Level up! Level up!

Drako couldn't be happier with his new evolution.

The increase in stats due to the evolution didn't surprise him, as the same thing happened in his previous evolution. If once Sage, or rather the system, gave him +500 stat points for evolving to Great Dragon King, the amount of +750 points was something totally acceptable upon reaching a new evolutionary stage.

His stats were getting closer and closer to Ladon's, so perhaps Drako had already entered the same realm as those known as Evil Dragons. Although he did not know if there was another dragon in the same evolution stage as him, he was fairly certain that Tiamat had crossed the barrier separating the Great Dragon Kings from the Dragon Monarchs.

However, it seemed that this title was not known in DxD. Perhaps, because the Heavenly Dragons were too powerful, they simply decided to call those that came close in power Great Dragon Kings. However, they were still far from the magnitudes that Albion and Ddraig managed.

In reality, though, all this was irrelevant. The only important thing to Drako was that he was now stronger, much stronger.

With his stats boosted by the Touki and his Scathe of Branches skill, Drako didn't need to use a single Noble Phantasm to deal with the most powerful enemy he had faced to date, Ladon.

Yes, Drako still considered Ladon the most powerful enemy he had ever faced, even considering Diarmuid and Gilles.

Regardless of fighting style, Ladon's own stats were superior to those of Drako's other opponents.

Diarmuid had impressive speed and agility in wielding his spears unmatched in this world. It would be interesting to watch a battle between him and Cu Chulainn. Though that is impossible now.

As easy as it was for Drako to take down Caster, he is not to be underestimated. His Noble Phantasm was truly terrifying.

Not many will remember a little boy named Leonardo. A boy from the DxD world, who will join the Hero Faction. In other words, a subordinate of Cao Cao.

The interesting thing about this person is his Sacred Gear, the Longinus called Annihilation Maker.

Leonardo will create an extreme situation in the underworld by creating monsters, which is what Sacred Gear does.

Well, Caster's power is pretty much the same, although Drako would say it's even more powerful in some ways. Especially since Caster's Horrors were immortal.

Though everything changes when Leonardo is forced to awaken his Subspecies Balance Breaker, as the giant creatures he summons are on a higher level than the grotesque creature Caster becomes.

But since Drako hasn't seen either one in person, he can't really give an opinion on which one is better than the other.

But Caster did not have good compatibility with Drako, not to say that Drako had all the weapons to be his own worst enemy. Only Phoebus Catastrophe was all he needed to get rid of all the Horrors together with Caster. And even if Gilles had taken his final form, Drako would only have needed to use Gandiva to destroy him. Laevatein was totally unnecessary to kill the Servant.

In the end, among these three enemies, Ladon was still the one who had given Drako the most trouble. He was the only one who had forced him into his true form and the only enemy who had nearly ended Drako's life.

Those practically impenetrable barriers were really annoying...

"There are still more notifications..." muttered Drako as he looked at the system screen.

His stats weren't the only ones that had gone up with the evolution.

[Level of special skill [Presence detection] was increased from 5 to 7]

[Level of special skill [Automatic HP Recovery] was increased from 6 to 8]

Those were the only two special skills that had increased in level. Actually, they were the only ones that were still level-graded within that category.

Drako could now increase the range at which he could sense other people's aura thanks to the Presence Detection level increases. Simultaneously, the HP he regenerates when he loses life is no longer raised by 60%, but by 80%.

[Level of normal skill [Breath of Abyss] was increased from 1 to 3].

[Level of normal skill [Dark Fang] was increased from 7 to 9].

[Level of normal skill [Infernal Dragon Punch] was increased from 8 to 9]

[Level of normal skill [Numbing Darkness Claws] was increased from 9 to 10]

[[Numbing Darkness Claws] has reached MAX level]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Breath] was increased from 7 to 9]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Fang] was increased from 6 to 8]]

[Level of normal skill [Holy Healing Claws] was increased from 7 to 9].

All his Normal Skills related to his dragon skills had gone up two levels. Numbing Darkness Claws had reached its maximum level, giving Drako a possible future evolution of the skill as he already did with [Darkness Breath], which evolved into the current [Breath of Abyss].

With this, Drako's attack power had gone up another level.

But there were still the Resistance Skills.

[Level of resistance skill [Physical Resistance] was increased from 6 to 8].

[Level of resistance skill [Hunger Resistance] was increased from 5 to 7]

[Level of resistance skill [Poison Resistance] was increased from 7 to 8]

[Level of resistance skill [Magic Resistance] was increased from 8 to 10]

[[Magic Resistance] has reached MAX level]

[Level of resistance skill [Darkness Resistance] was increased from 5 to 7]

[Level of resistance skill [Holy Resistance] was increased from 4 to 6]

Virtually all Resistance Skills had leveled up. It was a pleasant surprise to have reached the maximum level in Magic Resistance. Although it didn't look like the Resistance Skills could evolve, it was good to know that the opponent had to double Drako's defense level to damage him with purely magical attacks.

With so many skills having leveled up, along with his stats, Drako couldn't be happier with the first night of the Holy Grail War in which he had actively participated.

And there were still five Servants left...