend to propose the same to the other heads of families. I wonder if, perhaps, it will happen."

Seiryuu smiled bitterly in response to that statement.

"The Inner Sanctuary, you seem serious, Ouryuu."

Suzaku looked at him and asked a question.

"What do you plan for them?"

Ouryuu responded briefly.

"That... depends on their answers."

Ouryuu was looking in the direction of the car Mordred was driving.


While Tobio and company were fighting the remnants of the "Utsusemi Agency" and the Wizards of Oz, two people were watching from the top of a mountain a short distance away.

They were Vatican agents: David Cerro and his student Freed Sellzen.

Not participating in the recent struggle, they, having decided to watch and wait patiently, had used a telescope to observe the battle between the opposing organizations.

Augusta of the Purple Flame had been stopped with the power of Hakuryuukou along with that of a dragon and a huntress.

As he looked away from the telescope, David muttered.

"Absolute Demise, Incinerate Anthem, Divine Dividing, Canis Lykaon .... ice and flame, black and white, then those four Longinus gathered in one place, huh. Is he the God of miracles, or possibly the God of mischief? -I had understood the situation. We will withdraw now, Freed."

David told this to his student, who was taking notes behind him.

Surrounding his student, lay the atrocious figures of several corpses. They were remnants of the "Utsusemi Agency" and Wizards of Oz who had attacked David and Freed.

Having been on the lookout for church officials to show up at this place, they had "cornered" them, but instead were defeated at their own game and met a gruesome end.

David spoke to Freed, who was drawing a lightsaber from the body of a magician.

"Even if we get rid of so many heretics and witches, it shouldn't be a problem for our investigation."

With a demented smile, Freed replied.

"Boss, that means, the previous aura was from a Longinus, right? Well, if that's true, they probably won't be killed that easily."

David spoke.

"Those were things created by our God....., but because the humans they inhabit are random, if they lack mercy, they will lead to these kinds of consequences. As expected, the Longinus should be controlled by us believers."

As he smiled politely, Freed asked his teacher.

"What should we do about it if they cannot be controlled? I mean... besides smashing them up, eh?"

Freed said this as he put his hands on his head. David looked up to the sky as he pressed the cross to his chest.

"Naturally. There would be nothing left to do but condemn them."


Well, I noticed that some of you had already read Percy Jackson novels. I have something to ask you.

1) You may have noticed that Zoe and Thalia shouldn't be Hunters at the same time. It's a change that I did from the original.

2) Don't spoil to the ones that haven't read the novels.

That's it.

Now, there is a new option in P@treon that consist in paying for the year instead of the month. This next to months, I'm going to keep the discount in 2 months free if you pay the year (16% discount). After that, I'm going to keep the discount in 1 month (8% discount).

If you have doubts about the novel, don't worry. This have been going for 9 months, and I'm planning to continue this at least for another year and a half more or less.

Thank for your support! @GreatSage_Master1