Don't fooled anyone,let people fool themselves

Taking a deep breath, Ye You Lin centered herself, her throbbing arm commanding her attention.

Standing before her was Li Gao Sheng, his tall and striking figure dominating her field of vision. With broad shoulders and lustrous black hair, he exuded an undeniable allure.

Ye You Lin knows the fact that Li Gao Sheng had been there since the very beginning, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

His presence commanded the room, and his frigid, penetrating gaze held her spellbound. Despite the pain coursing through her arm, an unexpected yearning surged within Ye You Lin as she looked up at him.

She understood that if she let her guard down, he could effortlessly dismantle it, but she was determined not to repeat the same mistake again.

"Gao Sheng! Your wife got burned! We have to rush her to the hospital now!" Li Gao Sheng's mother's voice was filled with urgency and worry.

Caught in the grip of her mother's growing panic, his voice turned icy and devoid of any emotion. There was no haste or concern in his demeanor as he uttered his terse response.

"Let's go," he said, his gaze fixed upon her, silently urging her to rise and follow.

Yet Ye You Lin refused she wanted no part of his company, no desire to be dictated to.

"No. I'm fine. I can handle it on my own," she asserted, her tone resolute.

"I apologize for causing everyone worries. I'm unsure of how I stumbled, but I believe I tripped over something," she confessed, her eyes locking with the anxious gaze of Gu Xiaoxin, who watched her intently.

"You lin, what caused you to stumble? I don't see anything that could have tripped you. Are you really okay?" Li Gao Sheng's mother looked at her son with concern in her eyes. She urged her.

"Just let Gao Sheng take you to the hospital. We can't take any risks with your health."

Li Gao Sheng's mother's words hung in the air, her concern palpable.

In that moment, their eyes locked, and Ye You Lin's gaze turned icy, mirroring the coldness she perceived in Li Gao Sheng's distant expression. She saw no genuine warmth or care, only a calculated sense of duty.

The internal struggle intensified as she grappled with the idea of relying on someone who seemed detached from her pain.

Ye You Lin accepted her offer with a nod, maintaining her own emotional distance. She wouldn't allow herself to show vulnerability or seek solace from someone who appeared indifferent. Pride propelled her forward as they made their way towards the exit.

As Li Gao Sheng and Ye You Lin prepared to leave for the hospital, a shadow loomed in the form of Gu Xiaoxin, Li gao sheng's ex-fiancée. Her eyes darted between the two of them, her expression a mixture of determination and jealousy. She couldn't bear the thought of Li Gao Sheng's attention being directed toward someone else.

Desperate to insert herself into the situation, Gu Xiaoxin stepped forward, her voice laced with false concern. "Gao Sheng brother, let me come with you. I can help take care of Ye You Lin," she suggested, her words dripping with insincerity.

However, Li Gao Sheng's response was swift and cold. His gaze hardened as he turned to face Gu Xiaoxin. "There's no need for your assistance" he retorted his tone laced with a cutting edge. It was a clear rejection, leaving no room for argument.

A pang of disappointment and resentment shot through Gu Xiaoxin's heart. She had hoped for a chance to regain Li Gao Sheng's attention, to prove that she was still the one who deserved his love.

But his rejection only fueled her bitterness, and in her heart, she began to lay blame on Ye You Lin for stealing his affections.

As Li Gao Sheng's cold dismissal settled in, Gu Xiaoxin's eyes turned towards Ye You Lin, their gazes locking momentarily. The intensity of her stare carried an unspoken accusation, silently blaming Ye You Lin for the distance that had formed between her and Li Gao Sheng.

In that fleeting moment, resentment and jealousy festered within Gu Xiaoxin, casting a shadow over the already strained atmosphere.

The journey to the hospital was marked by a frigid silence. Each step seemed to echo their emotional detachment, emphasizing the divide between them. Ye You Lin focused on the pain coursing through her arm, using it as a shield against the cold atmosphere.

Arriving at the hospital, the sterile environment seemed to reflect her own emotional state. She navigated the examinations with a stoic resilience, relying on the medical professionals' expertise rather than seeking comfort from Li Gao Sheng's distant presence.

On the other side, Li Gao Sheng observed Ye You Lin with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. From the moment they woke up this morning, he couldn't help but notice a shift in her behavior. The Ye You Lin he knew was never hesitant to seek his attention, always finding ways to cling to him, often to his annoyance. But today was different.

Her usual attempts to be near him had been replaced with an uncharacteristic distance. She seemed to be purposefully keeping her distance as if there was an invisible barrier between them. Li Gao Sheng couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden change in her attitude.

Yesterday, she had pushed herself onto him, displaying a level of intimacy that he hadn't anticipated. But today, it was as if that momentary connection had vanished, leaving him bewildered. It was as if Ye You Lin had transformed overnight, and he was left to unravel the mystery behind her new demeanor.

Unbeknownst to him, Ye You Lin's emotional state was a complex tapestry, woven with doubts and fears. She had chosen to distance herself, not out of indifference, but to protect her heart from potential hurt. The events of the past had left scars, and she was wary of repeating the same mistakes.

After the doctor examined Ye You Lin's burned arm, He began listing a series of instructions for her to follow regarding the care of her injured hand.

She rose to her feet and expressed her gratitude to the doctor. Then, her gaze met Li Gao Sheng's, devoid of any emotion. Li Gao Sheng stood up abruptly and headed towards the exit, without casting even a fleeting glance her way.