My Girl

I walked into the restaurant with my head held high... the camera flashed got brighter and brighter as people yelled questions at me... what is this place... When i got past everyone and inside I looked around but i did not see CEO Oh

Receptionist: can i help you miss

You: yes i'm here for a meeting with Mr.Oh

Receptionist: yes this way

She led me to the very back. Soft music playing violins and the piano maybe a flute. Candles lit on every table finally i saw him. He turned as if in slow motion and his mouth went a gap when he laid eyes on me

CEO Oh: i got it from here

receptionist: please enjoy the opening sir...

she bowed and began walking away... He put his hand on my upper back and guided me to the seat across his. He pulled out the chair and helped me sit then took a seat across from me.

You: you look very nice CEO Oh

CEO Oh: call me sehun

You: but this is supposed to be a business meeting

CEO Oh: do you really believe that

You: well yes

sehun: then why are you so dressed up

You: xiumin and kai I'm hoping you know them...friends

sehun: so that's where they had went we were looking for them... it also explains all those expensive charges to the room

you: I'm sorry i told them it was to much and that i didn't need any of it

sehun: don't be if its anything like this outfit then i know it will look perfect on you

He looked me up and down one last time

You: are you sure

sehun: of course... plus i took it out of their pay... they should be finding out now

you laughed

Sehun: but this style doesn't seem like them. they would go for something silky, shorter, and more revealing high slit, side cut out

You: more revealing than this… glad i picked this out then. they did pick out the shoes and the bag… though they even tried to get me to cut my hair

Sehun: yup that's them but i have to admit a new haircut you would look even more sexy

I looked down at my hands and blushed

Sehun: don't worry you look sexy with long hair as well

My heart pounded come on i just met him… and im with jungkook still…

Waiter: can i take your orders

sehun: a bottle of Chateau Petrus 2010

Waiter: we will be back with that sir

You: fine wine choice

sehun: one of the things i can do... but do you know this one

You: a little château petrus 2010 hmm from France the Bordeaux region each bottle is $3,500 dollars seems like we have the same taste… the one i was drinking at the cliff

sehun: of course i forgot about that...

You: of course you did... maybe remembering is something you can't do

He looked shocked he didn't say anything

You: it was a joke... I'm sorry

The waiter came with the bottle and poured the glasses

Waiter: and what would you like to eat

Sehun: i will have the char-grilled steak

Waiter: and for the beautiful lady

You: I will have the Butterflied lamb

Waiter: coming right up

He walked away

You: so why the private meeting at the opening of a restaurant

sehun: I wanted to get to know you and i had a previous engagement so i figured why not take you along with me as my date

you: i have a fiance

sehun: who has been busy since he landed. what he doesn't know wont hurt right

you took a sip and then looked at him

You: wanted past tense

sehun: what

you: you said you wanted to get to know me past tense

sehun: well i still want to know more but with the flood of info i have gotten i feel like i already know you well

you smirked... why are guys so cocky

You: really so who am i

sehun: well the way you pair food to wine amazingly and know wine prices you are from a rich background. Staying with a cheater that hits you to not mess up a business deal cause your family is in need you have a strong heart. Making friends with my employees you are kind caring and loving.

You: he told you

sehun: not at all... i saw the make up on your neck and i asked a few employees of mine why a girl would put make up on her neck and they said hickey or to cover anything they don't want people seeing and knowing your strong will and how much you hate him you would never let him give you a hickey so him putting hands on you was the only other thing i could think of and you just confirmed it...

i looked at my glass

sehun: and seeing your face its not the first so why stay

you: were pretty spot on with everything but one

sehun: and what is that

You: i don't have a strong heart... i am with him because yes my family but that doesn't mean i have a strong heart it means i have a weak one. i have never been able to tell my parents what i want that i don't want to be with him... i back down every time... i am weak

