Chapter 42: [Mentor and Seoul]

[Seoul, Chaos Breakers Sub-Headquarters]

As the plane where the co. Landed and settled down, all of them begun to head out and rent another vehicle for their transportation to Boseong

As soon as they arrived at Seoul Sub-Headquarters they found out that such place was tightly clean as not even a speck of dirt can be found

Since the while base was already accustomed of foreign visitors, they didn't mind the group of Kanzaki as they passed by several people along the way

Since they were not some big shots from other bases, the Head Chief that was in charge of this side of branch headquarters didn't even offer some kind of welcoming party. As such the group easily went their ways without any obstructions at all

When Jinwoo was taking care of the renting vehicle, some of the personnel's and Chaos Breakers within the facility took a glances at them, seemingly evaluating the foreign co-workers

What's worse off all is that Kanzaki was getting all the attention from the locals inside the base, for the reason that he was the only boy within the group of girls

Since Ryuuji was assigned elsewhere and Jinwoo was away to rent some transportation it is only normal to assume that Kanzaki got the envy eyes of other male personnel's and Chaos Breakers while judging eyes for the female personnel's and Chaos Breakers

Seeing that Kanzaki was somewhat uneasy from the atmosphere, Jessica decided to break the mood by asking him a question

"Looks like your spring has come" she said

Hearing this Kanzaki adruptly turned his gaze at Jessica with a flustered look

"Wa... What are saying woman? Don't make anymore misunderstandings!!! I'm getting pierced by their stares already!" Complained Kanzaki

With that even Ai, Alice, and Isabelle looked at him seemingly enjoying his flustered look

"It's only natural! After all... You are accompanied by four beautiful women whose is still single until this very day... hahaha!" Laughed aside Jessica

"Yeah! In their perspective... They see you as a guy who had a harem... After all all four of us have some kind of close relationship to you... They just don't know that we're comrades" added Ai as she whispered

"Don't worry Kanzaki! I don't mind at all" assured Alice

Hearing Alice reply even Kanzaki felt bewildered

"No! You should really mind it!" Insisted Kanzaki

"Why should we mind it? It's just some misunderstanding right?" Asks Isabelle

"Yeah! There's no harm at all" added Alice

With that Kanzaki gave them a dry laugh

"It's easy for you guys since your not the one who's getting pierced by all the stares" complained Kanzaki

As Kanzaki said that all four girls laughed at his somewhat unusual state, while at the same time Jinwoo arrived with a key in hand declaring that he has successfully rented a transportation

"Alright guys! I rented our transport! I also suggested that we take the underground highway since traveling up the surface is quite dangerous" announced Jinwoo

"Well it's to be expected since this place is surrounded by destructed neighboring cities, this place is not like Grandora City who is surrounded by the sea" stated Jessica

When hearing that all of them nodded as if they understood what she said

After that introduction the co. Headed out to the rented vehicle which is the size of an operation van that is used during some kind of mission outside the walls of the city

As they got inside they were bewildered at how large and comfy the place is, completely different from the cramped operation van on Grandora City

With that in mind the group settled down as both Kanzaki and Jinwoo took the front seat, Jinwoo as the driver while Kanzaki on the other seat beside it

As for the girls they settled down at the back coming up with different entertainment while they're on the road

After some few time passed on the underground highway traveling to Boseong at an incredible speed without any obstructions at all, Kanzaki asked Jinwoo about some particular matter

"So how far is Boseong from Seoul that you need to go this fast?" Asks Kanzaki as he noticed that Jinwoo was driving so fast as if he was racing against something

Unfortunately since the vehicle has an high class suspension, the vehicle wasn't shaky at all even if Jinwoo goes fast making the traveling period pleasant

"The distance between Seoul and Boseong-gun is 311 km. The road distance is 372.3 km, since Boseong is located at the south part of South Korea while Seoul is at the upper part of South Korea" answered Jinwoo nonchalantly

Hearing that Kanzaki was flabbergasted

"What!?!... That far?"

"Yeah that far but with our current speed of 90 km per hour followed by we are the only ones using the underground highway this day, I estimated that we can arrive there at most 4 hours with no pit stop" said Jinwoo

"Seriously? Ahhh! Damn it! Now I feel like this is abnormal" said Kanzaki

"Abnormal? Aren't we already abnormal since we can use those eyes?" Asks Jinwoo

With that Kanzaki has no rebuke on what Jinwoo said since it was a fact

To lighten the mood Jinwoo said

"Don't worry! I'll introduce you guys to my siblings Hyung, Dan, Chan-hee and my parents eomma(mom) Eon-bi, appa(dad) An"

Hearing him Kanzaki felt a little bit uneasy as the names of the Korean people are really hard to pronounce if your not fluent on speaking Korean

"Don't worry! They know how to speak English" said Jinwoo

"I see" replied Kanzaki as they traveled along the underground highway



At the same time on the other side of the world Ryuuji finally landed on Hawaii after so much effort and some circumstances that prolong the travel time of planes

The moment Ryuuji exited the airport he was greeted by a man in Black suit who welcomed him at Hawaii

"You must be Ryuuji which head General Alex told us about" said the man in Black

"Yes I am that guy... And you are?" Asks Ryuuji

"Ah yes how rude of me... I'm James!, I'm assigned to escort you to the person that you will be appointed too... So if you please just enter the vehicle then we will bring you to that person" said James

Name: James Young

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: Agent

Skill: None

Status: Works for the American Government

With that kind of introduction Ryuuji went along the way and entered the car in which it will bring him to the person who was appointed to him


~few hours later~

After some time passed Ryuuji arrived at some kind of luxurious hotel in which tourist flock around the area

As James led him to the person, Ryuuji noticed that this place is the closest structure to the forest nearby

When James led him to the person, Ryuuji was immediately greeted by a person who sitting on top of a huge rock while observing the crowd who are going along the way

"Huh? So you must be that brat Ryuuji which that damned guy Alex introduced me..."

As Ryuuji looked up the person added

"What's up man! Im Greg! Greg Medley!!! Nice to meet you" said the person named Greg haughtily

Name: Greg medley

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: Businessman

Skill: Flame wielder

Status: Former Chaos breaker

With that Ryuuji finally met the person who will train him from that very moment and put him through so many hardship