Ladon (4)

What was really saving Drako from death was none other than his skill [Automatic HP Recovery], plus the very regeneration that his Nephalem Dragon King race was giving him. Per second, he should recover a little more than 350 HP. However, his skill at level 4 was 4 times that number. Thanks to that, he was able to slow down the damage caused by the poison.

With the [Poison Resistance] skill at level 7, the poison damage was 100 HP per second per wound. Right now, Drako was losing almost 3000 HP per second from the poison alone - the poison was taking away 1600 HP per second!

If this continued, Drako would die in the next minute. If Ladon continued to create wounds from which to poison Drako, our protagonist was going to die a great deal within a minute. Maybe thirty seconds was the most the dragon could hope for.

Drako was fucked up, but he wasn't the only one.

Both dragons smiled mercilessly at their adversary despite the brutality of their battle. As much as Drako was a Nephalem, a hybrid, you could now see that his origins were the same as the dragon in front of him.

Because of Drako's skills, he could deny much of the damage he was receiving. He was understanding at this time why even Ladon, with statistics lower than Aphrodite, was part of the group of dragons feared by all mythologies. If it weren't for all the skills Drako had, he'd be more than dead right now. This poison, these magical barriers, Ladon's entire set was fearsome.

Ladon had the perfect combination. A virtually impenetrable defense, a terrifying poison, and hundreds of heads to apply it. The best way not to die in front of Ladon was not to confront him.

But, that doesn't apply to a monster like Drako.

Ladon didn't have all of Drako's literally broken skills, so even if he could deny 90% of [Infernal Dragon Punch's] damage, he couldn't do the same with the rest of his attacks. Dozens of his heads had died in this fight, and he was close to death as well.

Ladon had less HP than Drako at this point, and both knew it. If they continued to fight like crazy, the chances were that they would both die.

Drako opened his dragon eyes wide when he saw what Ladon was doing.

"Grrrr... I didn't expect you to be a coward," Drako said.

"Hahaha, there is nothing more pleasant than watching my adversary die drowned in poison.

Ladon had locked himself in his own fence. Not only that, but he was putting up barrier after barrier in front of him.

The Evil Dragon did not want to die after being brought back to life, he did not want to die again. That's why, if there was a way to win without dying, he was going to do that. Even if it led to him being considered a coward for the next millennia.

Drako didn't stand still when he saw this. He threw himself into it, constantly hitting the barriers of Ladon.

But it was no use.

It was obvious that by putting up barriers so quickly, they would become weaker. And so it was. Now, with each punch, Drako was breaking two barriers. The problem was that for every two barriers he destroyed, Ladon created three.

In less than fifteen seconds, Ladon had created a dozen barriers between him and Drako.

Drako went through a brief moment of despair. Was he going to die here?

No, he still had cards to play.

In fact, Drako had not yet used his most powerful cards. He hadn't, though, for obvious reasons. A dragon couldn't use Noble Phantasm on humans, could he?

So what could Drako do?

No, no. Wait.

"Ufufufu, I have one that wasn't originally used by a human," Drako laughed.

"What?" Ladon asked when he heard him muttering.

Drako didn't answer, and only showed his teeth in a cruel dragon's smile. Ladon began to have a bad feeling inside.


A small (compared to Drako's size) sword appeared in front of Drako.

The sword was off, with all its power sealed under nine seals

The sword that Drako obtained through the system belonged to a fire giant, Surtr. It was a sword that a giant used, so its true size should be much larger.

And so it was.

Ladon watched, with fear in his eyes, as the sword that was ten times smaller than him grew to a height similar to that of Hera's golden apple tree. The sword, which was originally dull, burst into a golden glow when it reached Drako's hands.

"Yes, if this is what it takes... there's no way I can't kill you," Drako smiled as he grabbed the sword.

The feeling he had when he held the sword was the same as when he held it in his hands in human form. It seemed that Rama's Fate Skill was still acting even when Drako was a dragon.

"My question is... how many of your seals can I lift with my current strength?"

Nine seals limited Laevatein's power, making the sword only an A-rank.

Drako introduced all his magical power into the sword. He was to spend all his remaining MP in a single attack, a fatal attack with which to kill Ladon.

The seals had nothing to do with MP, but with magic power. Drako could choose how much of his magic power he was going to attack with, and obviously he was going to use it all.

First seal, opened.

Second seal, open.

Third seal, open.

Fourth seal...

Drako felt he had hit a bottomless pit when trying to unlock the fourth seal. His magical power was insufficient to unlock the fourth seal.

"Well, three seals are enough," Drako muttered.

Blood was already starting to flow from his mouth. He had just over twenty seconds to live.

The sword shone like the sun. Ladon was shaking from behind his barriers. For the first time for the Evil Dragon, he felt fear.

"You know, I don't want to destroy the whole state," Drako said. "But this attack should be enough.

Drako had no doubt that by using Loptr Laegjarn, he would at least destroy the state he was in. With all the seals unlocked, Surtr was able to destroy the nine kingdoms of Scandinavia. How much could Drako destroy with three seals?

