Chapter 2

Osingu's armor clinked with his gait. The autumn sun was rarely a problem, but the metal that surrounded him warmed like a hearth; He was beginning to feel suffocated.

Miss Arakawa had been staring at him uncomfortably for some time. Osingu waited, he had no reason to ignore her, but he also didn't want to ask if something was wrong, afraid that it would sound arrogant.

Her gaze brought back some memories, Osingu held back the impulse to shake his head away. Arakawa Kyoko turned slowly, disappearing from his sight as she entered the shrine. 'Finally.' Only then did he began to walk, but his attention was drawn as he passed the torii gates, hearing footsteps behind him.

When he turned, the priestess who followed him stopped suddenly. Her gaze went to the naginata's blade before turning back to him. Osingu pushed the spear aside, which seemed to make the priestess more comfortable.

"You're the Palace's Chief Guard, aren't you?" Can I ask you something?"

Osingu nodded, paying attention to her. She had brown hair so short she could barely tie it in a little ponytail. She was taller than the other priestess who helped her, but still had to look up to meet Osingu's eyes. 'I think this is Kotori.'

"Is it very difficult to become a palace guard?" Or a soldier?"

Osingu frowned.

"How old are you?"

Kotori didn't seem to like the lack of response. She shrugged uncomfortably, as if throwing some weight away.

"Sixteen is enough to volunteer."

Osingu nodded his head.

"Volunteers are welcome, especially now. Joining the army is not difficult, but training can and does take a few months. The guards are different, we don't need more people."

Kotori nodded, whispering something to herself. Osingu realized that she was repeating what he had said.

"But why does a priestess want to become a soldier?"

"That 's a secret," Kotori answered quickly, like someone who gave no room for reply, "But thanks."

Kotori bowed, turned toward the shrine, and began to walk. Osingu caught a glimpse of irritation in her eyes and imitated her, walking toward the shrine's exit.

The first thing he did when he came near the palace was to send two guards to Aki Shrine, to escort Senue when she decided to return.

Osingu had not counted how many times someone had asked him how Senue was doing, he always said she was getting better, even though he wasn't sure. When no one was watching, he would climb to the top step and stop by the door to the fourth floor, hoping to hear something, wanting to open it and talk to Senue. He always gave up at the last moment.

People stared at him as he walked the streets. Osingu could only greet them with a quick nod without even stopping. He passed the palace and followed straight, he had an idea where Yajinchiro Mora should be, so he headed west toward the training grounds.

『..❆ ..』

Mora was a disproportionate figure this afternoon, wearing full-scale armor in spite of the heat, too large and heavy on her body, making each of her movements slower, heavier, and inaccurate. She was uncomfortable, bruising the folds of her body in what was a unviable ensemble for a real battle, but it was she herself who decided to train that way.

Mora did not carry a wooden sword, but a real katana. She lifted it above her head and attacked the air in front of her, then repeated the vertical blow over and over again.

She was almost suffocating, her arms trembling with each blow, and every muscle in her body seemed to stiffen in a request for rest. Sweat made her smell an odor of no dignity, only an obsession that relieved her.

The delay between each strike was so great that increasing it would make her stop, and as soon as she stopped moving for a moment, her body seemed to turn to stone. Realizing that she could not repeat the blow again, Mora lowered her sword.

Slowly and with difficulty, Mora removed all her unnecessary equipment, sitting on a tree stump and searching for the most comfortable position she could find. As he caught her breath, the steady, aching pulse that ran through her body was more a reward than a nuisance, a testament to her effort.

Mora wiped the sweat off her forehead, her clothes were soaked and clung to her tanned skin. She didn't untie her hair, just enjoyed the shade of a tree that reached her.

That extreme training was her own creation, a mixed show of impressive and comical for the other soldiers in the training grounds. Since returning from the war — no more than a few days — the scene had become routine in the training grounds, each day attracting more curious soldiers.

She couldn't blame them, just being a woman in the army was enough to attract some attention — undue or not —, Mora knew just how arrogant her training must seem. This obsession with training and her nickname "Cutthroat" made her a kind of celebrity.