The waiter came with the food at that moment

sehun: but don't you see... you have a strong heart that you will to listen to them... you could do anything you want and you have the power to do so and yet you choose to listen

you: what do you mean i have the power

sehun: you are the only heir they have to listen to what you want if they want the business to stay in the family which they will because all old people think like that

sehun: so by doing what they say you are not giving them your power but willing them to think they control it when really you could take it at an point

he sipped his wine... i have the power... i smiled. We talked about other things i wanted to know but there was a question he would not... about the contract he had with my family... other than that the dinner went smooth... we soon moved onto other topics

You: so you have lived with 8 other guys for the last 8 years

as long as i have been with jungkook almost

sehun: it's true… and let me just say that chanyeol likes hot hot showers and baekhyun loves to join showers even if you lock the door and things blocking the door

you laughed

You: wow that i can't even words for that

We started laughing when a couple sat at the table next to us and that couple was jungkook with girl i saw him with yesterday... so he doesn't seem so hung up on what happened last night...asshole... i put my head down looking at the opposite direction... sehun leaned in

sehun: hiding are you ashamed to be out with me

you: no

sehun: prove it

he sat up

sehun: so Kim y/n what do you think of the restaurant its nice right. I knew you would enjoy the opening. after this we should go shopping i want suddenly have a feeling of buy you a necklace so we can remember this night what do you say.

he said incredibly loud... you glared at him while he smiled at you

Jungkook: y/n what are you doing here

i looked at jungkook

you: what

jungkook: what are you doing here with another guy

i glared harder at sehun and he picked up his wine taking a sip...

you: him

i pointed at sehun

sehun: my name is sehun and you are

Jungkook looked irritated

Jungkook: who you are doesn't matter what matters is you are out with my girlfriend offering to take her shopping and to buy her jewelry to remember a night together

sehun looked at me i shook my had no he then looked at jungkook

sehun: interesting y/n told me she had a fiance named what was it... jeon jiyoon... jeong jiwoon... something like

he smiled at me and i rolled my eyes... what is he playing at... he knows jungkook is violent he wants him to kill me... i am dead after this...

jungkook: Jeon Jungkook

sehun: right Jeon Jungkook... is that you well its nice to meet you

sehun had a fake smile as he held his hand out to shake jungkook's but jungkook scuffed

sehun: okay well how about you Hani

i looked at sehun then the girl

hani: what

sehun: did you know that he was engaged

hani: of course... jungkook told me before we came

she smiled... who is she going out with an engaged man what-

Jungkook: so you know Hani

He looked panicked... sehun knows something about her then

before sehun could talk hani spoke up flustered

Hani: me and sehun have done a project or two nothing big but it's good to see you again.

sehun: ah right those projects when you were working at Ryu how is Siwon i haven't seen him in forever

she looked at the ground

hani: he is doing well

sehun: well you and your husband should visit again its a shame we don't get together more

hani: i will tell him

she looked to the ground... so this wench is married... funny by the look on jungkook's face he did not know he looked even more pissed than before sehun had him cornered he knew all his cards

Jungkook: y/n i thought something had happened to you after last night you never answered my phone call

the scare tactic... he saying he will do it again if i don't listen to him

You: I was busy working on my business proposal you know i had to do the company proud

Jungkook: of course but why are you here now...

You: CE..

sehun: i had asked her to come out with me to discuss a few details about her project

Jungkook: really and who are you just another competitor or don't tell me your an assistant trying to climb the social ladder. or another highered goon to watch my y/n as the one yesterday failed... Let me tell you what ever you are your barking up the wrong tree

