In the Mud

Reporter: WE are currently standing outside of the Busan Court House where the results of the courts have adjourned with the final verdict of the Kim vs jeon abuse case.

there was a pause as the news was whispered into here ear

reporter: this just in the defendant Jeon Jungkook was found guilty on the charges of domestic battery and emotional abuse.

she turns to the court doors as people flood out

reporter: miss. y/n how do you feel with the results of this case

y/n: What happened today the verdict of the court was a just out come. Mr. Jeon is finally being held accountable for what he has done. And though that can not take away the years of trauma I have experienced it is a start. That is why I started SUV campaign to stand up for women stuck in abusive relationships for what ever reason. cause no woman should have to endure emotional or physical abuse so please speak up and against abuse. Cause we all deserve to feel safe in our own home. No further comment

she walked past the cameras as everyone bombarded her with questions.

y/n pov

you get in your car after leaving the court house and just sit. all the time and energy you spent on this case and it has finally come to an end. this long 2 years over. letting the exhaustion wash over you your phone rang. looking at the caller you quickly answered

you: hey

sehun: I just saw the news he was found guilty

you: it isn't a long sentence and he will not be serving jail time

sehun: but he is no longer gonna be able to hurt anyone else

you: and thats all that matters.

sehun: what are you doing now

you: heading into the office

sehun: you just got out of court and your heading in

you: work never stops you know that

sehun: i do more than anyone

you: thats for sure

since you left he has been working just as hard on his side to follow through with all of your plans

sehun: make sure you eat

you: I wont forget

sehun: dont stay at the office to late

you: i got it

sehun: and

you: we go over this everyday I get it

sehun: okay okay i was just gonna say I miss you

you: Oh I miss you too

he laughed

sehun: okay I will hang up so you can get back to work

you: see you later

sehun: see you later

you never say goodbye not since that day at the airport its always see you later cause eventually you will get to see each other again. Turning over your car you drove to your office. The last 2 years you worked day and night the first 3 months not even leaving the office. You had to go through the long process of getting rid of your father and the rebuilding the business. A lot of the shareholders were iffy and didn't like the idea of you taking over wanting to put someone with more experience in your place but after a while you gained their trust and since have been working even harder to keep it. Getting to the building you passed the receptionist

yuqi: your back already CEO Kim

you: work never stops neither do I

yuqi: you work harder then anyone I know you should take time off

you: i will take time off when the directors stop trying to conspire with my father

even though he was removed he has plenty of trusted advisers that still report back to him on everything you do. But you dont mind he can not come anywhere near me from his jail cell.

yuqi: shall I let miss yeri know you are in the office

you: yes please

yuqi: right away ma'am

she picks up the phone as you walk away heading to your office. Taking the elevator half way up you get out. The first to greet you was a familiar now friendly face

jin: y/n your back already that was fast

you: work doesn't wait so why should I

jin: how do you feel

you: relieved that chapter is closed

jin: is it though

he looked at you as if he knew something you didn't

you: what is it

jin: its just its been 2 years since you have been back and well I have yet to meet your boyfriend

he whispered boyfriend since no one besides him and yeri know here about him.

you: we both have been very busy he doesn't have time to come here. But next month there is a meeting about the merger that has been underway he will be there so maybe then i will introduce you

jin: yeah but it will all be about work i need to question him

you: do what

jin: just to make sure he is worthy of my best friend

you: if that is the case i will make sure you never meet

jin: you wouldn't

you: oh yeah and why is that

jin: i will tell yeri

you: and is she supposed to scare me

yeri: i dont know am I

she popped up behind you

you: yeri you got here fast

yeri: i knew you would meet with jin first he was always the one to comfort you

you: while you were the tough love

yeri: so why am i supposed to scare y/n

jin: she said she wont let us meet Mr. Oh

yeri: I have already met him

I look at her

you: what

jin: oh now that i think about so have i

they look at each other and smirk

you: you guys haven't left busan and he hasn't been here so how have you met him

my heart raced and the smile yeri gave me told me everything. I dropped everything in my hand and raced to my office which is 4 floors up. When I got there i bursted in the room. My heart rate rising when I see the man standing in the middle of the room smiling at me