There were no rules that prevented her from practicing that sort of training a good number of soldiers devoted part of their time to improving their skills, others were forced into it as punishment. When asked, Mora just said that she was resting enough and being careful not to hurt her body, which was not always true.

In her current state, only such training could help her improve. The steps she was taking were getting slower now, at the limit of his abilities. She had said this to the most curious soldiers more than once, and she knew what they thought of the answer, but she didn't care. The war had taught her that the only thing she could trust was her skills.

Mora looked up, noticing some amused glances at her. She rested her hands together in her lap, squeezing them tightly. She felt a sudden urge to walk toward them and resolve the situation, but was too tired for that.

'None of you were there.' Her job was even worse than being on a battlefield, but she'd spent enough time in one to hate them too. In almost every case, there was no pattern that determined those who fell; some died, some didn't, it was that simple. The only thing someone could do to try to be part of the first group was to become stronger and surround themselves with people with the same goal. It had worked, but just for her, she'd given up counting how many times her mates had been replaced a long time ago.

There were also admiring glances, these soldiers asked her questions and instructions, but almost everything Mora could teach them they already knew, or they could only learn fighting for their lives. She just repeated what their superiors had said several times and returned to her training. There was a limit to what a person could achieve without his own means, experiencing things for yourself was the only way to reach those means. If they were lucky enough, none of those young people would ever have to set foot on a battlefield.

It was annoying and repetitive, but Mora never refused. She couldn't say no, every moment her mind was busy was a moment when it didn't torment her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed someone approaching, but paid no special attention to him, only sighed and waited for him to reach her. She noticed the naginata then and turned to see the Palace's Guard Chief a few steps away.

"Private Yajinchiro Mora."

Mora stood up, her legs trembling while giving a quick bow. He might not have authority over the soldiers, but Eguchi Osingu was still in a higher position than her own.

"Miss Honoka wants to talk to you, she said to wait for her at the palace."

'Oh, Senue.' Mora realized that they hadn't spoken since returning to the clan, why hadn't she come to find her? It was hard to find an answer. She had heard of the mourning over the news of her father's death, and it seemed that they both were devoting themselves entirely to their own matters.

Mora looked down at her own tired, stinky body.

"I 'm not presentable."

"She's in Aki Shrine now, you can wear something more presentable, just don't be late."

Mora nodded her head.

"I'll be there, sir."

Eguchi Osingu repeated his nod and turned, walking along the path he had taken.

Mora felt tiredness spreading through her body like a wave and turned around. She had to return the borrowed armor to the arsenal before waiting for Senue, she was so tired she might have to make two trips. She sighed, but bent to pick it up, ending the training grounds spectacle.

『..❆ ..』

The two guards escorted Senue to the palace entrance. On the way back, she received more glances and waved them back. It seemed strange to walk with few people to protect her, stranger than to walk alone. Osingu insisted that she should walk with a larger guard, but what did she needed to be protected from? Her own people?

When she entered the palace, she dismissed the guards with a nod. Senue didn't knew what they were doing before Osingu sent them to her, they just turned and walked out the gate.

As soon as she turned, a guard walked over to her. He waited until Senue nodded, allowing him to speak his message, she did not expect that something as simple as nodding could be tiresome.

"Miss Honoka, " he began, "Yajinchiro Mora is waiting for you, but would not wait in a room." The guard turned and pointed to the hallway to the right.

Senue thanked him and followed the corridor. She saw Mora walking to the end of it, turning around as if patrolling. 'You are not a guard.'

Mora turned at the sound of her footsteps, took a serious look for a moment, but then smiled. She looked tired, her eyes half-closed as if sleepy.

"I disturbed your training?"

Mora disagreed sharply.

"No way, I was already done."

Senue looked at the doors along the corridor.

"We can talk in a room if you want to sit," said Mora.

"I'm waiting for someone, walk with me?"

Mora nodded and they began to walk side by side, so slowly that Senue was almost annoyed by her own choice. Mora was taller than she was, but not so tall that she needed to look up if she wanted to meet her eyes, her hair tied in a ponytail and strong musculature beneath her tanned skin.