You: jungkook

he was being flat out rude

Sehun: it's fine…

he didn't look fazed at all

sehun: I'm not an assistant

Jungkook looked at me confused and angry

Hani: well Sehun like you were saying me and my husband were planning on sitting in on the conference

she was trying to save jungkook... she then put her hand on sehun's shoulder... she was flirting to do it

sehun: ah that would be nice

hani: and maybe after we could have private meeting

she was flirting with him i didn't like it she can have jungkook but to flirt with the guy im with while I'm sitting right here. I glared at her for a quick second. Sehun must have felt my anger because he moved her hand

sehun: you should set up a private meeting with your husband I'm sure you haven't had one in a while he must be getting suspicious right around now you don't want a tail right

she sat down quiet

sehun: and as i was saying before i am not an assistant at Oh Corp... my name is Sehun Oh the CEO

jungkook looked at me shocked then sehun

jungkook: so your the heir of Oh

sehun: and you are of Jeon

there was a tension between them for some reason

sehun: its nice to meet you. i would also like to thank you for allowing y/n to join the conference from her past work us at Oh are very confident in her we believe she has something that we haven't experienced from other competitors or anyone we have worked with in the past. No one can measure up to her

He added that just to stick it to hani i could see her blood boil… i can also see jungkook gritting his teeth… doesn't like another man complimenting me

sehun: we know she won't disappoint us on this project or any in the future she may have with Oh

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me causing me to look down at my hands then at jungkook and he was almost popping blood vessels in his forehead

Jungkook: my girl is extremely talented and that's one reason I love her

I almost puked it was so cringe and jealous. He wants me now that i'm with someone better…

sehun: speaking of which you are so lucky to be with a girl like her... in are talk i have found out so many of her talents... piano violin wine pairing and she can drive a race car

he laughed... jungkook looked at me

jungkook: i didn't know you drove race cars

you looked at sehun...

you: yeah it is a little hobby i picked up while you were busy

sehun: she even promised to race me

i kicked him under the table but he didn't flinch

sehun: and she always keeps a promise... that is also one of her talents that you don't see in this world someone honest and caring like her

sehuns voice was soft and genuine my heart began to race

you: we should get back to are meeting and leave them to theirs

you looked at sehun and he smiled. We continued talking every so often I got a text right away I knew who it was because i felt jungkook staring at me so I looked over at him he was glaring back. Sehun leaned forward

Sehun: are you okay is it bothering you we can leave

You: no let's finish we are here for a reason right

After we finished eating the waiter came with the check so sehun paid

sehun: should we get going y/n i will take you back to your hotel

You: alright let's get going

Jungkook: y/n why don't you just stay

You: i can't you're meeting a Friend

I made friends very clear and looked at hani. He grabbed my arm

Jungkook: y/n i said stay were almost done anyway… then we can talk

he added emphasis on talk...

You: no… no I couldn't interrupt more than I have you and hani have a nice night and make sure hani gets home okay and sehun will make sure I get back to my hotel room

Jungkook: y/n what is wrong with you

You: nothing we can talk later if you remember... you know sometimes you forget

I stood up with sehun and sehun put his arm on my upper back and we walked out of the restaurant

sehun: my car is over here

We walked to his car and he opened the door for me. And we began to drive when I looked at the text I got

Jungkook: I don't know what is up with you since we left Busan but we will have a long talk do you understand cause tonight was very inappropriate and I will not tolerate being disrespected

I put my phone up

sehun: was that jungkook

You: yes it was

sehun: are you okay

You: why wouldn't I… just cause I was out with another man when he's been with other women multiple women who knows how many since we officially got together

sehun: you think him and Hani

You: yes of course did you see how she flirted with you and jungkook the whole night even though i was there... just his type low morals and I guess even lower standards

sehun: she was not flirting with me

You mimicked her voice

You: we should have a private meeting

Then you put your hand on his shoulder

sehun: okay maybe she was but you were getting jealous

You: I was not

sehun: you stared daggers into her

You: she was already with my man and she was trying to get to my…

I stopped talking

sehun: trying to get to your what

He smiled at me then went back to looking at the road

You: my future business partner

sehun: didn't sound like you were gonna say business partner

You: I was because once I get the project we will be

Sehun: why stop there… we could be more

My heart pounded even harder does he want a relationship… no no no he's talking about the deal he has to be right RIGHT it was quiet so I broke the ice.