you: sehun is that really you this isn't a dream again

he smiled at me

sehun: good to know you have been dreaming about me but this isn't one

that was all it took for you to run into his arms throwing yours around his neck. he held you close you took in his scent letting it wash over you

you: i missed you so much

sehun: i missed you even more

you shook your head nothing could even measure up to the over whelming feeling in your heart right now. you felt like it was gonna burst. He gave you a chuckle as you clung to him even tighter

you: what are you doing here

sehun: i couldn't wait a month i had to see you

you: sehun

he forced you apart taking a deep look at you and the wiping the tears that you hadn't noticed falling

sehun: you look even more beautiful even when a crying mess

you: sehun-ah

you cried even harder which made him out right laugh and pull you in for a tighter hug

you: when did you get in

sehun: about 5 hours ago

you: why didn't you tell me

sehun: you were in court and not to mention I wanted to surprise you

you: how did you know I was gonna be at work

sehun: I figured with how hard you have been working to make the merger happen you were not gonna let the trial get in the way. and when i called you it just confirmed it

you laughed. you were both workaholics and that was one thing you both could count on. he let you go

sehun: so are you still gonna work or can we leave

you just nod your head

sehun: good lets go

he grabs your hand to lead you out but you pull away

sehun: what is wrong

you: no one knows we are dating

you look at the ground

sehun: maybe we should make it public

you: what

sehun: the trail is over, you have the company, the merger is happening, there is nothing us coming out as dating it could damage. It could actually strengthen the merger

you: but drop stocks. the public's opinion of what happened

sehun: the public will always change their mind and are ignorant. what matter's is how we feel about each other right.

he smiled and grabbed your hand

sehun: and let them say something i will just say that your beauty and brains is something no man can resist

you: yah

sehun: that your dedication is sexy and enticing

you: stop

sehun: that when I kiss your lips

he pecks your lips

sehun: your cheek

he kisses your cheek

sehun: your neck

he trails sensitive linger kisses on the side of your neck and whispers against it

sehun: its intoxicating

he pulled back looking in your face for something when he finds it he kisses your lips deeply grabbing you waist pulling you against him making sure you didn't go anywhere.

yeri: knock knock

you try to pull away but he holds you close slowly pulling back

you: yeri

yeri: you left this

she held up your purse and phone

you: thank you yeri for returning it

yeri: no problem

she smirked at you. making you look at sehun and how close you two were. slowly you backed away from him

jin: sorry y/n i tried to stop her

he said as he raced in the room out of breath from running after yeri. he then grabbed her and began pulling her out

yeri: i wasn't finished

jin: yes you were

yeri: yah jin let me go

jin: calm down or i am not making dinner tonight

yeri: you wouldn't

jin: enjoy eating take out

yeri: okay okay i will follow you

she sadly followed him out of the room. when they disappeared sehun laughed while pulling you back in

sehun: you friends are so funny i see why you care for them

you:i wish you didn't meet

sehun: you have met mine so i think we are even now

you: your friends are not your friends are not as embarrassing as mine

sehun: you have met baekhyun and kai

you: you have a point

sehun: hey

you laughed this time. you both settled into a comfortable silence

you: its really good having you here

sehun: move back with me

he looked at you serious

you: sehun I cant just move back. I am CEO

sehun: but when you become CEO of both companies moving back and forth wont be a option so stay with me and higher someone to running things her while you are away.

you: you thought a lot about this

sehun: every night. I looked for so many ways to have you with me and this way makes the most sense. Don't you think

you: but the directors would never go for it I just got the job and passing it off to someone else so soon they could through a coup

sehun: but they wont cause the person you put in charge will be someone they can all get behind

you: and who is that

sehun: yeri

you: say what yeri

you looked at him with disbelief

sehun: hear me out she has worked from the bottom to the top just as you have. she was also with you every step of the way during these two years. I have already talked to her and jin and they think its a good idea she is already general manager so let her full take the position

you: you went to her first behind my back

sehun: i wanted to make sure if i offered this to you she would be able to handle it and she can so that is one less thing for you to worry about y/n

you: i am never worried when it comes to yeri cause she is an amazing worker even with her temper but

sehun: but what... what is still holding you back from me

he holds both your hands in his. but how can you tell him you dont know if you can move so far from home for a man. you knew you would have to eventually but not so soon your heart hasn't truly healed after the damage jungkook has done how can you make that his problem.

