We reached the cafeteria without another incident and weren't surprised to find that everything was in a mess. Chairs and tables were flipped and turned across the foyer, plastic ware and styrofoam plates were strewn across the floor, and opened cans,stale bread, and other trash littered the floor. We picked are way through the clutter and made it to the kitchen area "alright Eli I guess just look around and see what knives you can find, and since we're in the kitchen try to find food and put it in a bag." "Ok, should we spit up or stay together" Eli said. "I want to split up so we can get out of this hell hole faster but it will probably be safer if we stick together" "ok good because I didn't want to go wandering around this place, waiting for a demon to snatch me up, all alone; should we go left or right?" Eli asked. "I don't know, I'm feelin right" Eli just shrugged "ok sounds good to me," we started to head right past all the stainless steel counters they used to display and serve lunch. We turned the corner slowly and checked if we could see anything out of the ordinary, seeing nothing weird I flicked the light switch, which was right next to my face, and surprisingly the lights turned on. With the bright light illuminating the area we realized that this was the storage area and the kitchen was in the other side. "Well we know where too look for the food but i still want a knife so I guess we'll come back" I said to Eli. "Ok and make sure to look for anything we can use to carry the food or other stuff with' I just realized we left our backpacks in the room, and I'm not walking back there, especially not with the little imp and the way back" Eli stated. "Yea you're right we can probably find another bag somewhere" I turned and headed back to kitchen area. Checking to make sure the coast was clear and then turning on the lights again, I stepped towards the cooking area. There was basically two lanes made by the shelves and ovens so each of us took one lane and started to look through drawers and cabinets. As we made are way down the two aisles we didn't find much, however, when I got to the end of the aisle where both lanes met there was a counter and cabinets that looked like they had been better kept. I opened the cabinets half expecting a katana or something because they sometimes had that in kitchen, but this was our boring little school and there was nothing but some cans of food, a purse and a couple of boxes. Not caring to look through some old lunch lady's purse I took the few small boxes out of the cabinets. I opened the smallest one first, which was barely the size of my fist, and all it had in it was some trashy jewelry and am old set of keys. Figuring we could use the keys to open something useful I tool those and began to open the second largest box, which was about the size of both my fists. Again hoping to open the box and find a hidden gun or something, I opened the box and sighed. No hidden gun, no knives, no keys, and nothing useful. There was only a couple wallets and an old flip phone, and because doomsday had kinda set in I didn't even bother checking the wallets for cash and I wouldn't even want to use that phone even if doomsday wasn't upon us. I pushed the first two boxes aside and Just as I was about to open the last box, Eli walked up behind me "I found some dull kitchen knives but not much else" "well that's better than the rusty spatulas and spoons I found, I'm gonna open this last box and then we can go." Eli nodded and I opened the box. I was hopeful for what this box contained because even though it felt like cheap wood there was gold tracings along the box to make me think something good was inside. I was actually surprised to find a set of three knives that looked sharp, clean, and unused. I took the biggest knife out and examined it. This knife was the largest of the three with about a two inch wide blade and a nine inch blade that went into a small curve at the top. The hilt looked like it was made to fit a hand better than factory made kitchen knives and it had a small hook on the non-blade side to help lock your hand in place. The blade was a matte black with a silver edge and had a grey hilt with a small flame symbol on the bottom of it. I held it in my hand and liked way it felt, I looked at Eli and was looking at the other two knives in the box. They looked like they were two larger paring knives. Each had about a four inch handle with a polished wood look, which smoothly transitioned into the blade. The right and bigger of the two looked like an 7 inch blade and the smaller one looked like a 6 inch blade, and both knives had full silver blades and looked extremely sharp like the in I had I'm my hand. I looked at Eli "you want this one" I asked him. Thankfully he said "no your stronger so you should have the bigger knife, you want these?" he asked. "No your quicker than me and I don't thank I could use a knife in both hands." I have always been the more fit one out of the two of us because I played, liked, and was pretty good at all the sports at my school. Except golf... cross country... those were just dumb. Eli was skinny but not stick thin and somehow he had always been more agile than me, so it made sense for him two have the 2 smaller knives. I wasn't jacked like some body builder but from playing sport I had some muscle on me and my right arm was super dominant over my left arm from all the throwing I did in baseball and football, so I thought one knife was all I needed. Both of us relaxing realizing we got what we wanted and what suited us best, we started to head out of the kitchen.