"I wanted to ask you some advice about commanding the clan," Senue started, "Is there anything you think I should know? What would you do in my place?"

Mora looked surprised by the question and was slow to answer. 'Was she expecting a casual conversation?' Senue thought, ashamed. Mora looked down, staring at the floor.

"My priority would be to recruit and train new soldiers, I think you, as a leader, should look like someone who would go to war for us."

Mora didn't seem to notice the tone in which she had said that. Senue wouldn't want them to treat her like a goddess, but the Mora she knew before the war didn't speak that way.

'But she's right.' She wouldn't have to go through the same training as a soldier, but Senue didn't understand anything about weapons and battles, she had to do something about it. Even so, Senue found herself waiting for an apology that never came.

"Centralizing the population would also be one of the first things I would do. It's a lengthy process, so I wouldn't take long to get started."

Senue knew some of the problems and difficulties that came with centralizing the population, so she decided to question her.

"Wouldn't that be very difficult?"

Mora nodded.

"Yes, it would be, but for the moment it would be easier to protect our people like that."

What Mora was saying was simple: they had reduced numbers now, so they should have less territory to manage. 'Wouldn't that be using them as a shield?' Senue dismissed the thought as quickly as it arose. 'Only if we were attacked.' Unknowingly, she clenched her right fist. Centralizing the population had its advantages, but they could not force them to do so.

"This would also help the communication between the soldiers on patrol," Mora spoke again, "the information would travel faster inside the clan and we could bring together the soldier more easily if necessary," she paused, "Preparing countermeasures would also be something I wouldn't overlook."


"As an escape route or a defense strategy."

The Kara River suddenly popped into Senue's mind. It was a natural escape route, a populous place that passed close to three of the four shrines of the season gods and was accompanied by various plantations. 'Does going through so many places make it a better or worse escape route?' Senue didn't knew the answer. The river was wide enough for some boats side by side, but she didn't knew if the current would be strong enough that they didn't need oars. 'Would it be easier than running away on horseback?'

These thoughts made confidence within Senue grow for a moment before being replaced by nervousness. It was not just about battle they were talking about, it was about being attacked and needing to flee.

'Mora is a soldier now,' she realized. She had been part of the army before that, but the war had made her a real soldier. Senue didn't expect the change would be big enough to bother her.

'If running away was that easy, there would be no war,' Senue thought irritably. For any of these things to be useful, they had to be prepared beforehand, and as much as she understood their importance, Senue couldn't help but be frustrated by the pessimism of the whole subject.

Senue turned when she heard the sound of a door opening, catching a glimpse of Atsushi before he disappeared into the room, he was preparing for the committee meeting.

"Thanks for your time, that was enlightening," Senue said, the distraction coming at a good time. "I wanted to talk to you more, but I have to attend a meeting."

Mora smiled and bowed before walking back down the corridor.

'I'm being left behind.' Even though she had always been serious and still looked like the Mora she knew, she wasn't exactly the same person. They were all changing, Osingu and Yuno too, Senue was late on them.

She walked to the room Atsushi had entered, sighed, and opened the door.

The room where the committee meetings were held was large, too large. There was a long rectangular table in the center, with a pillow at the far end of the door and four on the right. There was also a scroll rolled in front of each seat, a map for each committee member.

Atsushi turned when he heard the sound of the door, he should not be expecting anyone to arrive so soon. He stared at Senue for a long moment, as if he didn't recognize her. He was crouching as if to sit in his secluded seat where the clan leader would be.

"Need something, Senue?"

Senue hesitated to answer, wondering what she should call him from now on.

"I want to attend this meeting."

Atsushi straightened his stance, both he and Senue had the authority to make someone else attend the meeting, but his raised eyebrows seemed to ask "Now?"

"Thank you for doing my father's job all this time," She felt she should be polite, at least, before she got him out of her job. "But I came to take my position as leader now."

"Well, that 's kind of sudden."

"I hope it's not a problem.", 'Please, I just want to attend the meeting.', she thought.