That's why he was only going to use Laevatein's real name, an attack similar to Artoria's Excalibur or Mordred's Clarent Blood Arthur.

Laevatein: The Sword Akin to the Sun of Calamity

The sunbeam shot up into the sky, and fell on Ladon's barriers.

Drako only watched with cold eyes as barrier after barrier was destroyed under the power of Ladon. The Evil Dragon had strengthened them by seeing the power of the sword, but it was still insufficient.

Laevatein broke through the last, and strongest, defense. Ladon launched a last defense, throwing acid flashes on the sun's attack.

"It is useless."

And indeed. A second later, Drako was notified.

[50.000 experience points have been obtained.]

[Because of the effects of Title Skill [Walking Egg]. Another 50.000 experience points were obtained.]

[The level of [Nephilim Dragon] raised from 107 to 125.]

[[Nephilim Dragon King] has reached its MAX level.]

Drako fell to his knees, his HP continued to drop.

HP – 17500/17500

The rise in levels had made Drako gain 15,000 HP, prolonging his life a few seconds more.

"Evolve," Drako said with what might be his last breath.

[Evolving into Nephalem Great Dragon King in 3…]

HP- 12000


HP- 6500


HP- 1000


Drako felt a searing pain inside as her body experienced changes once again. He felt the bones in his back pierce his skin, causing immense pain. Drako sometimes wondered what would become of him if he didn't have the skill [Pain Resistance].

[Evolution Completed]

[Reached the Great Dragon King category]

[Congratulations, now you are one of the six Great Dragon Kings]

[Stats Boost: +500]

[You still have 78.000 exp to use, levelling up]

[The level of [Nephilim Dragon] raised from 1 to 118.]



Race – Nephilim Great Dragon King

Level – 118/250

HP – 215231/570000

MP – 278120/560000

STR – 3225

END – 2850

AGI – 3575

MAG – 2800


Drako's boosted statistics as he evolved had saved his life at the last second!

This evolution had brought him incredible improvements! Drako felt that he could kill Ladon without any problems in his current state. There was no need to use his Noble Phantasm.

Not only that. The evolution came with an interesting series of level-ups.

[Level of special skill [Sage] was increased from 3 to 4]

[Level of special skill [Presence Detection] was increased from 3 to 5]

[Level of special skill [Automatic HP Recovery] was increased from 4 to 6]

[Level of resistance skill [Holy Resistance] was increased from 3 to 4]

[Level of normal skill [Breath of Darkness] was increased from 8 to 10]

[Breath of Darkness MAX level. MAG boost]

[Breath of Darkness evolve to Breath of Abyss: Lv1]

[Level of normal skill [Dark Fang] was increased from 6 to 7]

[Level of normal skill [Infernal Dragon Punch] was increased from 7 to 8]

[Level of normal skill [Numbing Darkness Claws] was increased from 8 to 9]

[Level of normal skill [Anti-illusion eyes] was increased from 5 to 10]

[Anti-illusion eyes MAX level. MAG boost]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Breath] was increased from 6 to 7]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Fang] was increased from 5 to 6]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Healing Claws] was increased from 6 to 7]

[Level of title skill [In-fighter] was increased from 5 to 7]

[Title Skill [Dragon's slayer] acquired.]



Race – Nephilim Great Dragon King

Level – 118/250

HP – 215231/570000

MP – 278120/560000

STR – 3225

END – 2850

AGI – 3575

MAG – 2900


Special Skills:

[Sage: Lv4] [Flight] [Darkness attribute] [Holy attribute] [Senjutsu] [Presence Detection: Lv5] [Automatic HP Recovery: LV6] [Aigis: Divine Scales of the Nephalem Dragon]

Resistance Skills:

[Physical Resistance: Lv6] [Fall Resistance: Lv5] [Hunger Resistance: Lv5] [Poison Resistance: Lv7] [Magic Resistance: Lv7] [Darkness Resistance: Lv5] [Pain Resistance: Lv8] [Fire Resistance] [Holy Resistance: Lv 4]

Normal Skills:

[Inspect Status] [Breath of Abyss: Lv1] [Dark Fang: Lv6] [Infernal Dragon Punch: Lv7] [Numbing Darkness claws: Lv 8] [Anti-illusion eyes: Lv5] [Art of human transformation] [Arrow Creation] [Touki: Lv6] [Stealth: Lv4] [Holy Breath: Lv 6] [Holy Fang: Lv 5] [Holy Healing Claws: Lv 6]

Title Skills:

[Dragon King's Son] [Walking Egg] [In-Fighter: Lv7] [Harmful Insects Killer: Lv2] [Path of Evil: Lv 5] [Hero: Lv4] -> [Path of the Hero] [Devil Killer: Lv2] [Fallen Angel Killer: Lv1] [The One Who Is Loved By Nature]] [Archer] [Evil King] [Holy King] [Magus Killer: Lv2] [Artemis Blessing] [Dragon Slayer]
