System Taken Away

"So I can get any of these things" asked Karin.

"Will Yes!you can think and it will be yours, anything!!!!!" replied Ava. Karin "Can I get information"(Will you need to know in what kind of difficult situation you first need to get information)

"The information is free, you can ask about any thing, asks away!!!!!!!" said Ava. "will can I known about basic information about the Omniverse "

Ava replied "Before talking about the Omniverse, I will have tell you about the Universe. A universe is made minimum to maximum 8–60 or more galaxies, and the Omniverse is the collection of Universe's, there are many Omniverse and the collection of Omniverse's is called Multiverse"

"An other question, what are you." said Karin.

Ava: "Will I was a spirit born from this Universe, be its system spirit but one of the host of the system broke through Godhood and become a Creation God, so I become the spirit of Omniverse system, and you are the last host of this system as it will be shut down and I will be freee!!!"

"I also have question for you" asked Ava.

"asked away" replied Karin. "Why are you not angry, at the ruling group of other seven Galaxies for killing your hole Clan."

Karin: "Its not like only other seven powers wanted to kill me, my own Clan wanted me dead more then the other seven powers, as I also don't see any of my own Clan Powerhouse's. If my own Clan does not help them then they would not have the guts to attack me"

As the Karin was born in the branch family of the Clan. He was always bullied until his talents were revealed, even with that those who feels threatened, always tried to kill or cripple him. We the other branch families figured that I was almost impossible to kill him they threaten him with the life of his family. Then they kill all the member's of his family in front of him to break his dao heart.

At that time he killed his way in all of the branch families and was finally stopped by his Master this only family in the hole world.

Then he meet this love Evelyn who was killed as he was fighting to become Clan leader if it was not enough, his Master also die at that time because of bad health. At that time he started his second killing spree. After which he the Clan Leader, lost everything he ever love in his life.

"Can you tell me what is your choice?" Ava asked felling that this kid past life was every sad.

" Will I want {Divine Void True Manual}, {Divine Monsters Race Heavenly Real Soul Art},{Dragon Race Body Tempering Supreme Art} and {True God Movement Techniques}." answered Karin with smile as we satisfied with his choice because then he saw them described.

{Divine Void True Manual}

(There are 12 levels in this Manual, with every level the Cultivation speed triple. This Manual was created by a Destroyer God who was only one step away from becoming WILL. He uses this Manual to break through and then he break through he perfected this Manual for about 50trillion years. This Manual can convert the Qi into Spirit Energy. Spirit Energy into Qi same goes for Mana and Tre{True Riple Energy}.)

{Divine Monsters Race Heavenly Real Soul Art}

(This Art was created by a WILL when he was heavily wounded by other WILL, at was at the door steeps. This Art is sort by all the spirit Cultivators in the Multiverse, because of this Soul Art spirit cultivators can Bond maximum of 30 of monster race Spirit to there soul.)

{Dragon Race Body Tempering Supreme Art}

( This Body Tempering Art was created by Dragon race as the Dragon race is a supreme race which is present in all of the Multiverse. But then it was changed by a will to be trained by the humans. It uses the blood of the Dragon to temper the body. There all total of 36 levels in first 8 levels the body can be temper by the any of the four major energies, after the first 8 levels Dragon blood is needed as you further go in this Body Tempering Art you need more of the body part of Dragon race and at the later parts need to find the Dragon that are very difficult to find in all of the Multiverse.)

{True God Movement Techniques}

(A Movement Techniques created by a False WILL when mastered people can walk all over the Omniverse like moving in the back of your house garden. It is one of the 12 top Movement Techniques)