Chapter 7

(2 years later)

"The next item up for auction is a beautiful Diamond necklace made by the lovely Yan Su of Shattered Crystals. Fifteen rubies surrounded by two hundred diamonds exuding their polished beauty, the starting bid will be five hundred thousand," the auctioneer stated.

Today was the fundraising for the Omega Association's, sister branch of the Omega Welfare. The Omega Welfare was run under the Setchin family with its current representative Brent Setchin at the fort, but as everyone was going about the auction, Brent was in a chair at his family table fast asleep in front of everyone with no care in the world.

Today, the Carter's, the Rayleigh's, the Greyson's, Michaels and Thompson's, the prestigious and influential clans were all here to support the Setchin's since the Setchin's were of the elite clans too.

Alphonse Setchin tapped his son's shoulder to wake him up. Brent groaned awake, "What is it? Can I go home now?"

Christian, his Omega mama scoffed, "Since you got here son, you've been asleep, get up, it's almost time for the climax of the auction, you need to fetch your brother."

Brent grumbled and got up, rubbing his eyes, he walked over to the stage and went behind the curtain. Several minutes later, a crash was heard and even the auctioneer went silent.

Turning around, he looked behind him at the curtain and sighed, "Any further bids before we continue?"

"Six million and five hundred," someone bid.

"Sold!" Brent's voice came from behind the curtain.

The auctioneer felt helpless and said, "Sold to Mr Hendricks."

The necklace was put away and he spoke again, "The next item will be…" he said as he looked back.

He awkwardly looked at the crowd and stopped as he looked at Alphonse.

Sighing, he stepped back and peeked through the curtain, "Brent?!" he hissed. Brent was on the floor hugging someone to himself.

"What happened?" He asked Brent as Jayden forcefully squeezed out of his arms.

Jayden glared at the auctioneer, "We'll be out shortly," he said as he got up. Grabbing Brent's arms, he took off his tie and wrapped it around his wrist binding him, then grabbed him by the back of his collar and dragged him out.

Alphonse and Christian groaned inwardly. Brent was on the floor with his eyes closed and Jayden was as feisty as always. Standing beside Kyle the auctioneer, Jayden crossed his arms and told him to continue.

Before everyone, Jayden stood high and proud wearing a tight fitted three piece suit, but his jacket and shirt were gone and he only had a pants and the vest on showing off his curvy body, a leather collar around his neck for protection and his black hair was cut short in a bob.

Flashing a smile after glaring at Brent, who made himself comfortable they continued, "And today ladies and gents, our final prize up for auction today is a date with the lovely Jay-Leigh Setchin on Tuesday the 18th. Jay-Leigh is a multi-talented Omega who prepared everyone's treats that were highly praised; he also prepared today's dinner. Jay-Leigh has agreed to go on a date with anyone, no matter who and please their every need except sexually. He likes long walks on the beach, taking photos of himself and bullying his elder brother Brent. He speaks ten languages, was raised in an all Alpha home, plays the piano, violin and harp, he's a sweet talker so I suggest that the one who win's him tonight stays on guard."

Kyle looked at Jayden and beamed, "Besides all those, he owns his own business, works hard and isn't afraid to express his feelings. The starting bid will be set at five million because he is too precious to give up so easily."

Jayden felt his soul leave his body in embarrassment, "Eight million, I can't give my brother away," Brent said with a yawn. Kyle and the employees all laughed, but in the crowd and everyone was shaken up.

Before them stood the Omega who made a ruckus with his disappearance and everyone here, suffered because of Aiden���s wrath.

The eyes of the crowd turned to Adrian and they could see just how shocked he was, but it was not only him, it was his entire family and the Rayleigh clan too.

When Brent finish spoke, Aiden raised his hand slightly, "Eight million five hundred thousand."

Kyle looked over and smiled with a nod.

The hall was quiet for a few seconds, "Nine million," an Alpha within the crowd spoke up.

Kyle grinned, "You're popular," he whispered, but it was heard over the mic.

Jayden groaned and glared at Brent.

Taking the glare to heart, he bid, "Nine million and one."

Kyle turned his head to the side and looked down at Brent displeased.

"Nine and a half million," the Alpha spoke up again.

Adrian's head snapped in his direction as he tried his best to fight his urge to lunge at the man.

He didn't seem to be from this country, nor was he aware of why everyone else wasn't bidding for Jayden – Jayden was his mate and he'll be damned if he let Jayden escape this time.

Seeing his son's evident displeasure, Aiden frowned, raising his hand, "Fifteen million."

Jayden looked over at Aiden who was staring at him with a frown on his face.

He smiled at the elder. Stepped to the side and tapped Kyle on the shoulder.

Taking the hint Kyle spoke, "Fifteen million, going once, going twice, sol…"

"Fifteen million and a half," the man spoke again.

Brent got up from the floor and dusted himself off, looking over at the man, he saw that it was his business acquaintance that fancied Jayden.

Looking over at his brother, he gave him a grin.

"Raise it to thirty million," Adrian said under his breath.

His father turned to look at his son who was still glaring at the man.

His eyes slowly moved over to Adrian's fiancé beside his son and sighed.

They were sharing a table with the Rayleigh clan and his fiancé was none other than Rachel Rayleigh, Jayden's sister that was a year younger than him.

She looked at Adrian in shock and anger soon rose in the depths of her heart along with the other Rayleigh clan members.

None of them expected that that whore would suddenly appear in front of them and now he was making a spectacle of himself by being sold and the one who wanted him most was bidding against someone who they did not know and it was easy to see that he wanted Jayden.

"Thirty Million," Aiden said earning gasps from the crowd.

The man who had bid before looked over at Aiden but saw that it was his son that was glaring at him. He raised a brow confused, then turned to look back at the stage and his eyes became love struck again which infuriated Adrian.

"Rent! To Mr Aiden Carter, unfortunately we can't say sold because Jayden isn't an item and thus we shall rent him out, although it sounds worse!" Kyle spoke and the bidding ended.

Everyone clapped hands and watched as Brent's arms were untied by Jayden then leaned over onto his back and was dragged off stage.

The two stopped and spoke briefly with Kyle then made their way over to the Setchin's. Jayden kissed Christian and Alphonse on the cheeks and punched Brent.

Picking up their younger sibling Danielle, he tickled her.

Alphonse got up and said, "Can you believe we made so much money off of you son?"

Jayden shook his head, "I'm surprised too, but I feel sorry for Mr Morne."

Alphonse nodded, "That old bastards son really has a thing for you, be sure to make him feel welcome, but also don't forget that the Carter's are the ones who won."

"I know," Jayden said and put Danielle down.

Followed by a lazy Brent, they made their way over to the Rayleigh and Carter table. Stopping beside Aiden since he was the one who bid, Jayden smiled.

Brent took the initiative and spoke, holding out his hand, he said, "Good evening, Mr Carter, I never would have guessed that you would be so invested in the well being of the Omega's in our care."

Aiden bit down on his molars, but couldn't answer. Adrian stood up and was about to grab Brent's hand when Rachel grabbed his arm, looking down at her he frowned, "Adee what are you doing?" she asked panicked.

Adrian shrugged her hand off him and ignored her.

He grabbed Brent's hand and put on his best smile, "Brent."