An uninvited guest.



"... Excuse me, is this the Mackenzie house?"

"Yes. That's the name of the owner of the house."

"... Then who is it... Mr. King of the Conquerors, Alexander...?"

"I am he."

"... Ah, ah. Err... I see. Ah, haha... ah. Then could you sign here?"

"Sign? Okay... done!"

"Thank you very much. S-sorry for the trouble."

"Hmm. No problem at all."

Waver Velvet was quite accustomed to staying in Glen Mackenzie's house in the second-floor room as if it were his own home, and now he was waking from his slumber.

The sun had fully risen. Treating the day as a holiday, he lay idly in bed, refusing to get up. It shouldn't hurt if he kept lying like this, right?

Everything that had happened so far had been like a dream—the unparalleled deathmatch and destruction.

But the Command Seals engraved on the back of his left hand reminded Waver that this was not a dream.

As Rider's master, Waver had witnessed the fierce battle between Servants last night - that was an irrevocable fact.

At that moment, for the first time in his life, this young man entered the battlefield, for the first time, wavering between life and death.

Agitation, horror; he had never felt them so strongly before.

However, what remained in his heart at this moment... were not sensations related to fear. Rather, impulses filled with joy and excitement surged from his heart.

Waver had no achievements last night - every action was decided by Alexander alone. As Master, he alone had stood beside his Servant, witnessing everything from the side. Even worse, he had fainted at the climax of the battle, rendering him unable to witness the final outcome of the fight.

Anyway, Waver still felt that it had been a very meaningful battle. The things and values he gained from it, it seemed that only he understood.

"...Not even daring to show yourself in front of me, coward; you are not worthy of being my opponent at all..."

Those words were directed at Lancer's Master. Lord El-Melloi, someone Waver hated and feared, was taunted by Rider as a coward.

But the courage Rider proudly held was merely reckless idiocy in Waver's eyes. If he had been the one to plan the battle strategy, he would have let his Servant cross swords on the battlefield, while he as Master would have hidden behind the curtain to observe the progress of the combat - which was Kayneth's very tactic. This is what people call battle strategies properly as such.


"...the man who deserves to be my Master must be a warrior who rides with me to the battlefield..."

Of course, Waver was not the kind of person who would charge towards the enemy alongside Rider. Hiding on the side of the bridge, he was actually so terrified that he climbed into the chariot, only wanting to escape immediately. However, this reaction had been mistaken for an act of bravery.

However, at this point, he should not pursue himself any further for such things.

No matter what his reasons were, Waver could still clearly remember the touch of Rider's hand on his shoulder - so broad, so strong.

"Yes. This kind of person IS my Master." Rider had said that to him.

Compared to Lord El-Melloi - the prodigious, famous professor, someone Waver couldn't reach his shoes' soles, Waver was far superior then.

His courage had finally been recognized - and come to think of it, this was the first time anyone had recognized his ability.

Although flattery and slander are insignificant things, being flattered was really exciting for this young man who had never been flattered by anyone before.

That's the reason why Waver is in seventh heaven now. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't contain his excitement.

Although his Servant did not treat him with the courtesy demanded by a Master and had always called Waver by his first name, still, no matter how disrespectful this stubborn man was, Waver should at least feel grateful towards him. After all, Rider had been the first to value him.


Tortured by his complicated thoughts, Waver sank his head under the sheets. From today onwards, what attitude should he carry when dealing with his giant Servant?

At that moment, Waver suddenly realized that the usual snoring behind his ears in the mornings was absent.

Waver lifted his head from the sheets and discovered that Rider, who usually slept in bed, was not there. For someone who abhorred spiritual form, he could not simply cancel his physical form and change to spiritual form without some good reason. Besides, even if he had dematerialized, like his Servant, it is impossible for Waver to not feel any of his presence at all. So there is only one possibility - Rider is not in the house.

Waver began to think calmly. He had overslept in the morning; so it was not unusual for Rider to wake up earlier than him.

Anyway, the problem at hand was that Rider wasn't in the house, which meant that Rider was going to other places without Waver's permission-.

From the stairs in the hallway, footsteps could be heard climbing the stairs.

From the heaviness of the footsteps, Waver could tell that it was Rider, feeling a little relieved. However, recognizing the meaning of those heavy footsteps, Waver immediately paled.

