Chapter 262:[Training II]

[Grandora City, Polar Dormitory]

After going back to his original position, Kanzaki quickly went into his charging stance once more, as he immediately  rushed towards Jinwoo and suddenly make a zig zag turn to dodge Jinwoo's initial defensive maneuver which shocked the latter himself.

By doing that, Kanzaki was able to move towards Jinwoo's blindspot in quick succession, as he swung up his sword and forced the latter to go on the defensive. This time however Kanzaki himself didn't let up his guard as he kept aneyeto his surroundings while trying to pin down Jinwoo.

Unfortunately this wasn't the first time Jinwoo undertook such pressure, so with ease, he quickly waited for the right moment, until he broke through Kanzaki's momentum and redirected his slash down to the ground.

Once that happened he quickly swung up his staff forcing Kanzaki to pull back his head to dodge the swing, only for Jinwoo to quickly use the swinging momentum to spin around, as he took a downward swing which made Kanzaki lost his balance, followed by another spinning kick which sent him away.

Grunting in pain as Kanzaki quickly recovered himself, Jinwoo then quickly entered into the offensive as he begun attacking Kanzaki with swings mixed with juggling, causing his attack to appear random and hard to predict for the person himself. Since Kanzaki can't use his chaos ability to predict scenario per the rules, he was then put at a disadvantage the moment he was faced with randomness.

After swinging his staff to knock Kanzaki's arms upwards, Jinwoo then quickly spun around once more as he quickly swung up to hit Kanzaki's chin. Just like that Kanzaki was blown away once more, as he momentarily black out after getting hit in the chin.

"Ugh! That hurt.... that really hurt"

"You really need to strengthen your defenses..."

"You hit my chin, that's fatal"

"Its only fatal for people who are fragile"

"Right! Says the guy who had his whole body strengthened dye to his chaos ability, what a cheat"

"..... get up!"

Hearing that Kanzaki then stood up once more as he touched his chin while looking towards Jinwoo's direction.

Without a second thought, he then quickly rushed towards him while changing his approach and tried to jump over jinwoo and attack him from above. However Jinwoo was able to see through his intention as he thrusted his staff upwards, causing Kanzaki to be blown back by his own maneuver.

The moment Kanzaki landed on his feet, Jinwoo charged towards Kanzaki in a blink of an eye, as he thrusted his staff once more, forcing Kanzaki to suddenly react through his senses and dodged the sudden follow up thrust.

The moment Kanzaki made that dodge, he then quickly strikes back by pushing Jinwoo with his instantaneous double slash, followed by rapid swings which slowly pushed him back by a small steps. After that happened, Kanzaki then slashed downward forcing Jinwoo to block from above with both of his hands, which made it possible for Kanzaki to openly kick him straight to his guts.

Because of that Jinwoo was further pushed back once more, as he quickly recovered from the attack and smiled towards Kanzaki.

"Thats it! Fight back! If you want to survive in a fight, don't think, just follow your instincts... through that you can achieve instinctive reaction which is a way to overcome the genetic lock and unlock the full potential of a human being"

After Jinwoo said those words, he then quickly called out towards Kanzaki, as they begun their sparring training once more.



While both Jinwoo and Kanzaki were training in the dormitory, Alice and Isabelle on the otherhand manage to acquire one of the personal training room of the Sub-headquarters due to them clocking in at the very early of dawn.

Since they manage to acquire that on expense of their beauty sleep, they were able to get a personal training room much earlier than the others. However this time Alice will be training alone with Isabelle to help her out. Of course Alice was inside the room while Isabelle was inside the control room.

(Alright! I've come up with multiple training regime for you Alice, through this not only can we practice your sniping skills, but we will also be able to enhance your usage of your chaos ability)

"I see... alright! I'm ready when you are"

(Great! Let's start with level 1)

After Isabelle said those words through her mic, she then projected multiple moving projectiles into the air lokea drone as they were all equipped with weaponry for Alice training.

(Alright! Take all 20 drones down under 3 minutes, if you can finish that we will the proceed to level 2)

Without a moments hesitation, Alice quickly pulled out her sniper gun(Fenrir) only to be open fire by the drone bots, forcing Alice to take cover from the projected environment that Isabelle had provided. To make it known, Isabelle projected the current layout of Israel after the first apocalypse, so basically everything was a mess and completely destroyed.

Hiding from the drones initial volley of attacks, Alice quickly charged up her sniper rifle as she quickly activated her chaos ability of accuracy. As if her eyes gained the ability of markings when shooting in a scope, she then room a quick glance over the cover, only to go back into hiding when the dronebots begun their second volley.

After the second volley had ended, three drone bots slowly moved towards Alice direction, while the rest of the drones covered for them from behind. However the moment the drones arrived at Alice predestined spot, she was nowhere to be found, until she suddenly appeared from an area much farther away.

Upon seeing her from the distance the drones its were momentarily confused, as it showed a slight opening for Alice to exploit and begun her havoc by firing down three shots towards the three drones at the forefront.

In that moment three drones were taken down as Alice destroyed them in quick succession.

Once more the drones begun rushing towards her direction, as they open fire, only to get two more of them shot down in the process of then getting close to her.

Unfortunately after Alice took down two more drones that are rushing towards her, she then moved towards another location, as she maintained her distance and slowly take them out one after another until none of them remains.

The first level was quite easy for her, however the more challenging part was the next level were Isabelle applied zero gravity.