What Sounds strange...

Back at home, my little brother did entertain my guest, he was so generous towards her, and he did his task very well.

"My brother was right about you." he said.

"Was right about what?" she asked.

"You have a gorgeous smile, with those white teeth of yours." he acclaimed. Poor Lindi almost choked on her food.

"So you guys talk about me… huh?" she said "so please brief me about the things you guys discuss about?" she enquired.

"Nope, am not going to tell you anything." he said.

"Why not," she asked.

"Because I'll be breaking the 'guy code'." he said.

"What guy code? Because you have violated the rule already!" she said.

"Even though you say so… I don't want to continue." he said.

"Um… so you think your brother knows me very well?" she looked at him in suspense.

"I think so!" he said "So tell me Ms. Lindy do you go to church?" he asked.

"Yes I do… but that sounds strange!" she spoke in suspense.

"What sounds strange." asked Moos.

"Your brother, kind of did ask me that similar question earlier today." she said.

"Oh wow! He did?" Moos expressed surprised. "And what did you say to him when he asked you that question?"

"I told him I'm saved by the grace of God."

"Wow so um… what is your favorite scripture in the book of life?" he probed, my little brother tried to liven up the atmosphere.

"Psalms 23." she said.

"The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures, he leads me to quiet streams." Moos recited the verse.

"Wow you are also familiar with the verse." she said.

"Mom and Dad taught us that if you want to grow spiritually in the Lord you must read your bible!" he said.

"So what is your favorite verse?" she probed.

"Um… if I tell you the verse will you recite it like I did with yours?" he teased.

"Maybe but maybe not!" she replied.

"Psalms 141:3-4 do you know it?" He asked. But she shook her head and said.

"Am not sure about it, but I know that it speaks about a tongue."

"Ok the verse says 'Lord place a guard at my mouth a sentry at the door of my lips, keep me from wanting to do wrong and from joining evil people in their wickedness. May I never take part in their feasts' that's the verse" he spoke with so much determination in his eyes.

"Why do you love such a verse?" she asked.

"One day I'll tell you!"

"Oh I have to go your brother is not coming." she spoke with so much disappointment her eyes. She wasn't really happy at all.

"He'll be deeply hurt not to find you when he gets back… see when you are so into someone and you don't find them where you were told to find them… it's sad." Musa tried to guilt trip Lindi.

"There you go again… claiming that your brother knows me better than myself."

"But this time around I did not say that he knows you I said his into you…tell me why do you have to go? He is coming I know he is." he pleaded.

"I have to be somewhere," she desperately wanted to go. She no longer wanted to be by my house.

"If you leave what do I tell J.R? I told him to hurry back for you are here and now you've decided to leave."

"You are one weird guy." she shook her head again.

"Am sorry if I have offended you, please accept my sincere apology of being a total freak." he said and she smiled.

"Apology accepted… but seriously I really have to go."

She lifted her hand to reach the door, when she opened it she almost bumped into my face, but I managed to hold her back, she froze, gazed at me, she wanted to say something but this time around I wouldn't let her, I had to say something before she does. Musa was waving his hand at me for I to have frozen, he did not make a sound but he moved his lips and hands.