Just Friends

Yunho sat in silence as he and the other members were waiting for breakfast.

"How was your date last night?" Asked San.

"Yeah, I heard you guys come back kind of early. How was it?" Asked Hongjoong.

Yunho sighed annoyed. "It was..." he paused for a second. "We were having a really good time but we ended up running into her ex."

"Yoongi sunbae? He's back in Korea?" Asked Wooyoung.

Yunho shook his head. "No, I.M sunbae."

"Holy shit. She really must've been blessed by god or something, you hear about one guy and then another, and another," said Wooyoung as he sat at his spot at the table.

"Psh, yeah no kidding," scoffed San.

"Hey, come on guys. You make her sound like some kind of attention whore or something. It's not like she purposely seeks out idols or former idols just to date and toy with them," said Seonghwa.

The others silently looked over at him and raised their brows. "Really? You think she ends up meeting all these different guys by chance? There has to be more than just coincidences," said San sounding pretty irritated.

"Yeah, why can't we just give her the benefit of the doubt?" Suggested Seonghwa.

"Yeah? Why not?" Added Yunho.

"You guys are just biased against her cause you like her," said Yeosang.

"Morning guys," said Hana as she entered yawning.

They suddenly went silent as if she hadn't heard at least half of their conversation just then.

"Morning," they all replied in unison.

They all sat at the table in awkward silence eating breakfast that morning. Although Seonghwa and Yunho were both on Hana's side from what she overheard in their conversation earlier the others made it painfully obvious that they were clearly suspicious of her and that they didn't like her as much as they did when they first met her. But she couldn't really blame them, some random girl who ended up having all these different exes who all happened to either be idols or former idols was a bit strange and in some ways a bit suspicious, as if she was deliberately seeking them out like a stalker or whatever.

"So what's on your guy's agendas for today?" Hana asked breaking the awkwardness.

"We're recording for our upcoming album, which means we have photoshoots and promotions along with dance practices for our new choreographies," replied Hongjoong. "Basically we're completely booked for the next few weeks."

"Wow, you guys work so hard n-" before she could continue her phone started to buzz. She picked it up and answered. "I'm sorry. I have to take this." She got up and went out into the hall to get some privacy.

"Hey, what's up?" Hana said.

"You free today? You wanna go out for some coffee or lunch?" Asked Changkyun.

Her face suddenly lit up. "Yeah, sure. When?"

"I have something right now but it'll take about an hour at most. I'll come get you at around 12:30, that sound alright to you?" Asked Changkyun.

"Yeah. I'll send you the address. I'm glad you called, I've been wanting to talk to you since the other night when we ran into each other," Hana said trying to hide her obvious excitement. "I'll see you later."

"See ya, and Hana?" He quickly said before hanging up.

"Yeah?" She said.

"I really missed you- us. I hope we can patch things up and hopefully start over again." He said before abruptly hanging up.

Hana stood there in silence. She couldn't believe her ears. All those years not a single word, so she thought he had completely forgotten about her. "Did that mean he never stopped loving me? Even after he found out about my infidelity? I hope he and Kiki were able to patch things up," she thought to herself.

"Good news?" Asked Seonghwa as he went towards her from the opposite direction.

The smile on her face suddenly disappeared. Crap! How was she supposed to tell both him and Yunho that she just wanted to be friends without sounding like a shallow bitch? How was she supposed to tell him that she just got a call from her first ex and decided to go out on a date with him to try to patch things up between them and start over, especially after all they've done for her. This was not going to be easy. Not one bit.

Hana let out a half smile on her face. "Yeah, you could say good news. That was a call from my ex and he wants to meet up for some coffee later today. I've told him that I'll go."

"That's great. I'm happy for you. I hope you have a good time," replied Seonghwa trying to hide his obvious jealousy and disappointment.

"So I guess you want to go back to him?" he continued cutting her off before she could say anything else. "It's fine. It's fine with me. I can like you from afar. Cause I still really really like you, Hana. I have to go back to the guys. Make sure everyone got something to eat since we have a long day ahead of us." Seonghwa quickly said as he turned around and went back to the dining room to join the others.

Hana was left speechless and feeling like a complete idiot. She knew he liked her and she knew it would be hard to have to tell him that she just wanted to be friends but she never thought it would hurt so much to see him so hurt because of her. She went back to her room to try to think things over and maybe think about moving back in with her brother.

"Hana? You okay? Can I come in?" Yunho asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah, what's up?" Hana asked as he entered.

"You didn't come back to finish eating. I was worried that something happened. You okay?" He asked.

"I- I have to tell you something," she started.

Yunho stopped her. "Yeah, Seonghwa-hyung told me. I understand. And I'm fine with it. I don't mind liking you from afar. It may take me awhile to get over you but I don't mind for the time being. As long as I still get to see you everyday, I'm fine."

Hana smiled. "You see the thing is, I think I'm going to move back in with my brother. I've done enough harm already. It seems that no matter where I go or what I do disaster and drama are always close behind following me. So I'm just going to move back in with my brother and solve one of my biggest problems with my ex-husband; finding my daughter and bringing her home."

"Okay, I respect your choice. I hope everything goes the way you want it," said Yunho as he tried his best to smile the pain away, he quietly left closing the door behind him.

Hana started to get ready to leave and her phone started to go off just as she got out of the shower. It was Changkyun.

"I'm here. Parked across the street, red car," he said.

"I'll be right out." She placed her phone on her dresser and started to hustle to get dressed.

When she went out she looked across the street to see Changkyun waving at her. She waved back and quickly ran over to him.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.

They got in his car and he brought her to a coffee shop that they used to frequent when there were together.