You: are we almost to the hotel

Sehun: oh you really wanted to go back

You: you're not taking me to actually get a necklace are you

sehun: no

you: then where else would we be going

sehun: my place

You: your place

Sehun: be my date for the rest of tonight the guys are having a party and I need a date. what do you say

you: i have a fiance

sehun: thats on a date with another girl

you: i was just on a date with another guy

sehun: so it was a date

i rolled my eyes

You: jungkook isn't gonna like this you said back to the hotel

sehun: and i will take you back after the party...

you: it seems I don't have a choice

sehun: that's the spirit

The rest of the ride was silent but in a good way until we got to a beautiful house

You: wow its huge

Sehun: well with 9 men in one house you better believe it big.

He walked into the house and I followed him to a large room filled with people

Kai: y/n you guys are finally here

Xiumin: i know we said don't worry about getting him back late but this is to much... we have been waiting forever

A group of men walked toward us I knew 4 of them from the meeting. sehun looked at me and i shook my head

Suho: wow y/n when they said you looked hot they weren't lying

Baekhyun: I didn't expect this from you

he laughed looking me up and down

kai: your date must have been fun

You: it wasn't a date

Sehun: don't mind them so you have met xiumin, kai, suho, and baekhyun the other four are D.O, chanyeol, chen, and Lay

You: nice to meet you

we all shook hands... i looked each over with a fine eye... they were all hot some not my type... but still very good looking... they were also really tall which is a good quality

sehun: after you made the big fuss of me having a date where are your lovely dates this evening.

baekhyun: girls

Just as he said that 8 girls walked toward us 4 that I met at the company the first day and the other 4 I'm sure i have seen around but haven't been formally introduced

Chen: there are our dates

Soyeon: Y/n your here finally

she hugged me

You: hey soyeon, seulgi, chung ha, and sinb

Xiumin: you know each other

Sinb: yeah babe we met at the company

You: babe

i looked at her surprised

Sinb: yeah i have been dating xiumin for 1 year now

You: that's amazing the rest am I gonna have to assume

Chung ha: I'm dating d.o

Seulgi: I'm dating Lay

Soyeon: and I'm dating baekhyun

You: and what about you four

i looked at the other 4 girls with their arms wrapped around a guy

Solar: im solar and I am dating suho

Moonbyul: im moonbyul and im dating Chen

Hwasa: I'm hwasa and dating Chanyeol

Wheein: i am wheein and im dating Kai

You: im y/n

we bowed to each other

sehun: let's get a drink y/n

chanyeol: wait we all just got introduced you can't steal her away

sehun: sure i can

he steered me to the kitchen. he poured me a drink

you: your friends are

sehun: extra...

you: nice... they remind me of 2 of mine back home

sehun: you had friends

he acts shocked

you: of course i had wasn't all cheating fiance and backstabbing assistants

you laughed taking a sip

sehun: tell me about your friends

you: well there is yeri... i met her at jungkook's company... she is strong and her sense of justice is even stronger

sehun: what did she do when you told her about jungkook then

you: she was willing to fight wendy it took everything i had in me to convince her not to

he nodded

you: then her boyfriend jin i introduced them... he acts like a mother... he cooks and cleans and nags

sehun: sounds boring

you: eh its nice when you haven't actually had a mother

you clear your throat

you: lets get back to the party huh

you walk away leaving him... you rejoin is friends and he slowly comes back to your side. they were talking about how good the party was

You: so what's the party for anyway

Suho: we are celebrating

You: celebrating what that is

chanyeol: well sehun is opening a new branch a new company

You: that's amazing

I look at him and he is smiling

Baekhyun: just after 2 years of taking over you have started to expand your reach soon we will be going global. Reaching all around the world a foothold in every place

We did a toast and drank

Hwasa: let's dance kai

For the rest of the night we partied and drank for hours I have to admit I got a little wasted when I got a phone call