"Oh, so you're awake, huh? Kid."

Rider's voice was accompanied by his huge torso appearing in the doorway. And considering the thick armor he was wearing... Although Waver had grown accustomed to these strange occurrences, he still found it somewhat strange and unimaginable. If this extremely unusual scene was seen by the Mackenzie couple, he feared that the hypnosis he had cast on them would be nullified very quickly.

That was why Waver had, with some difficulty, managed to convince the Servant who straightforwardly refused to dematerialize, to remain on the second floor and not be wandering around at will... At least, that was the case until this morning.

"... You... you came down the stairs dressed like that?"

"Don't freak out, okay? The old couple in this house left early in the morning. So it's just the two of us. I went downstairs to get the express mail package."

It seemed that Rider also knew that he had to do his best not to be seen by the Mackenzie couple. Waver, who was slightly relieved by this, suddenly noticed that something was missing. Nervously, he examined the giant from head to toe.

In the giant's hands was a small package with an express mail label.

"... So you went to the main entrance wearing this suit?"

"I had no choice. We can't send off the delivery man without showing any gratitude, can we?"

It was already too late.

Fortunately, he had not been discovered by anyone living nearby, only by the mail delivery man who occasionally comes to deliver packages. Regardless, this was very likely to come from the mailman, saying something like there's a warrior in Greek armor in this house. All he could do was pray that person would take this as some kind of joke.

"Besides, this isn't even your package, so you wouldn't even have to express gratitude, right?"

"Huh? No. It's my package."


Rider brandished his package at Waver - "Fuyuki, Miyama District, 228 Mackenzie Residence. For the King of Conquerors, Alexander." This outlandish content was openly displayed on the receipt slip. The distributor's column was the words "Specializing in reference products: Animan Bar Nanbo Store."

"What is this? Rider, explain."

"I'm just trying out this mail order thing. There were a lot of products that captured my attention in the 'Monthly World Militia' ad."

"Huh? Mail order?"

When he thought about it carefully, Waver finally understood why Rider had asked for a postcard when he asked Waver to buy military magazines and recording tapes. At the time, Waver hadn't the foggiest idea what the postcard was for... No, rather Waver hadn't even considered it.

"I said, where the hell did you learn how to do mail orders?"

Although Heroic Spirits acquire knowledge of the Holy Grail, it would not go to the extent of learning how to make mail orders. Waver was very unwilling to believe that was the reality.

"Huh? Didn't they clearly explain those kinds of matters on the back of the magazine and the recording tapes? Just look at them for a moment, and you'll understand."

"When did you see those ads...huh? And where did you get the money for the mail order?"

"Don't worry, I've already paid for it all."

Laughing gleefully, Rider handed him back his wallet. Apparently, he had taken his Master's wallet without permission while he slept.

This man is so naive that he had even wanted to buy an invisible bomber; no one knew what kind of expensive merchandise he had bought this time. Frightened, Waver took his wallet and checked the sum of money inside while holding back his tears.

Ding Dong

Someone had knocked on the door again.

"I guess Grandma has a visitor."

Waver commented lightly while his attention remained on the money missing from his wallet.

"No, this person is looking for us."

With a serious face, Rider rested his hand on the little Master's shoulder.

"An uninvited guest."


Hey guys!

I have sad news for you. You must have noticed that I'm not posting too much chapters :(

I have my first final exam next Tuesday, and I have been studying a lot. Exams end the 21st June, so you can expect a lot of more chapters when I start my holidays.

I had an idea to make up for this inactivity.

This idea goes as following: Creat an novel with my dear readers.

It is going to work as following: I will do an stream daily of an hour or two where we will be creating characters and the setting of a novel. After finishing the set-up of the story, we will start writing it.

And yes, I'm talking about "we" cause you will help me with your ideas. It is a collaboration between readers and writer.

Maybe there are some of you who reads my novels who wants to start writing as well, but they don't know how. With this, you can learn how I write and how I plan a story .

I will create an strawpool where you can vote if you like the idea or not. Since it's useless if I start the stream and no one comes by.

Pd: It will be in English so everyone can understand what am I speaking about.

Btw, thanks to everyone who pass by the stream the other day. Specially Eltoxico15, it was really fun talking with you.