Atsushi remained thoughtful for some time. His position was — as its name implied — only temporary, it would last only until Manabu returned from the war. In fact, he had only ceased to be the leader when he died, Atsushi was just guarding his place while his daughter was too young to lead. 'And too useless'.

She had thought that she could not blame him for making the situation strange, but ended up blaming him nonetheless. Since she had not left his room since then, everyone should have just assumed that the Eguchi would command the clan, even behind the image of Senue. But an Eguchi could not command the Honoka Clan, not any longer.

"If you will allow me, I think I should still conduct this last meeting of mine, there are matters that need to be discussed that were not passed on to you," he paused, "Leader Honoka."

Senue gave a slight smile of relief. It was a good idea, it would be the only opportunity she had to attend a meeting before she had to conduct them herself.

Senue crossed the room, noting again the size of the room. Aside from the table and the objects around it, there was only a small cabinet in the background used to store tools and what had already been arranged.

Atsushi backed away, offering her the leader seat.

"I'll get another pillow and a map, the others should be coming soon," he turned and left the room in a hurried pace.

'He didn't like it.' She wasn't intimate with Atsushi at all, but she knew he would handle it. Miyo, on the other hand… Senue shook her head and sat down, there was no good thinking about her now.

It was the first time she had seen the room from that angle. 'You saw things like this, didn't you?' Senue smiled with the feeling of following her father's steps, thinking about him had been sad, but this time it warmed her chest, it was comfortable. 'Well, not like this, you were taller.' She straightened and laughed to herself.

'I will protect your clan, father, our clan.'

The sense of peace lasted for a short time, her mind didn't have a chance to hurt her again when the presence of someone else in the doorway caught her attention.

She was a woman older than Senue, with bright brown eyes and hair the same color, with unusual curls and wearing a shorter blue kimono than her own. It was hardly indecent, but Ichinosuke Fukumi clearly prided herself on her enviable body, her whole figure was confident.

She was not only the representative of the people and the shrines in the Honoka Clan Committee, but also was the head priestess at Natsu Shrine of the God of Summer. Fukumi was spotless and carried a decorated fan, as always, although Senue could not distinguish the image in it.

"Oya", Fukumi opened her mouth to speak, but let out a grunt of surprise, almost as if singing.

Still sitting, Senue bowed slightly.

"Good afternoon, Fukumi."

"I did not expect to find you here," Fukumi started to walk to her, but suddenly stopped, "You're the leader now. Sorry, Honoka Leader," Fukumi made a deep and elegant bow.

'How do I deal with this?'

"No, no, no problem, I arrived at the last minute. Atsushi is still running this meeting, he should be coming back soon."

Fukumi stared at her as she took her seat, the first to her left and closest to her, Senue returned her gaze. No one would be surprised to find that this was the most popular person within the clan. Thanks to the location of the Natsu Shrine, it was the one that received the most visitors during its season, mainly from the common people. It was to be expected that its head priestess would be so well known, especially when this was her appearance. Her curly hair must have been more than enough, they said it began to curl naturally when she became a priestess and that her curls fell apart if she spent too much time away from the shrine. Senue didn't knew what to think about that.

"I hear you haven't been very well lately, Leader Honoka. Did you get better?"

"Yeah, I just needed some time, it won't happen again," Senue knew that at least half of it was a lie.

"We're all saddened by your loss, it was great a loss for the clan too. I will pray that the gods take care of you, do you want me to ask them something?"

Senue drew back her head in surprise.

"Ask them something?"

" They usually answer me, the gods. I could ask for advice, or ask what they think of you."

Senue had already heard of the existence of other minor gods who did not have their dedicated shrines, at least not as large as the other four, but did not knew that Fukumi was that close to them. She could very well be living proof that they existed, although she already believed in them.

"Ask them what they think of me, then, I want to know."

Fukumi nodded in understanding as she opened and closed her fan as if trying to get Senue's attention. Senue didn't know if she would really have her answer or if it would be helpful, but she needed to create good relationships.

