Questions and World Info

There were a lot of questions about the world and the mechanisms within it revolving around things like monsters, summons, economy, and other things. I wanted to make a chapter addressing these as best I can or giving my reason for the things being what they are currently. You can skip if you're not too interested in the specifics of the world and how things work.

I'm always open to suggestions if you can think of a better method for any of these things. This isn't the scheduled chapter, but I couldn't sleep and figured I'd address some of these things while I'm thinking about them. Honestly, a lot of these little details about the world are made up as I go along, I try and figure out something that would realistically make sense and figure out how to incorporate it into the story. Sometimes I just arbitrarily decide to make something with no real basis, but only when there's no basis for why it can't be like that either. Haha


Monsters are creations of the deity and exist within a mirror plane to the new Pangea-like continent. They are normal creatures, although most are predatory and act with a sense of self-preservation. They have a natural dislike of humans and will attack them if given a chance, the weaker ones that sense the presence of stronger summons will avoid attacking, although there are always stupidly brave or aggressive ones.

Aside from some cooperating with their own species, all monsters prey not only on humans but on each other. This behavior has created the development of different tiered areas based on the average strength of monsters within an area. The more powerful monsters will live within the center and the weakest will be on the outskirts, the weaker ones have a much greater population to make up for their weak strength and ensures the species survival.

During monster breaks, the monsters act much differently. They possess the drive to annihilate humanity when the break starts and only ends after 6 hours have passed and the bell on top of the gate rings once more. They have no sense of preservation and charge without hesitation to their death during this period.

The stronger monsters stay towards the back of the pack while the weaker and more numerous ones charge first and wear down the humans. The monsters don't lose their intelligence, they just have an overwhelming urge to kill humans. This is the only time monsters can pass through the gate, which is their ultimate goal as they want to kill the massive amount of humans within the city on the other plane.

There are 5 tiers of monsters, and each tier shows a certain level of evolution. It isn't necessarily reflective of actual strength, which I think makes it more realistic.

Tier 1- variations of common animals, normal-sized with slight changes. The weakest monsters and are usually food and cannon fodder, although they are still dangerous and can easily kill a defenseless non-summoner human. Non-summoners don't have any of the abilities and attributes gained from having their summons evolve, this boost allows summoners to survive if not fight tier 1's.

Tier 2- advanced animals, larger animals that have evolved into a new creature still resembling the animal they used to be.

Tier 3- Actual monsters, these are just the common ones though. But these creatures belong in books and stories rather than variations of existing animals. Always stronger than tier 1, many would be required to take one down. Stronger than most tier 2's, but some can take down strong tier 3's by themselves. The power difference between tier 2 and 3 is small enough that tier won't really determine the outcome of a fight, rather the type of monster and the tactics used in battle will determine the victor.

Tier 4- Rare monsters, these are more powerful monsters and aren't as common. They aren't always stronger than powerful tier 3 monsters, and can usually be taken on with two tier 3 monsters working together against one.

Tier 5- Legendary/Named monsters, this is the final evolutionary stage for any monster and are the most powerful type of monsters. A single tier 4 will never beat a tier 5, there is a qualitative leap between tier 4 and 5.


Variants are monsters that have a genetic mutation compared to their normal counterparts, this can give them specific attributes and features. Most, but not all mutations can make the monster stronger or have a unique skill set that allows them to survive easier. They are uncommon, but not especially hard to find, the odds of one being created are 1 in 10. Actually useful variants are much harder to find, about 1 in 100. While some mutations might be advantageous, only a few give a distinct advantage that raises them above their common species.

They are sought after by summoners for their evolutionary potential along with their greater ability. These mutations give unique evolutionary routes for the summons to follow, and their mutation is often at the forefront of the reason behind their new species or variant of.


Summons are just monsters that have been killed by a summoner and then bonded with that summoner through a blood contract. They are in an inert form of their core until mental energy is infused into them to create a link which summons out the summon to fight or follow the commands of their summoner.

They still have their own personality and free-will, they are just more inclined to listen to their summoner. If they are mistreated then they can rebel or refuse to be summoned at all.

What happens when a summon dies, and what are the repercussions of their resurrection-

Summons are already dead as a result of the process to convert one from a monster into a summon, and those that die can be resurrected once more. The cost of resurrecting one is the loss of any increase towards evolution from the last evolution. This will also increase resentment towards the summoner, and if they continue to die or are used as shields for the summoner they may eventually revolt and either not listen to the summoner or refuse to even be summoned.

What happens when a summoner dies-

When a summoner dies his summons die with him as they already died once and are only resurrected thanks to the summoner. Any summons out with the summoner when they die, leave their body and core to be gathered. Summons still in core form will only leave their core behind. There are no stray summons, and you can't get another's summon as your own by killing them.


Evolution works through a mixture of battle experience, cores fed to them, and stimulating battles. Battle experience encourages growth both physically and combat wise. Cores fed to summons either shore up similar genetic data to help provide the genetic basis for evolving. A stimulating battle is needed to break the wall of evolution and transform into another type of creature. These 3 main factors are required for evolution, but many summoners focus on different ratios of the three when a balance between the 3 will serve to make evolutions occur quicker.

The reason for cores of a similar type being necessary to evolve is that genes gathered from the cores are shored up in preparation for evolving. Cores from a stronger monster than the summon will not only provide more genes, but will also shift their evolutionary direction more towards that monster. This isn't absolute, but happens more often than not.

There is a wall between the third tier and the fourth, getting any summon to the third tier is usually fairly achievable, but getting to the fourth tier is much harder. Genetic limits are what determine whether they can easily cross the threshold or not, weaker monsters usually have weaker potential.

