And So They Met

Note: This chapter takes place in the past.

5 years ago...

It was a cool autumn day. Hana went to her favorite cafe for some space to look over the papers for an important case she was going to be representing and she was so anxious. Her papers were scattered all over her table. She was downing coffee like there was no tomorrow.

"Uh, excuse me, I think you dropped this."

Hana looked up to see a handsome, well built, pale young man with jet black hair.

He handed her the paper. "Oh, thanks so much, my boss would've killed me if I lost this," she laughed.

He smiled. "No problem."

She finished looking over the case files and then headed for the courthouse.

"Hey, are you ready?" SooJin asked.

"No, I'm freaking out. What if I mess up?!" Hana replied hyperventilating.

"You'll be fine, trust me. It's your last day of the trial, just breathe. It'll be over soon," SooJin replied.

She inhaled deeply and then exhaled.

"Good. Now go in there and kick some ass!"

Time seemed to have flown by so fast because as soon as it started it finished. The defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to prison without parole.

SooJin and Hana ended up going out for drinks after, to celebrate.

"So, how were you?" asked SooJin.

"I was pretty good if I do say so myself. I'm just so glad that we won the case," Hana replied.

They drank some shots and by some it meant a lot. They got super drunk and ended up stumbling back to SooJin's apartment. As soon as they got in they sat on the sofa and fell asleep.

When Hana woke up the next morning she grabbed her things and went down to get in the Uber she had ordered. As soon as she got back to her apartment she took a shower and got changed. She grabbed her bag and headed for the cafe.

She got her usual cappuccino and scone and sat at her usual table and got to work. At one point she looked up to see the same guy from the other day sitting at a table across from her. He looked up towards her and their eyes met for a split second. She quickly looked down blushing and then looked back up and he smiled.

For the next couple of weeks she and the guy would do their daily looky loos at one another, until finally he went over to her one day.

"So we've been going at this for weeks now, I just think you're so beautiful, would you maybe like to go out for some coffee sometime?" He asked with a kind smile.

"Uh, yeah sure. I'd love to," she replied with a smile in return.

"So shall we meet here, say tomorrow at 1?" He suggested.

"Sure, sounds good. I'll be here. Oh and it's Hana Kim," she replied.

He smiled. "Min Yoongi. It's nice to meet you Hana."

"You too," she replied. "I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. I just can't remember! I'm so sorry! I can usual place people!"

"No it's okay," Yoongi laughed again. "On second thought, you wanna change that coffee date to a dinner date instead? Say tonight, I'll pick you up at around 6?" He asked.

"Yeah. Yeah sounds great. Here give me your phone I'll give you my number. I'll text you my address," she said.

"I'll see you tonight," replied Yoongi.

"Yeah," she smiled.

He smiled and went back over to his table.

When Hana got back to her apartment she plopped down on her sofa and decided to take a power nap. She woke up a few hours later, she checked the clock, 5:30.

"Holy shit!" She jumped up and ran to her room to get cleaned up and changed.

In the middle of her make up she got a text from Yoongi, he was already downstairs.

"Fuck!" She had to rush through the rest of her make up. She got her shoes on and grabbed her purse and went down to meet him.

"Hey, over here," said Yoongi waving her over.

She looked over at him and smiled. "Hey."

"Wow, you look gorgeous," he replied.

"Thanks, you look quite handsome yourself," she said blushing.

He smiled. "Thanks."

They got in his car and headed over to the restaurant.

"I'm sorry I made you wait, I kinda fell asleep," she piped up breaking the silence.

"Oh no it's fine. I mean I fell asleep too, I barely made it," said Yoongi giving her a wink and then looking back at the road.

It was from that one answer that Hana knew that he was the one for her.

When they got to the restaurant they were seated and while they waited for their food they started talking, getting to know each other.

"So, what kind of business are you in?" Hana asked curious.

"Wow, right to the point, uh, well I'm in the music industry. I write and produce music," Yoongi replied.

"That's amazing. I've always wanted to know what it was like to be in the music industry. So much talent. Are you an independent producer or are you with one of those big overrated entertainment companies?" Hana asked.

He laughed a little. "I'm an independent producer. I run my own music company. What about you? What kind of work are you in?"

"I'm a lawyer. I work for one of those big private firms, so if you ever need a good lawyer, just look me up," Hana chuckled.

Yoongi smiled. "I definitely well. But you know why would I possibly need to look you up if I'll already have you all to myself," he winked at her.

She blushed so hard and hid her face in her hands.

"You're so embarrassed, it's adorable." Laughed Yoongi.

"Oh my god! My face is so red, don't look at me!" She said still covering her face.

Yoongi took her hands in his and held them. "Your face is too beautiful to cover. Let me look at you."

They had a good dinner and then ended up taking a short walk on the beach. When they got back to her apartment they sat in his car for a few minutes to say goodnight.

"So I had a really great time," Hana said smiling.

"Yeah, me too. Let's go out again, say coffee and lunch tomorrow?" Asked Yoongi.

"Yeah, sounds doable," Hana replied.

Yoongi leaned in and brought her into a kiss.

After about a minute or so, he whispered a goodnight in her ear and then let go. She got out and went up to her apartment. She was completely lovestruck. Where has he been all her life, he was literally Mr. Perfect.

The next day during what was supposed to be Hana's lunch break and her's and Yoongi's date, Yoongi called her and then surprised her with lunch. He brought it to her office since she told him she had been drowned in paperwork and she wouldn't be able to have lunch.

"Wow you really didn't have to do this, you're really amazing. I think I'm falling deeply in love with you," she said.

"Well, I think the same goes for me," replied Yoongi with a wink.

And that was the start of their long beautiful relationship.