you: sehun I

sehun: you dont trust me

you: how could you say that. I spent 2 years in a long distance relationship with you trusting you wouldn't do anything to betray my trust or do anything to hurt me

sehun: then what

you: i dont trust me okay

you yelled shocking both of you

you: how do i know i can give you everything you have given me when i am still dealing with the trauma of my last relationship for ever reminded of it when the video is the top searched and watched every other week when news comes out about me. It will forever follow me and if i do this it will hang over your head to. people will always question our relationship and tie it to jungkook

he sat there listening to you get out all of your grievances

sehun: i am prepared to always be tried to jungkook because the title of the next article will be that y/n found a better man who gives her the world that she deserves and the trauma is in the past thanks to him.

you: sehun

sehun: i am serious. you will never have to worry with me because i will always be by your side

you: your trying to be romantic

sehun: i am so dont ruin my moment

you laugh

sehun: i am serious but i wont press you for an answer because what you want is most important

what i want. its still weird getting use to people asking me what I want

you: you

sehun: what

you: i want you

sehun fingers tighten around mine not tight but steady. he was holding himself back as much as he could

you: I am in love with you, and I want you more than anything else in this world

love is not a word i would usually use it feels so final a declaration from which their is no return.

sehun: i love you

he whispers leaning forward bracing his forehead against yours. his eyelashes fluttering against your skin

you: promise me. promise me you wont leave. promise you wont hurt me. Promise you wont undo everything I have fought for so hard

his low sigh washes across your face

sehun: i promise y/n. I promise to only live for you i promise to protect you with my life from anyone who wishes to hurt you. I promise that you are mine and i am yours. You are all I need you are so perfect you are the one I adore i just cant control myself anymore what you do to me. I am a mess without you

you could see him holding back

you: never again

you reach up and kiss his lips and he wastes no time returning the kiss.

sehun: lets get out of here so I can show you how much you mean

he grabs your hand and you let him pull you through the busy office. everyone's eyes on you making you flush at the attention but it wasn't bad they were all smiling and cheering. making way to the parking lot he pushed you against his car kissing you again this time more needy

you: sehun we are still in public and this is not a message i want attached to us announcing are relationship

sehun: i just cant help myself i have waited 2 years

you: i know so have i lets just get to my place first

he smirked giving you a quick peck before opening the door for you.

sehun: so where is your place

you: not that far

he smiled starting the car up and racing to your house like a madman. The next few weeks flew by like nothing. You were the happiest you have ever been. Your day off you woke early sehun still sleeping out cold next to you. smiling you get up slipping on your pajamas that found there way to the floor again last night. walking into the kitchen you walked onto your back porch and into the wet grass. It felt cold yet calming under your bare feet. you sat watching clouds form overhead

sehun: aren't you cold

he walked out wrapping his hands around you

you: i dont mind the cold

sehun: i do i hate it

he shivered

sehun: we should go back

he mutters on the top of your head. the beating of his heart echoed in your ear keeping you from agreeing it was erratic compared to his calm voice

you: should we

you whisper the rain that began to fall drowning out everything else as you turned in his arms looking into his eyes. in the next moment his lips were on your hastily and hungrily. Your shirt was the first thing to go landing in the mud. Taking his off you tossed it in the mud to make it even he laughed at your childishness. the rain pelted down in fat droplets each one colder than the last running down your nose, spine, and arms wrapped around his neck. His fingers slide down your back his warmth combating the cold shivers you do the same across his abs. He lets out a shiver not from the cold but your nails scraping along his sides. Sehun responds with his teeth grazing your jaw before finding your ear. shutting your eyes unable to do anything but feel. every sensation like a firework threatening to just full out explode. running your fingers through his hair you pull him closer and closer until he couldn't get any closer yet you still pulled.

you: have you ever done it outside before

he tips his head back and you almost whine out of protest of his warmth leaving you

sehun: no

he whispered directly on your lips making you bite them. His dark lashes drip with rain and his jaw tightens. Throwing away the rest of your clothes sets in the best ride of your life. After the years of suffering with jungkook fulling giving yourself to someone was an exhilarating feeling having no fear of just giving your body to someone you love even in the mud.