It’s over...

"Tae, how's it going? How's Yoongi-hyung holding up?" Asked Jimin over the phone.

Taehyung sighed. "Not good. He hasn't gone to work in weeks, he won't leave his apartment, I'm afraid he's gonna drink himself into a coma. Have you heard anything from Hana or Jin-hyung?"

"Uh, no?" Replied Jimin.

"Jimin. Out with it," said Taehyung unamused.

"I can't it's not my place, you'll just have to ask Jin-hyung yourself," said Jimin.

"Jimin!" Said Taehyung.

"Fine! You win! You didn't hear from me but Hana met someone in Tokyo and not only that but she's gonna divorce Yoongi-hyung," replied Jimin.

Taehyung silently hung up.

"Hello? Tae? Wow, bitch just hung up on me," mumbled Jimin annoyed.

"You're going back to the states?" Asked Seonghwa.

"Yeah, I gotta get something's done. I'll be back, don't worry," Hana said.

He frowned. "Well I'm gonna miss our little bar talks."

Hana blushed. "You have my number, you can still call me."

"Yeah, but it won't be the same," he said.

"I know but I have to go back for a few weeks," Hana sighed. "Well, I gotta get back."

"Yeah it's a bit late. Well I'll you see you later," he smiled.

They got up and went their separate ways.

When Hana got back to the apartment she went to her room and started to pack right away. She wanted to catch the first flight back in the morning. She ended up falling sleep before finishing.

When morning came Hana woke up bright and early and finished packing. She woke SeokJin up and they all got in the car and he drove Hana and her baby daughter, after some convincing, to the airport. They said goodbye and soon got on the plane. When they landed it was already way after noon almost into evening. They caught an Uber back to the apartment. When Hana got in, she put Younha down. Taehyung was sleeping on the couch and the apartment was a complete mess. She went over and shook him awake.

"Hey, Tae."

His eyes shot open and he immediately sat up. "Oh, Hana," he yawned. "HANA. YOU FINALLY CAME BACK. YOONGI-HYUNG HAS GONE OFF THE RAILS YOU NEED TO HELP HIM!" He was fully awake now.

"Where is he?" Hana asked.

"He's in the bedroom," replied Taehyung.

Hana nodded and went over to the closed door. She quietly opened it and popped her head in. Yoongi was fast asleep. He looked completely miserable. How was she supposed to bring up to him that she wanted a divorce? He looked like a ticking time bomb.

"Uh, Yoongs?" Hana whispered. "You okay?"

He slowly opened his eyes and shot up as soon as he realized it was her. "Hana! Please! I'm sorry! I love you! I can't live without you!"

"Yoongs, I-" she was cut off from the quiet sobs coming from Yoongi.

"Please Hana, I love you. I was stupid. Just take me back," begged Yoongi.

"I- I came back to ask for a divorce," she quietly said.

He stood there speechless. "D-Divorce? Hana why?! I know I can be difficult sometimes but I can change. Please, don't do this to me. I need you, without you how am I supposed to go on in life? And Younha? What about her? You're gonna raise a baby by yourself? Oh I get it, it's about her being with her real father isn't it? You're going back to Jungkook aren't you?"

Hana shook her head. "What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with him. You obviously will be able to see Younha you're her father but I just can't do this anymore. I gave you so many chances and you just kept going back and doing the same old things. Did you not think I'd ever find out about that business trip you were on the weekend before our wedding? I know SooJin happened to stay at the same hotel as you and I know you slept with her."

Yoongi stared at her as if he were a child who were just being scolded by his mother for breaking her favorite dish. He had thought that he could keep that one secret from her but of course she would've ended up finding out one way or another. She was honest with him when she told him about her meeting with Jungkook but he chose not to say a single word about what had happened on his business trip.

"Hana, please don't do this," begged Yoongi.

"I already filled out the papers. I'll leave them here. I trust you'll sign and file them," Hana said. "I'll send for my things as soon as I can."

No matter how painless she tried to make this it just wouldn't be so she turned and left.

"Hana-" Taehyung started.

"Please make sure he signs the papers," Hana coldly said as she grabbed her things along with Younha and left.

Yoongi grabbed the papers and decided to not fight and just sign them. He had nothing to fight for now. His relationship with Hana had already fallen apart. This was the last thing that had to be done.

As Hana sat and waited in traffic in her Uber her phone started to buzz. She was getting a call.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey. It's me," he said.

"Oh, hey. How's it going? You missed me that much?" She laughed.

"Uh, yeah. Anyway I called to tell you that I'm actually back in Korea and you should come and visit. The guys really wanna meet you," he replied.

"Oh yeah. Sure. I gotta do some things first but then I'll be on my way. I'll call you when I land," I smiled.

"Great. See you soon." He hung up.

"Yeah," Hana whispered putting down her phone.

She had the Uber driver take her over to her parent's house. She rang the doorbell and her stepmom answered.

"Oh, Hana. What's up?" She smiled.

"I'm planning on going back to Korea, for some-personal reasons and I was wondering if you and dad could take care of Younha for the time I'm away," Hana asked.

"Uh yeah sure. But where's Yoongi? Why can't he take care of her?" She asked confused.

"Well- I- We're separated-" Hana paused for a second. "Actually were getting divorced."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, I won't pry til you're ready to talk about it. But yeah we can take care of Younha," she replied.

"Thanks so much!" Hana brought her into a hug. "Tell dad I say hi."

She smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Hana turned and got back in the Uber and headed for the airport. She caught the first flight she could to Seoul. It was a long and tiring flight. When she finally landed it was already after midnight and pitch black out. She called Seonghwa.

"Hey," he yawned.

"Oh god, did I wake you? I'm so sorry!" Hana replied.

"Huh? Oh no! I was actually still awake. I was working on a choreo. It's fine. Did you land?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm at the airport right now," Hana replied.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 30 minutes," he said as he hung up.

"Hyung? Who was that?" Asked Wooyoung.

"Hana. She just landed. I'm gonna go pick her up," replied Seonghwa.

"Ooh, take me with you! Please! I have to meet her!" Begged Wooyoung.

"You can wait along with the others," said Seonghwa.

He and Wooyoung stared at one another for a minute or so. "Fine. Let's go," sighed Seonghwa.

Wooyoung grinned as he was victorious against his Hyung. Seonghwa grabbed the car key and they both went out and got in the car and headed to the airport.