"If you'll allow me to give my own advice, leader, you should prepare yourself, this is a stressful environment."

Senue gave a slight, thankful smile.

"You don't look too stressed," Fukumi didn't even look like a busy woman, she didn't have tired eyes, wrinkled or irritated skin.

"I thank the gods for liking me."

'If this is true, then the gods don't like Arakawa Kyoko that much.'

Atsushi appeared at the door, carrying an extra map and a pillow. He took his place not on Senue's left where the other committee members would be, but on her right.

As he and Fukumi greeted each other, Senue began to tense up.

The room seemed small when she imagined all the seats occupied, the subjects she was about to discuss should weigh as much as a crowded room, she had the impression that she could feel the anxiety rising, cold and overwhelming, through her belly.

'Calm down, everything will be all right. You 're Honoka Leader now, control yourself.' Senue closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, now aware that her hands hurt. They were clenched into fists and with fingernail marks, how long had they been like this?

Senue paid no attention to the conversation between Fukumi and Atsushi. She wanted to say something, but felt it would seem forced, so she just waited until the next person arrived.

This time he was a tall man who covered most of the door, he seemed to have a disproportionate upper body, his head too small to his shoulders, perhaps that was why he let his gray beard grow pointed on the sides. He wasn't well dressed like the others and didn't seem to mind showing enough of his skin or the big burn scar on his right forearm.

Senue had known Kohaku Koji since she was a child, the representative of the smiths and a longtime friend of his father, who had forged the dagger presented to him.

"Oh, a new face!" Somehow Koji didn't sound arrogant when he said that.

Senue smiled at him as they both bowed. They were far from intimate, but she remembered him being a fun person, and realized she could forgive him more easily for that.

"Please, Koji, try to wear something better for the meetings."

Koji gave a nervous smile as he sat in the last seat on the left, closest to the door and farthest from Fukumi. They don't get along?

"I won't do that again."

"How many times have you said that?" Fukumi asked, smiling.

Koji shrugged, smiling back. 'That doesn't seen to be the case' Before she could think much about it, the last two people arrived.

The first to enter the room was a man not as tall as Koji, but larger than the other who accompanied him. He had a long face and his hair tied in a ponytail. Although not very handsome, the current army representative, General Itami Adachi of the Second Army was easily recognizable. Before him, General Dai of the First Army attended the meetings, but he had been absent because of the war for the past two years and needed to be replaced. Senue remembered that he had only participated in the war for a few months.

But the man who followed him was strange, Senue had forgotten about him. The farmer's representative was a short man with a hunched back, looking as tall as Senue, burnt skin and a pointed nose. She took some time to remember his name, Masao Arata, the last of the current members to join the committee.

Adachi hurried to greet everyone and sat down next to Fukumi, giving a respectful bow to Senue. Sitting in the midst of these people, Arata's presence seemed to vanish like a rock falling into a lake.

Senue watched as they exchanged words. The committee members were influential people within the group they represented, it was easy to imagine what made Koji, Fukumi and Adachi be chosen, but she couldn't think of what made be Arata here.

As Atsushi got up and walked toward the door, Senue tried to mentally prepare.

These people in the room with her were important, they might not have authority or command all the people in the groups they represented, but they were influential and known to the entire Honoka Clan. The committee existed to facilitate the communication of these groups with the leader and to filter what came to him, many things did not need the direct order of the leader and reducing his workload was important. 'They give advice and discuss ideas, but the final word is still mine,' Senue remembered her father's words. These were people she would have to learn to deal with and listen to.

Senue remembered the palace guards, she rarely thought about that, but Osingu did not have a seat on the committee even though he was the Palace's Guard Chief. They were always in the palace or on patrols, close enough to the leader that facilitating communication was not necessary.

'These are the best people I can have as an ally.' That was precisely why Senue was getting increasingly nervous.

'How am I going to impose myself on you?' Everyone in this room had been doing this job for a lot longer than she was, it was intimidating. Senue remembered what Yuno had told her about getting allies.

The door was closed and Atsushi returned to his seat, indicating the beginning of the meeting.

『..❆ ..』