Each summon has a limited amount of evolutionary potential decided by what the summon inherently possesses and is also affected by the method in which evolutions are induced. Forceful evolutions like most summoners do, will decrease their genetic potential. Forceful methods would be feeding them cores all at once or making them fight with their life on the line while they aren't fully developed.

Thomas has the ideal method for evolution, even if he doesn't yet know it. He feeds them cores regularly without overfilling them which allows the summons to digest and incorporate the genes from the cores. He has them fight often to gain battle experience, and he also gives them a difficult opponent to overcome in order to start the evolutionary process.

Summons that overcome their challenging opponent will instinctually desire the core from the monster they defeated to begin the transformation. These final cores before transformation usually will affect their evolution in some way, either with physical changes similar to the monster or with certain abilities gained during evolution that are influenced by the monster.

What Summoners gain from the evolution of their summons and what factors affect it-

When a summon evolves, the summoner gains a portion of their attributes and potentially a skill or ability that the summon possesses. These skills and abilities will be a weaker version of the one the summon has, just like how the attributes will only slightly increase the physical parameters of the summoner. Having multiple summons evolve won't make your body go up in equivalent tier strength, but it is possible through multiple evolutions to go up a tier. Each tier becomes significantly harder to progress to for the summoner, and it is unlikely they will ever be able to match tier 5's. This increase in strength is meant to allow summoners to survive while their summons fight for them. Having a better relationship with their summon and helping them grow optimally will allow for more to be transferred over to the summoner.


Summoners are people who have taken the profession of being a summoner consisting of fighting monsters and taking requests for specific materials amongst other things. To be one, they must register with the Summoner Association, once registered they can take requests and sell monster parts. Those that refuse to sign up can still go through the gate, but monster bodies won't be bought and they won't be able to buy anything from shops or people affiliated with the association. Everyone can technically summon something as a result of gaining a summon upon becoming an adult or receiving one during the start of the new era, but not all are useful and sometimes people don't want to be a summoner.

How does summoning work-

Summoning works by infusing mental energy into a core to start the summoning process. The energy allows the summon to change into their actual body from their core form. Each summon requires a certain amount of mental energy to remain summoned and establish and maintain the link between summon and summoner to relay orders and intention. Smarter, obedient, and loyal summons require less energy to maintain their summoned state. More summons requires more energy, and the amount required is multiplied rather than added as it is harder to focus on more than one thing. Eventually, summoners can become mentally exhausted and can even faint from the exertion, but the amount of energy can be increased or used more efficiently from regular use.


This is what I have written about the economic system-

• Tier 1 core is worth 1 credit, common corpse sells for 3 credits

• Tier 2 core is worth 10 credits, common corpse sells for 25 credits

• Tier 3 core is worth 25 credits, common corpse sells for 70 credits

• Tier 4 core is worth 100 credits, common corpse sells for 250 credits

• Tier 5 core is worth 1,000 credits, common corpse sells for 5,000 credits

• Variant cores can increase the worth depending on the traits of the monster, can cost up to the price of the next core tier.

o 1 credit can pay for a complete meal

o A complete set of new clothes cost around 5 credits

o Expanding the space within the storage watch costs 25 credits per cubic meter. Everyone starts off with 5 cubic meters. 1 cubic meter is usually enough to store 6 small monsters, 3 medium-sized monsters, or 1 large-sized monster

o Items like weapons and armor cost around 3 times what the core cost from the monster, higher the tier of the materials the more expensive. Price is down to the cost of the core is the materials are provided by the summoner.

o Rent for a normal apartment cost around 25 credits per month, the price increases dramatically the closer to the center of the city you get, with apartments closest to the gate costing around 10,000 credits a month

o The corpse of monsters not including the core can cost as much if not more than the core due to its multiple uses like hide for armor and clothes, meat for food, organs and parts for medicine/potions, and bones for materials for building and armor/weapons. Usually sold wholesale to the Monster Summoner Association, with variant or strong monsters being sold at the auction.


Society was hectic and borderline anarchic at the beginning with no real form of government existing and no one knowing what is going on. The summoning association was formed in place of government as summoning became the most integral part of society. They monitored and regulated everything into some semblance of order after nearly a year. Each city is divided into sections corresponding with a compass, and each section has districts. The district closest to the gate is the inner district. The middle one is called the intermediary district, and the farthest one is called the outer district. The rich live in the inner district, and is made up mostly of strong summoners and wealthy merchants involved in summoning equipment. The outer district is where everything is the cheapest and is where most civilians live.

Strength is what matters in this era, and as long as no serious crimes are committed within the city then there is no real problem with what one does. Only crimes within the city are policed, but usually, those too young to have a summon are not messed with as there will be a bounty put up against the person who harms a minor. Once you are no longer a minor is when you must become strong to protect yourself.

There are summoner schools within each city consisting of minors learning how to survive in the wild, how to use weapons and fight bare-handed, studying monsters and their physiology, amongst other things all in preparation to use them to bolster the ranks of summoners defending the city from the monster breaks.

People are doing their best to survive in this apocalyptic era and are willing to do things like eat humanoid monster meat and other things as a result of their conditioning from the war and then the chaos of the start of the summoning era.


Most electronics were gotten rid of during the creation of the summoning era, or were made obsolete by the watchers provided to everyone. Anything with tactical value was gotten rid of, including vehicles, and especially weapons. One of the few things remaining is television and movies, after all, humans are dangerous when bored. Computer screens and watch scanning terminals are used in the core exchange building, summoner association, and at the gate entrance amongst other places. The watches can call or text, and are used as debit cards linked directly to their accounts, but serve no other function. There isn't much else available aside from some computers for research purposes, people are meant to be working to survive so most entertainment and other convenience electronics were gotten rid of. Just assume there is little tech available aside from some basic necessities where they are required in order to be efficient.