Trouble in Paradise

"It's like 5 am! Why am I awake?!" I whined.

"It's a surprise, just get up and dressed," replied Yoongi.

I rolled my eyes and stretched before getting up and changing. When I finished I joined Yoongi in the kitchen.

"So what's this surprise that you had to wake me so damn early?" I yawned.

"You'll see just wait, there's a few things I have to do before we head out," replied Yoongi. He got up and gave me a kiss on the forehead and went to his studio.

I was practically falling asleep in my chair when he came back out a few minutes later.

"All set, lets go," he said pulling me out of the door and down to the car. We got in and started driving, we ended up at the airport.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused.

"What do you think? We're here to catch a flight," he replied in a mocking tone.

"Well no shit that's what I thought but why?" I said annoyed.

"Aish, you're so persistent. Might as well tell you since we're here," Yoongi said shaking his head. "Our honeymoon babe."

My eyes lit up and a huge smile formed on my face. I attacked him with a giant hug.

He laughed. "Yep, three weeks, you and me. No working, no distractions. Just fine dining, sleeping, relaxing. Whatever you want."

"Agh, I love you so much!" I replied. "Wait, hold up you still haven't told me where we're going."

"Ugh, babe, I already told you what we were doing can our destination at least be a surprise?" Said Yoongi.

"Hmmm, Fine," I nodded my head and pouted.

We went in and checked our bags and went to our gate and waited. It was awhile until it was finally time to board the plane.

"So, the Bahamas? You are the best," I gave him a kiss on the lips.

He smiled. "I love you too."

When we landed we got our bags and got a car.

"So which hotel are we staying at?" I asked as we were driving past them.

"Whoever said we were staying at a hotel?" Replied Yoongi.

I was intrigued. "What?"

"I bought us a vacation home. I mean what's the point of being rich if we don't splurge once in awhile, oh and we have our own little island along with it," Yoongi said.

I looked at him wide eyed. "Yoongs? Holy shit."

"What? I love you and I want you to see that. This is all for you. I hope you like it," he said as we pulled up into the docks and got onto a very nice boat.

"I love it and I love you," I smiled happily.

We pulled out of the docks and headed for the house.

"It's beautiful." The waters around us were sparkling and the sun was shining bright and it was a beautiful day.

"You're beautiful," said Yoongi pulling me into his arms.

I let out a light chuckle. As soon as we docked I ran off and went into the house. It was huge, and so open. I just loved it.

"So what do you think? You like it?" Asked Yoongi.

"I love it!" I replied.

He came over to me and picked me up and brought me into a long warm hug and kiss.

"I'm glad," he smiled.

We had the best night, for once Yoongi wasn't all about work, we had some dinner, watched a movie, took a swim and ended up falling asleep under the stars, in each others arms.

"Morning," I said yawning as I got on Yoongi's lap.

"Morning, you sleep well?" He asked.

I stretched and nodded. "Yeah." I looked over at his laptop and it looked like he had a demo pulled up. "What's this?" I asked grabbing his headphones.

"Wait, it's not ready," he quickly said.

I ignored him and pressed play. He watched my facial expressions intensely. When the song ended I took the headphones off and smiled. "Baby, you write great music, you really do."

"But?" He said.

"Why don't you ever write me any songs?" I pouted.

He laughed. "You hungry? I'm gonna make some breakfast."

"Yeah, starved. Surprise me," I replied as he got up and disappeared into the kitchen.

As I was waiting I was looking through my feed when Yoongi's phone started to blow up with messages. I grabbed his phone from the coffee table and looked at the messages. They made me very, very uncomfortable and the worst part was that they were from SooJin. Had he still been seeing her behind my back even after everything. Was everything he said to me about being honest and never sleeping around again complete and utter bullshit? Tears had filled my eyes as I scrolled through the messages. They had still been in contact even after they broke up and we got back together. I just couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes and I actually trusted him. Why didn't I ever listen to Namjoon or Jin? I'm so stupid.

I looked up from his phone only to be met with a worried and apologetic expression on his face.

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled angrily tossing his phone to him. He caught it and was still completely silent.

"I- I can explain. It's not what you think! I swear. Please just hear me out!" He quickly exclaimed.

I crossed my arms, tears started to flow down my cheeks. "Okay, I'm waiting!"

"I wasn't- am not seeing her behind your back, I promise I've gone straight, she still calls and texts me but I don't answer. I even blocked her but she somehow still gets a hold of me," he said.

"But? You're hiding something aren't you?" I replied.

He fell to his knees and hung his head in shame. "I am. While I was away the weekend before the wedding, on that business trip, I ran into SooJin. We got drunk and slept together. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen I didn't even know what was going on till I woke up the next morning with her next to me. Please can you forgive me? Hana I love you and only you. You were and still are my only love."

"Huh, you fucking asshole. I knew I should've listened to everyone else when they said I shouldn't have gone back to you. But no I wanted to see the best in you and that what you had done to me was nothing but a mistake but I now know that I was completely and utterly wrong. I think we need to take a break and when we get back home tomorrow I'm gonna move out and stay at one of your other condos for awhile," I said coldly.

"But babe-" he started.

I cut him off. "Don't call me that. Just don't talk to me!" I got up and went into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. I laid in bed and sobbed until my eyes went dry and I couldn't see clearly anymore. I hated him, but a voice in me was telling me that I knew I still loved him and always would. I soon fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to the sun shining brightly in my eyes. I squinted as I looked over next me, Yoongi was asleep beside me. I angrily got up and dressed and started to pack making as much noise as I could to wake him up. When that didn't work I whacked him with a pillow and his eyes shot open. He sat up and stretched.

"Get dressed and packed we're leaving," I blankly said as I took my bags out to the boat and threw them on not giving a single fuck. I sat down on one of the chairs on the deck and was going through my feed when I got a message from SooJin. She was literally the last person in the world that I wanted to hear from. She sent me some sort of video file. I opened it and played it. It seemed to be a sextape of her and Yoongi from the night he was talking about. I was disgusted as to what I was seeing I exited the page and blocked SooJin. Yoongi finally came out with his stuff and joined me on the boat. We pulled out of the dock and headed for the coast. The whole ride it was silent. Not a single word came out from either one of us. It seemed like forever when we finally made it back home. As soon as we got in our apartment I got my last suitcase out and filled it with the rest of my things.

"Is there anyway I can convince you to stay?" Asked Yoongi.

"No," I bluntly answered. "But fair is fair and honesty is what I always find the most important in anything, so I slept with Jungkook while you were away. The baby's his too."

"You- I deserve that don't I. Well I guess deep down we were a match made in heaven. I don't care what you did, I don't care if you slept with him, I don't care that the baby is his, I'll still be it's father," said Yoongi.

"Will you though?" I grabbed my bags and keys and left.