
As we finally arrived at our destination I put on my black face mask and black hat to prevent the paparazzi and fans to take pictures. Once the minivan came into complete stop security and my bodyguard came around leading me into the studio. Once we finally got inside the studio I see manager-nim went to go talk to the front desk to let them who we were. But I kinda figured they knew who we were since half of the staff are whispering while the other half took out their phones to take pictures.

"Ughh can't they just stop and treat me like a normal person"

"I am sorry Miss but did you say something," said my bodyguard

" oh no nothing"

I turned around and started to head towards manager-nim. As I was walking towards him I heard him say "Please keep this a secret, for now, its kinda surprise for her". I was confused about what he meant but just ignored it.

"I am getting bored here oppa"

"oh Yuuki since when did you start to stand there"

"not a few "

"Sir, the director is finally ready for you guys to enter it's on the 3rd floor on the right"

"Okay thank you very much"

"Oh yes, but um miss Yuuki?"


"I am a big fan you are so pretty"

"Thank you you are also pretty:)"

After that, we started to head to the studio room. As we were walking people were bowing towards us which is normal here in Korea is shown as respect and politeness. We entered the room and we were greeted by the director.

"Hello thank you very much for coming down and accepting to do this photoshoot with us."

"Thank you for having us," Manager-nim said towards the director.

"You must be the beautiful Yuuki it is such an honor to be working with you"

"The pleasure is all mine," I said with a smile.

"Okay how about we start working but first Yuuki I want you to meet your partner for this photoshoot"


I look towards my manager with an intense look more like glaring at him but as always he tries to ignore my look. He knows I hate working with others that are not the crew members because working with a partner means I have to deal with someone who can be annoying or perky.

"She will love to meet her partner," manager-nim said with a worried look in his face.

"Perfect here he comes"

I whisper to my manager "He?" with such an aggressive tone.

"heehe sorry" manger-nim said with an apologetic tone.

"Yuuki this is Jae-Yong your partner"

My eyes widen I can't believe it. I would see him here after so many years. Jae-Yong was my best friend since we were little babies we grew up together. But once we got into high school everything changed he started to bully me with other people. I never knew what I ever did to him to hate me so much. But looking at him brings back memories I want to forget memories that bring in so much heartache. While I was in my thought I didn't notice my manager and the director left us alone. That was until he spoked.

"Hey Yuuki long time no see," he said with a sad tone.

I didn't say anything back I just had a blank expression with no emotions.

"I want to apolo--"

"let me stop you right there I don't need your pity apology you don't speak to me unless is about the photoshoot other than that don't speak."

With that, I turned around and walked away from him I won't let anyone hurt me ever again. I won't go back to being that weak girl I was never again.