
"Kookie, can you please come here!" Hana yelled through the locked door. "Kookie! You asshole goddamnit! Come here!"

Hana heard footsteps minutes later. He unlocked the door and went in.

"What do you want?" he asked annoyed.

Tears came to her eyes. "I've made up my mind. Yes."

"What?" Asked Jungkook.

"Yes," Hana replied.

"You mean, you'll do it?" Asked Jungkook.

"Yes," Hana replied now in complete and utter sobs.

"Don't cry too much, trust me you'll have lots of fun. Mini and I are very gentle people," said Jungkook as he left.

Hana could hear the muffled voices of Kookie and Mini through the closed door.

Hana was to become their playmate.

Jimin went barging in.

"I heard the great news," said Jimin excited.

"Mini, what the hell do you want," Hana said annoyed.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see my little kitten," replied Jimin.

"Well I'm not in the mood, leave me alone," Hana replied.

"Aw, are you missing Yoongi now?" Asked Jimin in a annoyingly teasing tone.

"You're. An. Asshole," Hana replied and went into the bathroom and slammed the door in his face.

"Damn," said Jimin chuckling as he left.

When Hana was sure he was gone she went out and sat on her bed. She heard knocking.

"Can I come in?" Asked Jungkook.

"Whatever," Hana replied.

He went in and silently sat next to her.

"I'm sorry about Jimin, he can be a real ass sometimes," said Jungkook

Hana looked at him and frowned.

"Gee, I never would've guessed," she said sarcastically. "I wondered why you called him Mini. What about Kookie, what's that supposed to stand for?"

"My name is Jungkook," replied Jungkook. "Yoongi hyung gave me the nickname Kookie and it stuck so I kept it."

"Oh, wow. It's a really cute nickname at least," Hana replied.

"Thanks," he smiled and let out a soft giggle.

He got up and left. To Hana's surprise he left the door unlocked. She was free to roam the halls of the small but beautiful mansion. She came across two bedrooms that looked lived in so she assumed those were Jimin's and Jungkook's. She went into the first room and it was clean and it smelled fresh, the walls were a nice crimson and on his bed black velvet sheets. A giant picture of Jungkook hung on the wall above his desk. Well guess this room belongs to Jungkook. So than that means the other one must be Jimin's room. She went in and it was also surprisingly very clean, the color scheme was a light blue and gray, there was a giant picture of Jimin on the wall across from his bed. She went out and came across another room that was just down the hall from their rooms. The door was double locked. She found it strange that they'd have a locked room in their own home. But then again there have been weirder things in other people's homes she'd seen. Compared to those this was actually pretty normal.

"Bunny, come down Jimin hyung and I would like to speak to you," yelled Jungkook.

Hana went down the stairs to find them both standing at the bottom of the steps.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I would like to set some ground rules," said Jimin.

"What the fuck. I'm already enslaved to you two idiots, what more do you want from me?" She replied.

"Rule number one, do not talk back," said Jimin.

"Fuck. You." She replied.

"Rule number two, come when called," said Jungkook.

"Rule number three, only talk when spoken too," said Jimin.

"I can't believe I left the comforts of my own home to end up with two dumbasses who have no life," she replied.

"Rule number four, don't leave this house unless one of us know and approve," said Jungkook.

"Rule number five, obey every word and order during all games," said Jimin.

"And last, rule number six, if you disobey any of our commands both in and out of the sheets you will be punished," said Jungkook.

"But over time more rules maybe added," said Jimin.

"Yeah, sure whatever," she rolled her eyes. "Can I go now?"

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other. They shook their heads and smiled. Then they looked back at Hana. "You may, but you must be back by 11:00pm exactly," said Jimin.

"Great," she fake smiled and left.

She immediately called Yoongi.

"Who is this and why are you calling me?" said Yoongi.

"It's me. I really need to see you. Please. Meet me at our old apartment in 45 minutes," she replied.

"Sure. It's not like I have anything else to do." He said sarcastically.

Yoongi hung up and Hana made her way to their old apartment which was on the other end of town. She finally got there and went up to their old apartment suite. He was already waiting for her on the sofa. He looked the exact same as the day she kicked him out.

"Hey babe," said Yoongi. "How's life as Jimin and Jungkook's new sex toy?"

She frowned. "It fucking sucks."

"Look, I know we broke up and I know we left things in a bad place but I want you to give me a second chance," she said sitting beside him.

He looked at her and smirked.

"You can't stand those two, can you?" He said.

"No, I really can't, they're complete dumbasses, I hate living there," she replied.

"Is that why?" He asked.

"No. I still love you. I want you back. Yoongi, I'll love you no matter what happens. Please take me back," she replied.

"Sure," said Yoongi. "But you should know I do have a fiancée. Although she and I aren't really getting along. I've been trying to find a way to tell her that I can't marry her. After I saw you at the bar that night, I didn't think I had gotten over you and especially that smokin' body of your's," He smirked.

"Wow, way to ruin the moment," Hana frowned.

"But seriously, I love you, you were my first love and my only love, aside from producing music," replied Yoongi.

Hana smiled at him. "I'll take what I can get."

The next thing she knew they were practically eating each other up. She hadn't felt the way she was feeling with him since they broke up. She was in a state of euphoria. When he noticed she was totally in the zone he being his asshole self abruptly stopped and pulled away from her.

"No! Come back! I want more!" Hana whined.

"I'm sorry babygirl but I have to go home. I told my fiancée I would take her out tonight. I'll call you," replied Yoongi grabbing his keys from the coffee table and leaving with a wink.

Hana got dressed. Her phone rang.

"What do you want?" She asked annoyed.

"Hana, it's just me. I was wondering could you please come over. I'm lonely and horny. And I could really use some company," said the man on the other end.

"Sure. I'll be there in like 30 minutes," she replied and hung up. She placed her phone in her purse and went down to her car and headed to his apartment.