Chapter 3

17:54 p.m.

We unlock all the locks that we've put on the door and took a peak outside. The hall way is very quiet, it's like this school is abandoned. "There's no one here, I wonder what Richey do to them." Bagas said, smirking. "Eh? What happen to them?" I ask. I always take things seriously, I think it's habit. "Maybe, they're all dead!" Bagas shout. "Wah? They're all dead?" I ask trembling. "No, you dummy! It was just a joke, don't take thing too seriously, would 'ya?" Bagas said. "I'll try." I answer.

20:40 p.m.

"Where is he? It's been 1 hour and 46 minutes!" Nick asked us, worried. "Chill, he's alive, but we just don't know where he is, so just calm down would 'ya?" Bagas answer. If I'm being honest, Bagas doesn't usually care a shit about this kind of stuff, but this case is different, when killing is involve, he gets very serious. And the reason he said that, is that he's actually scared, but he's trying to make thing okay, pretending that Declan is just in another place safe and sound. "I'm gonna try look for him." I said. Why did I say that?! Argh, you baka! "Oh, did the stray cat trying to find his master again?" Bagas joke, with a devilish smile. "No! I just don't want him to die, nobody wants to die right?" I reply. He stays silent for a few seconds and shake his head, telling us/me that he answers, or at least I think 'no'.


I woke up by the loud scream/shout made by Nick. I rushed through the door, thinking that Nick might be in danger. "WHAT THE HECK NICK?! YOU RUINED MY DREAM!" Bagas shout. "What's wrong?" I ask. Bagas and I walk to the main room. As soon as we walked in we stood in shock. Declan is back! He's sleeping on the couch, Nick is crying softly (that's what he said), and we just stood in the hallway. "Let's get him to his bed room." Bagas said quietly. We all just nod and began to lift/drag Declan to his room. After we put him into his bed, we all silently walked to the main room at sit on the couch. "So," Bagas started the conversation. "Did Richey actually kidnap him and give him a sleeping pill?" Nick said. "No, I don't think so." I answer. "Let's not think about it. I've had enough already." Nick complains. We all just nod and go to our room. We prepared ourselves to go to the university.

After we prepared, we go to the main room to go together. Going together with our roommates have been a tradition for us Jalesticque University students. "So, we're just going to leave him here alone, and unconscious?" Nick asked. ", yeah?" I said. I don't know what to decide anymore, and now I don't know how to face Richie later.

Economy Class

"Hey Hans, how's it going?" Zuriel asked as I went into the class room. "Bad, very bad." I answered. "Come on, it can't be that bad." Zuriel said playfully. "Oh, trust me, it's the worse day ever." I replied.

Class was boring as usual. Our economy teacher, Ms. Joice is quite fun, but considering it's only a few months away from final exam, she cut down all the jokes and focused on teaching us the materials for the exam.


Finally, class is over, I wonder where Richie is? I walked out of the class room with Zuriel. We're heading to the canteen. On our way there, we saw Nick laughing with Sara. I went there to say hi. "Hi Nick, have you seen Richey?" I asked. He seems startled, but answer me shortly. "I haven't seen him." He answered me coldly, and without looking at me! "Okay then, do you want to go to the canteen with us?" I asked him. "No thanks, I git things to do." He just answers me and went into a class room with Sara. "What's wrong with him?" Zuriel asked in disbelieve. "Whatever, I've had enough on my mind." I said and continue walking to the canteen. As soon as I stepped in to the canteen, I saw HIM. He looked so happy without me. Whenever he's with me, he looks so depressed because he's thinking about my safety because of the bullying. But when he's not around me; with his friends, he looks so happy. I tried to walk pass him because I didn't want to disturbs his time with his friends. "Ah, Hans! Sorry guys, got to go." He said to his friends as soon as he sees me. He then grabbed my hand and drag me out of the canteen to our secret spot, the garden behind the school. "Hey, what are you doing? And is it okay to leave your friends just like that?" I asked him while he was dragging me. "They could tolerate it, anyways I'm always with them, I want some time with you too." He said, smiling. I smiled a little, but there's a hint of sadness from his smile. I wonder what happened to him.

When we arrived at the garden, as usual, no one's there. "What do you want to talk about?" I tried asking. "Cut the crap! Show me your wrist!" He suddenly yelled. I flinched and scared to answer him at the same time. "Wha-why?" I stutter. "Just show it now!" He yelled again." I tried to hide my hand behind my back to prevent him from grasping my hand, but his hands are long so he can grab my hand easily by wrapping his hands around my body. I blushed a little, trying to hold it back. What's wrong with me? Why do I keep blushing?! He grabbed my hand and roll my sleeves so that he can see my wrist. "I knew it." He whispered to himself. "Why do you this, you promised me that you wouldn't do this anymore." He said, on the edge of crying. I cannot hold my emotion anymore. I broke out crying out loud. I'm lucky there's only us in the garden. When I broke out crying I can see a glint of worry in his eyes caused by my blurred vision. "H-Hey, don't cry now, you're making me the bad guy here." He said, stuttering. I tried to hold my tears back, but it just won't stop coming down. I feel so dumb right now.