Chapter 1

"Would you marry me?"

That's the only thing he said. I was surprised of course, we've been only together for 2 years. I mean, it's quite a short time for he to confess, AND WHY IN PUBLIC!? "Of course, yes!" I said happily. As soon as I said that, he gets up and hug me tightly. "Thank you Hans, thank you for being the love of my life." I didn't expect this relationship to go this far. As I remember, we only got each other because of our exes. It all went back to that day, the day that our ex-boyfriends cheated on us.

"Oh my god! Look at them, aren't they're just adorable!" A girl at my class shouts at the door. "They finally got together! I've been waiting for ages!" Shouts another girl. Ugh! What's wrong with them? Can't I get through this day peacefully? "Ah! Declan is looking at me!" Shout another girl. Wait, did she just say 'Decaln'? I rushed through the door, pushing all the people in front of me. And there they were, standing next to each other, wearing couple hoodies. I'm angry to see that, but at the same time disappointed in him. I trusted him with my feelings, but then he played with it. I should've realised by the time he asked me to be his boyfriend, I should've known that he will dump me after all, but I played right into his hands, and now what? I'm heartbroken. I run away, run as fast and far from them. And I couldn't believe That Irene is in love with Declan, the playboy. I couldn't even believe it, why? She was the sweetest girl, maybe the nicest girl I ever met, aside from my mom. She was so pure, but why? Now, she wears those short skirts and mini tank tops and wears a pretty decent amount of make-up. How can he do that to her?! How dare he do that to her. Now the Irene I know is gone, she was the only one who've always been there for me. The one that cheered me up when I was sad, the one that I shared all my good and bad news before anyone else, the one who told me to do everything I want and be my self as long as it's right. She was the one and only special friend that has always been there for me.

I skipped school until 10th period. As expected, nobody even realised that I was gone for 8 period. I was scared to go back, scared that I will see Declan again, scared to talk to Irene, scared to see them together. And there I sat crying, not too loud but tears were falling down my cheeks.

"Hey, why're you crying?" Ask someone. I lift my head to see who it is. A handsome tall boy is all I see. I didn't realize who it was until 5 seconds. "Ahh! Richey! You scared me!" I said. He just chukled at me and said, "Well, you should be more aware next time. So why are you crying?". "Uhh…" I can't tell him, well he is 'gay' but still, I couldn't tell him. Why? Well because if I tell him, he WILL kill Declan. He is like an over protective brother. "Hey, it's okay if you don't want to tell me, you don't have to, I have no right to force you to tell me, but promise me one thing, never keep anything to yourself and from me." He said with a sad expression. "Why do you care? I mean, I'm no more than friends with you." I sad. "Yah! Don't speak like that! You're special! They just don't see it. Please, never say that sentence ever again. It hurts you know." He said. I nod and continue to look blankly at the park. It's peaceful here, not much people come here. "Hey, tell me what happened to you and Declan. I saw Declan walking with Irene this morning, doesn't he always walk with you?" Said Richey. I sigh, he always doesn't miss all the details. "Well, this morning I come a bit late, so I texted Declan to go first, a-and when he read my text, he saw Irene walking alone, s-so he decided to walk with Irene this morning." I said stuttering. "You sure? You look like you're lying." He said with a glare. He hates it. He hates it when I lied to him. "N-no! I'm not lying!" I denied it, freaking out. "Hmm, k." He reply shortly.

"To all students, please go to the auditorium immediately, this is your principal speaking." The sound from the school speaker came. "Well, let's get going, c'mon I'll help you up." Richey said offering a hand. "Sure!" I said and took his hand as he pull me up. But, something's odd, why is he blushing a little when I took his hand? Strange, we always hold hands, so why is he blushing now, maybe he was thinking about his boyfriend, Nick. Nick, his full name is Nicholas, but we call him Nick because it's way easier to call.

"G'day mate! Now I have some news for you," said the principal with a strong Aussie dialect. "Now, as y'all heard, our nation is now allowing bisexual people to get married, I know that y'all wondering why I tell you this, as young people of our nation, please don't discriminate them." He paused for a second. "And for the main reason, I'm going to announce your dorm!" We all groaned. I don't understand why we have to have a dorm, but okay. "So, dorm 101 ..." it goes for so long until "…dorm 289, Hans, Declan, Bagas, Nick,…" well shit, I'm gonna be in the same dorm as my ex. "Dorm 301, Richey, Zuriel, Arpe, Jonathan,…" Ah, it looks like we're just 1 dorm away from each other. "Hey, are you okay?" Richey asked me. "Oh, I'm perfectly fine." I said, faking my smile. He look away and said, "I know you're faking your smile again Hans, and you know I don't like that fake smile of yours" he said with a serious tone. I know he hated me if I ever wore a fake smile again. Last time I wore my fake smile was 2 years ago. It's when my mother abuse me. He know too well. "Sorry, but I can't tell you right now, cause if I tell you, you might do something that you will regret for your life." I apologise. He just nodded and focus on the principal. "Okay, that's all I have for y'all now, well thank you and you may now to go your dorms." The principal said and we all go to the dormitories.