
After the whole talk with Yuri which ended me trying to escape and hide from her. I started to head towards my manager's office.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

"Hey, manager-nim I am here"

"oh Hey Yuuki I was expecting you an hour ago "

I walked in and sat down in front of him.

"You know I am not a morning person."

"Yeah after 7 years of working together I still wish you would be on time for once."

"Well keep wishing"

After a short brief catching up the moment, my manager started to talk to me about my schedule today. Well, it looks like I will be doing 4 photoshoots today.

"Yuuki the photoshoot will start in like 2 hours from now they are setting up the stuff"

"Yeah okay"

I got up and head to the sofa to lay down.


"What's wrong Yuuki you seemed down"

"Nothing "

"Come on I know you better than anyone else I know something is wrong with the princess"

"Can I be honest with you"

"Yuuki you can always be"

I was embarrassed to say it that I looked down.

"I miss..."

"What do you mean you miss is something going on"

I finally looked at him and said..

" I missed breakfast and I am really hungry "

My manager looked at me dead in the eyes and started to laugh

"What so funny oppa?"

" The way you looked at me with those puppy eyes and pouty lips you looked so adorable but.."

"But what ?"

"Call me oppa one more time"


"I will buy your food"

"manager oppa "

All I see is my manager picks up his phone from his desk and told his assistance to bring us food which I was so happy about. I can't believe 7 years of working together and not once has he treated me bad. He always took care of me when my parents were not here. He took care of me as his own daughter.