Date Night

It was only a couple of hours before Hana and Yunho's date and she didn't know why but she was feeling so nervous. She didn't understand why, seeing that she'd been living with them for the past few months now, he'd seen every weird and awkward thing about her and still accepted her.

She stood in front of her closet silently scanning through all of her clothes. Nothing looked good enough or date worthy enough to go with Yunho.

She eventually gave in and got out a pretty casual outfit, just a loose white blouse, a nude skirt and a pair of wedges. When she finished getting ready she went out to the living room to wait for Yunho to get back from work.

"Whoa, you look amazing!" Said a loud voice from behind her.

Hana jumped up startled and turned to find San who was quietly standing in his place wide eyed. "You gave me a heart attack!"

San laughed. "Oh, sorry. I was just very surprised. You just don't seem like the kind of person to wear anything like that."

She rolled her eyes. "Wow."

San continued laughing. "Yunho is gonna love it. He won't be able to take his eyes off you, I can already tell."

"You flatter me. It's nothing really, I just had this in the back of my closet," She smiled trying not to blush.

"We are home!" Said a loud voice from the door.

They turned toward the door to find the others loudly bursting in.

"Whoa! Hana, you look, just wow!" Exclaimed Wooyoung. "If things don't work out with Yunho hyung, wanna try going out with me? I'm kidding." He laughed.

Hana smiled. "Thanks!"

"I'm back! Hana! Where are you? Let's go!" Said Yunho excitedly as he burst through the door.

Hana quickly stood up from her spot and turned to face Yunho. His eyes went starstruck.

"Y-You look gorgeous, Hana!" Exclaimed Yunho.

She smiled and started to blush. "Please! You're embarrassing me!"

Yunho grabbed her hand and they head out for their date.

They first started out at a nice restaurant and ate dinner. They talked and got to know so much more about each other. After, they went out for something sweet for dessert and then continued on for a nice walk checking out some stores and some of Yunho's favorite spots since it had been years since Hana had been back to Korea, she kind of forgot her way around Seoul.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Asked Yunho.

Hana smiled widely and nodded. "Yeah. I'm having so much fun. You're the best for taking me out on the town."

Yunho laughed. "It was my pleasure taking you out. I was so excited for our date that I was feeling so nervous on my way back from work today."

"Aw, you're just too adorable. I was completely nervous too. I didn't even know what to wear! Nothing I own could ever compare to your fashion!" She replied giggling.

The rest of the night was filled with laughs and fun conversation. It was definitely her dream date. Plus Yunho's such a fun guy to hang out and talk with. But honestly what's life without some odd coincidences and surprises.

"Hana? Is that you?"

Hana heard a familiar voice coming from behind them as they past a group of people. Yunho turned to face her with a confused look on his face. She turned her head to look for the owner of the voice and ended up finding a very, very familiar face. She could feel her face start to burn red, her heart start to race and her throat start to dry up.


He smiled. "I thought that was you."

She couldn't believe her eyes. It really was him. Im Changkyun. It had been years since she had last seen or heard from him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Yunho, this is Changkyun," she started.

Yunho nodded. "Yes, from Monsta X."

"We- Well we used to date," she replied.

Changkyun sighed. "We were actually engaged, she always forgot to say that back then."

Hana tried to smile but ended up with a pained look on her face.

"Well it was great seeing you, we should get together sometime for coffee or lunch," said Changkyun.

"Uh huh," she nodded with a dumbfounded look on her face.

On their way back to the dorm it was awkward and silent between them.

When they finally arrived at the dorm they went in and continued to stay silent.

"Night," Yunho sighed and disappeared up to his room.

"Night," Hana quietly replied as she went to her room.

"Well, that was a complete disaster!" Hana thought to herself. "Of all nights to run into an ex! My date with Yunho!" She threw herself onto her bed and eventually knocked out.