
(AN: I wasn't at home yesterday so I couldn't post the chapters)

While Artoria thought about Mordred, the latter was shocked by the words of her "father".

"You have grown a lot during this time. Good job."

Artoria's words echoed in Mordred's mind.

For some strange reason unknown to the Drako's Servant, her heart began to beat violently. Fortunately for her, her face was hidden behind her helmet, preventing Artoria and Irisviel from seeing her shameful appearance.

To be flattered by Artoria... Mordred had never experienced anything like this before.

Drako and Diarmuid were going at it all, not directing thoughts to the world around them.

Even Drako's [Presence Detection] had been restricted to a circumference of ten meters, just enough to have the time to defend against a surprise attack. This was so he could have 100% concentration on the fight with Diarmuid.

At this point, when Drako could not find a way to get past Diarmuid's defense, he thought about using magic. However, he soon rejected this idea.

Diarmuid's long spear, Gae Dearg, had the ability to nullify magic. He could even nullify Artoria's Noble Phantasm, Invisible Air. One could say that the few long-distance spells Drako had were useless against Lancer.

While the two fought, the guests were gathering at the site of the battle.

Without them noticing, and using his special skill, Assassin hid in the perfect spot to watch the frontal battle - the crane that loomed near the cliff. The location was about 500 meters away from the skirmish. Like a Servant with eyesight beyond that of a human, he could clearly discern the conflict between the two, even distinguishing their expressions with precision. Meanwhile, the two fighters barely had time to consider whether they were being spied upon.

Or so Assassin and his master, Kirei Kotomine, thought.

Drako already knew what was going to happen, and of course, he knew that Assassin was not dead yet. Assassin's presence in this place was already known to Drako, even if he hadn't felt his aura there. In turn, Drako knew that, thanks to Kiritsugu's clever decision to avoid moving towards the crane to observe the battle, Artoria's Master would discover the truth about Assassin.

Assassin could have remained in his spiritual form and obtained information from a much closer distance. But as long as he was in spiritual form, his senses would have remained 'spiritual detection'; and the job his Master had given him tonight was 'observe with your eyes'.

Assassin, who understood his Master's intentions, silently observed the battle in the distance according to his orders. Although, perhaps, if he had remained in his spiritual form, Kiritsugu would not have detected his presence. That way, Kirei and Tokiomi would have had a better chance of winning the war according to their original plans.

It didn't matter though, as Drako wouldn't let either of them escape alive.

Meanwhile, 15 km away, inside the Fuyuki Church base, Kotomine Kirei was watching the battle through Assassin's eyes.

Everything that Assassin observed with his own eyes could be reproduced in Kirei's mind; they were sharing the same vision.

Using only a prana connection, he was able to share senses with the one with whom he established a contract. In Heaven's Feel, the ability to fully monitor a Servant's actions over long distances is very useful. If one's Servant is Assassin, who is specially trained in the recognition, then the ability is unparalleled.

The only difficulty lies in the fact that, if the hired one does not agree with it, the skill cannot be used. For Tokiomi, who was the same one who taught Kirei this magical technique, his suggestions were immediately rejected by Archer. To the haughty King of Heroes, even if he were his Master, allowing another to see through his eyes seemed highly unlikely.

Therefore, the only ones who could achieve this were Kirei and Assassin.

"Something is happening by the warehouses by the Mion River estuary. It seems that the initial battle has begun."

Kirei spoke, but there was no one in the dark. Instead, there was an antique phonograph on a table, its bronze horn leaning towards Kirei. As expected, the ordinary ancient phonograph responded to his words with a human voice.

"Not the initial one; officially, it is the 'second' battle, Kirei."

Although the sound was rather distorted, the frank tone, full of composure, could only be the voice of Tohsaka Tokiomi.

"... It sounds like a battle between Lancer and someone else. The opponent seems to be Saber. Both are very powerful, although Saber's skills seem to be superior. Lancer doesn't even have the speed advantage."

"... I see. There is no doubt that it is the most powerful class. Can you see the Master?"

"I can see three more people... a silver-haired woman standing behind Saber, a blond-haired woman in light armor, and another person in heavy armor. The last two also have swords, and their aura is undoubtedly that of a Servant."

"What do you mean?"

"The truth is, though the boy who is fighting Lancer is powerful, he does not have the aura of a Servant. However, he is so strong that there is no way he is not a Servant. Perhaps he has some ability that allows him to hide his aura. Something similar occurs with the person in the armor, he has an aura similar to that of a Servant, but is different at the same time. The only one who has the aura of a Servant is the blonde girl in light armor."

Inside Tohsaka's mansion, Tokiomi was frowning from his office.

"This is more complicated than I thought... wait, did you say there is also a silver-haired woman?"

"Yes. A young Caucasian woman. Silver-haired with red eyes; she doesn't look very human."

Tohsaka Tokiomi was silent for a few moments, considering his next action.

"So the pawns of Jubstacheit are not just limited to Emiya Kiritsugu... It's hard to believe that I actually predicted it wrong."

For the first time in his life, a curious agitation arose in Kirei's chest; within a few moments, he realized that it was, in fact, the emotion called disappointment.

"Within everything, that woman is the key to sustaining the flow of Heaven's Feel. Kirei, you must pay close attention."

"... I understand. I will send someone to follow her at all times."

Immediately after receiving those mysterious words, Kirei continued to watch the two Heroic Spirits resolutely.

But even with the sparkling collisions of the blades or the jumping outbursts of prana, Kirei's eyes did not have the sparkle they seemed to have just now.


