
It has been six months since Yoongi and Hana broke up. He would call and apologize for the first few weeks before he gave up and stopped. Hana was sitting in a nightclub when she saw him across the bar, dancing and conversing with another girl, who was an old friend of her's from the law firm she worked at. They hadn't talked in forever and now there she was sucking face with her ex-boyfriend. Not a pleasant sight.

"Hey Beautiful."

Startled Hana jumped up and turned to find the owner of the voice. It was a young man who was about the same age as her, he had dark brown hair that looked so soft all she could think about was she just wanted to run her hands through it, dark brown eyes that were soft but piercing as if they could see right through her, his lips were so lusciously kissable and pink, he wore a tight white button up that showed his broad chest and large biceps along with a blazer and black skinny jeans and Gucci dress shoes, but something about him bugged her, she felt like she knew him somehow.

"You talking to me?" She asked the man.

"Yeah, there's no one else that I could possibly be talking to," replied the mysterious man.

"Wow, does that work with other girls for you?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"I don't know, I've never used it before," the man said.

"Well you're in luck. You've got my attention," she replied.

He smiled. "Good to know."

"You single?" He asked.

"Yup. You?" She replied.

"Uh huh," he nodded.

By now she was feeling petty and wanted her ex to notice her, not to come over to her, but to get jealous of her.

"You wanna dance?" She asked.

"Sure," replied the man.

They went over to the dance floor and she positioned herself and the man as close to her ex and friend as possible without it being obvious.

The guy placed his hands on her waist and she placed her arms around his neck, pulling her body more onto him. After what seemed like forever her ex finally saw them and rolled his eyes at her. She flipped him off and they ignored each other for the rest of the night. They left before her and the man she'd been with the whole night.

"Hey, so you wanna get outta here?" Asked the man.

"Yeah, lets go," she replied.

They got through the crowd and made it outside to the parking lot.

"Finally, some fresh air," she said breathing out.

"Did you and that guy across the bar have a history?" Asked the man.

"Why do you ask?" She asked.

"No reason, just curious," replied the man.

"Look can we please just not talk about him. Can you just kiss me and take me to bed?" She replied.

The man smirked and nodded. He leaned in and kissed her. They made out in the parking lot in front of the nightclub for awhile.

"You wanna go back to my place?" The man whispered in her ear.

She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Y-Yes," she replied trying not to sound turned on.

"Oh, so bunny wants me that badly?" Said the man slyly with a smirk.

"I-I do," she replied biting her lip.

The man pulled her to his car and ushered her to get in. After a few hours of driving they stopped at a modern looking house, it wasn't huge but it wasn't small and it was very beautiful. He parked the car in the large hidden driveway and they went in.

The man brought her into a living room and they sat on the sofa.

"Look, bunny I don't think we should do this right now," said the man.

"Why?" She grabbed him and pulled herself closer onto him. "I came with you because I thought we were going to f-"

Hana suddenly felt faint.

"Not tonight bunny," said the man.

She suddenly collapsed onto his lap, asleep.