Looking from a distance with Assassin's eyes, Kirei and Tokiomi had misunderstood two things.

They believed that Drako was a Servant because of his power, and they thought that he was most certainly the Servant of the Saber class. Therefore, they thought that all those who stood by Irisviel belonged to the Einzbern faction. Although this could not be further from the truth.

Although Kiritsugu did not understand what was happening, he at least understood that Irisviel had temporarily allied herself with the two strangers. In that case, he only had to look for Lancer's Master. And he soon found his presence in the thermographic sight of his Walther, hidden in the roofs of the warehouses.

Immersed in the darkness, Kiritsugu formed a disheartened smile. It was the best starting situation he could have wished for. Lancer's Master probably relied on illusions such as the magic of presence concealment to hide his position and imagined that would be enough; he did not consider that this would be seen standing with mechanical cameras. Like all other magicians who died at the hands of Kiritsugu, he would walk the same path as they did to their destruction.

Kiritsugu contacted Maiya, located on the other side of the battlefield, with his radio.

"Maiya, Lancer's Master is hiding at the top of the warehouses, northeast of where Saber is. Can you see him?"

"... No. From my position it is a blind spot."

If possible, Kiritsugu wanted to cooperate with Maiya to ensure the accuracy of the crossfire attack. Unfortunately, only Kiritsugu can fire at the moment. But it wouldn't be a problem as the distance is only three hundred meters. Kiritsugu's skills would have taken the life of his target with a single bullet. As long as he remains unaware of the sniper's presence, no mage can defend himself from a round of a Magnum Winchester .300.

Adjusting the bipod, Kiritsugu had begun to get into the mood - Kiritsugu stopped thinking and aimed the Walther at the top of the cranes.

At that moment, he felt that all his plans had been ruined.

As he held this disappointment in his chest, Kiritsugu whispered again into the radio.

"Maiya, on the crane..."

"... Yes, affirmative here too; it's just what you think."

It seems that the figure seen by Kiritsugu through the night vision glasses was captured by the sight of Maiya's AUG assault rifle as well.

Meanwhile, the third guest who was scrutinizing the battle between Saber and Lancer also discovered the silhouette on the crane.

It was a completely unexpected event. In the War of the Holy Grail, one would logically remain on the sidelines instead of ardently joining the battle. A cunning Master would not interfere even if other Servants jumped into the fight, but would choose to continue to observe the struggle. Jumping after the outcome of a conflict would also be a very good idea. Even if one is not so fortunate, it would at least allow one to learn about the conditions of the enemy.

Kiritsugu, who arrived first on the scene of battle, never thought that this fight would have a single team of observers. So he had given up the best position on the crane and chosen a place that could watch over it and the battlefield. The newcomer seemed to be unaware that his location was already under surveillance, and he occupied the ideal place to observe the fight. Consequently, he was exposed to Kiritsugu's field of vision.

However, an important factor was escaping his calculations.

Kiritsugu once again stared at the pale green figure through his lens. It was an observer he had not seen before... Completely covered by a mantle of pure black and a skull mask over his face. Although it's hard to believe, it's definitely Assassin, the one who was annihilated the night before Tohsaka's residence.

Kiritsugu, who was not satisfied by the images recorded by Maiya's relatives, was not completely surprised by the reappearance of the supposedly dead Assassin. Putting aside the oddity of the situation, the problem was that the one who was currently on top of the crane is a Servant.

If Kiritsugu shot the Master of Lancer now, the opponent would be dead instantly, but at the same time would also expose the position of the shooter. Although Assassin is not a class with a decisive fighting force, he is, anyway, a supernatural being, a Servant. As a magician, Kiritsugu would never manage to win in such a battle.

He could not expect Saber to help him. Considering the distance between Saber and him, Assassin was much closer to him. Besides, Saber wasn't even aware that Kiritsugu was on the scene; he couldn't expect her to come to his aid.

At the same time, Saber was dedicated to protecting Irisviel from the two strangers. Even now, they didn't know why they are working together or what is their real objective.

Only one thing remained - the Seals of Command.

The authority of the Command Seals is not limited to the scope of the Servant's powers. When the Servant agrees to the Master's order without resistance, the Command Seal can have effects beyond the Servant's potential and achieve a miracle. It would not be impossible to transport Saber instantly to the position of Kiritsugu to keep Assassin at bay. But that would leave the helpless Irisviel directly in front of Lancer and the two strangers.

Kiritsugu thought incessantly, combining various elements, and finally came to a conclusion. Although it would be an ideal opportunity to finish off Lancer's Master, he would have to let him go for the night.

Since that was decided, he would have no reason to doubt anything else.

"Maiya, you keep an eye on Assassin; I'll watch Lancer."

"I understand."

Kiritsugu sighed mutely, lowered the Walther's bipod, and proceeded to calmly observe the scene through the lens.

Since he decided to give up this opportunity, Saber's effort tonight was already completely wasted. If she could restrain herself from showing her Noble Phantasm, or escape immediately with Irisviel, then he would have to grant her thanks - but she was a proud and arrogant Heroic Spirit, and those possibilities were only his guesses.

Anyway, it would not be a bad idea to see, even once, how capable his subordinate really is.

At least, at this moment, Artoria had not fought yet. The fewer people who see how capable the Servant of Kiritsugu is, the greater the chances of victory in this war. Besides, he can gather data from strangers.

They weren't in the data he had gathered these years, so he didn't know anything about them. Kiritsugu couldn't proceed with this war without knowing his opponent.